Orientation IN English Class: Ms. Myra Aala Domingo, LPT

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Ms. Myra Aala Domingo, LPT
• Demonstrate fluency in English
• Conduct comparative analysis
•Exercise creativity and analytical skills
• Effectively use language proficiency
• Exhibit responsible journalism
• Produce academic paper coherent to
intellectual rights and research ethics
1. Grading System
2. Department SOPs
1. Library/Research
2. Practical Spoken English
3. Remedial/Enrichment
3. Academic SOPs
3. Schedule and submission of Project
4. Standard OUTPUT Requirements
5. Class participation rating
6. Test/quizzes schedule
7. Follow-up
8. Summerian and Remedialist
1.Do you believe that
your own abilities
specifically in
English cannot be
2. Do you believe
that your own
abilities specifically in
English can be
3. Are you thinking
that the same
person/ people in
your class will
4. Your speaking
skills and writing
skills in English
never change
through time
5. Your goal is to
look smart all the
time and never
look dumb.
1.Do you believe that your own abilities
specifically in English cannot be
2.Do you believe that your own abilities
specifically in English can be developed?
3.Are you thinking that the same person/
people in your class will excel?
4.Your speaking skills and writing skills in
English never change through time
5.Your goal is to look smart all the time and
never look dumb
Grading System
•UT 30%
•PT 20%
•Performance Task and Occasional
Paper 40%
Unit Test Day –DAY 1
Performance Task
Performance Task
•A performance task is a goal-
directed assessment exercise. It
consists of an activity or
assignment that is completed by
the student and then judged by
the teacher or other evaluator on
the basis of specific performance
Academic SOPs
1. Project will be announced in the first day
of the meeting in each term.
2. Final draft of the project for the particular
term must be submitted a week before
the exam.
3. Late project will be accepted for
clearance purposes only which means a
“zero score” will be given for the late
Academic SOPs
4. A pre-test is conducted to test
student’s knowledge on the topic.
5. A worksheet is given to provide
student an advance study for the
topic therefore it must be
accomplished before submission.
Output requirements:
1. All written projects must be written
in cursive.
2. Down loaded assignments straight
from the internet are not allowed
3. Project and assignments must follow
guidelines and format discussed in
the class
4. No Materials, No output policy is
strictly implemented to encourage
the sense of responsibility
No special quizzes and
periodical test will be given
even if absence is considered
officially excused by
the principal.
English is the official
language of instruction
therefore all students are
required to speak in English
during reporting, group
discussion and recitation.
Group discussion and
outputs can be evaluated by
the members of the group
according to a 5 pt. scale
which means 5 is the highest
and 1 is the lowest
Assignments are
submitted on the day
intended for
submission. Otherwise
rescheduled by the
A student got a grade of
77% below is required to
take remedial class before
he or she can enrol for
the next school year.
•All projects should be written in
•Down loaded assignments
straight from the internet are
not allowed
• Theme writing, reaction paper,
essay and the like are required
original and not copied from the
internet, magazine, book,
newspaper etc…
•Three (3) consecutive failed UT
score must be followed up
through the written remark on
the planner
•PT and UT scores are written on
the planner
•PT and UT of the student can be
presented to the parents upon
request of through a conference
•Photocopy is strictly prohibited
Lesson structure

1. Presentation of objective/EQ
2. Word/Phrase/Idiom of the day
3. Motivation
4. Activity/ Lesson proper
5. Closure

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