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is the sum total of ways in which an

individual reacts and interacts with others. It is
defined as the relatively enduring patterns of thought,
feeling and behavior.
V It generally implies to all what is unique about an
V The characteristics that makes one stand out in a
V ersonality is the sum total of individualǯs
psychological traits, characteristics, motives, habits,
attitudes, beliefs and outlooks.
V 6 
 refers to factors that were determined at
V hysical structure, facial attractiveness, gender,
temperament, muscle composition and reflexes,
energy level, and biological rhythms.
V Characteristics that influenced by your parents -
biological, physiological and psychological.
V    factors that exert pressures on our
personality formation, the norms among our family,
friends and social groups, and other influences that we
V The environment plays a significant role in shaping
our personalities.
V © influences the effects of heredity and
environment on personality.
V An individualǯs personality does change in different
V The different situation calls for different aspects of
oneǯs personality.
V means putting positive believes/ information into the
store with out the knowledge of the watchman
(conscious mind).
V Auto-suggestions are the conscious way to program
the subconscious mind for positive traits. It is the
effective method of voluntary development of positive
traits and attitudes.
V Auto-suggestion mixed with emotions (giving feeling)
and mixed with faith to translate themselves into
physical or real equivalent.
V rotesting or denying the negative traits at its very
beginning of the entering in the subconscious store.
V In real life situation it is very difficult because it may
lead to confrontation and argument or Inaction.
V îhile watching a picture we anchor the Hero, placing
ourselves in place of hero. Similarly we can anchor
Great men in imagination and let them shape our
V P     comprising of
great personalities of your choice.

V Example:
V 3    
V ersonality traits control our body language.
V we can change our negative traits towards positive
traits by consciously practicing the body language for
positive traits.
V Environment is the driving force in shaping the
V îhen one direct contact with great personalities will
enriches his own to be the one.
V Two basic drives: sex and aggression.
V He referred to these as Eros (love) and Thanatos.
V Eros - represents the life instinct, sex being the major
driving force.
V Thanatos - represents the death instinct allowed the
human race to both procreate and eliminate its
V mind as only having a fixed amount of psychic energy
(libido). The outcome of the interaction between the
id, ego and the superego, (each contending for as
much libidinal energy as possible) determines our
adult personality.
ersonality had three parts
1. Id
3. super-ego.
V The ego, having a difficult time trying to satisfy both the
needs of the id and the superego, employs defense
V Repression is perhaps the most powerful of these.
V Repression is the act by which unacceptable id impulses
(most of which are sexually related) are "pushed" out of
awareness and into the unconscious mind.
V Another example of a defense mechanism is projection.
This is the mechanism that Freud used to explain Little
Hans' complex. Little Hans is said to have projected his fear
for his father onto horses, which is why he was afraid of
V begins at birth
V mouth is the primary source of libidinal energy.
V A child who is frustrated at this stage may develop an
adult personality that is characterised by pessimism,
envy and suspicion.
V The overindulged child may develop to be optimistic,
gullible, and full of admiration for others.
V pleasure is on eliminating and retaining feces.
V If the parents are too relaxed in this conflict -
formation of an anal expulsive character (disorganized,
reckless and defiant).
V If a child may opt to retain feces - may develop into an
anal retentive character (neat, stingy and obstinate).
V boys develop unconscious desires for their mother and
become rivals with their father for her affection.
V castration anxiety - fear that their father will punish
them for these feelings
V identify with him rather than fight him.
V Oedipus complex - boy develops masculine
characteristics and inhibit his sexual feelings towards
his mother.
V Electra complex - girls go through a similar process
V not a psychosexual development.
V stage when sexual drives lie inactive.
V period of unparalleled suppression of sexual desires
and erogenous impulses.
V Questions gender differences.
V begins at puberty
V sexual urges are once again awakened.
V Interest now turns to heterosexual relationships.
1. Accept Responsibility.
2. Show consideration.
3. Think îin-îin.
4. Choose your words carefully.
5. Never Criticize, Complain and Condemn.
6. Smile and Be Kind.
7. ut ositive interpretation on other peopleǯs
ÿ. Be a Good Listener.
9. Be Enthusiastic.
10. Give honest and Sincere Appreciation.
11. îhen you make a mistake, accept it and make it easy
to amend.
12. Discuss but donǯt argue.
13. Donǯt Gossip.
14. Turn your promises into commitment.
15. Be grateful but do not expect gratitude.
16. Be dependable and practice loyalty.
17. Avoid bearing grudges.
1ÿ. ractice honesty, Integrity and Sincerity.
19. ractice Humility.
20. Be understanding and Caring.
21. ractice courtesy on daily basis.
22. Develop a sense of humor.
23. Donǯt be sarcastic and put others down.
24. To have a friend be a Friend.
25. Show Empathy.

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