Department of Mechanical Engineering: Major Project Phase 1

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Department Of Mechanical Engineering

Major Project Phase 1

Name Of Students

Santosh Deshpande D-05

Saurabh Yadav D-07 Suraj Naik D-17
Jayesh Joshi D-61 Rajesh Khurade D-43

Name Of Project Guide

Dr. D.S Deshmukh
Project Topic No 1
Project Topic Name:- Design & Fabrication Of Foot Step Power Generation.

Basic Area:- Electrical Energy sources

Introduction & Current Scenario:-

 Here we propose the design and fabrication of a footstep power generator

system. Apart from solar and wind energy systems which rely on external
factors like rain and sun, footstep power generator does not rely on any such
factors and is a source of renewable energy free of cost and generated through
human motion

 This system can prove very effective in crowded public places like railway
stations as a source to generate renewable power free of cost. Multiple footstep
power generators at such places can be used to increase the yield of power
generated. Our proposed system uses rack and pinion arrangement along with
gears and spring based arrangement to generate power from footsteps. The
system allows for an efficient power generator medium
Problem Identification
 We use a rack to transfer power from human footsteps to a gear attached to
a shaft, the power is then transferred to another gear through a gear based
arrangement. Now we attach a generator motor/dynamo to another gear in
order to run the dynamo and generate electricity. We now use a multimeter
to measure the voltage generated.

 With further demand for energy, man began to use the wind for sailing
ships and for driving windmills, and the force of falling water to turn water
for sailing ships and for driving windmills, and the force of falling water to
turn water wheels. Till this time, it would not be wrong to say that the sun
was supplying all the energy needs of man either directly or indirectly and
that man was using only renewable sources of energy
Need Of Project

 Praposal for the utilization of waste energy of foot power with

human locomotive is very much relevant and important for highly
populated countries like China & India where loads, railway stations
& bus stands.
 This whole human being wasted if can be made made for possible
for it will be great invention and crowed energy farm will very
 Tha electric energy generated as such farms will be useful for near
by applications
 Man has needed and used energy at an increasing rate for his
sustenance and well being ever since he came on the earth a
few million years ago. Primitive man required energy
primarily in the form of food

 He derived this by eating plants or animals, which he

hunted. Subsequently he discovered fire and his energy
needs increased as he started to make use of wood and other
bio mass to supply the energy needs for cooking as well as for
keepinghimself warm

 With the passage of time, man started to cultivate land for

agriculture. He added a new dimension to the use of energy
by domesticating andtraining animals to work for him
Aim & Objective

 Create an environment for useful energy sources.

 Generation of electricity.
 Maximize the amount of energy sources.
 Make a way to run people.
 Saving the cost of other electrical signs
Tentative Design
Innovation & Novelty

 Saving outcome sources of generation.

 Power generation simply walking on steps
 Also generate by using running
 No need fuel input.
 Battery just for storing electricity.
Applicability Of Project

 In car parking.
 In air ports.
 In bus stands
 In school &
 Electrical
 Railway station
 Speed breakers
General Nomenclature

 1] VITA (1975): "Application of Human Muscle Power

in Underdeveloped Countries" published Volunteers
for International Technical Assistance, Maryland USA Deep River Chapter
 Khurmi R.S., Gupta J.K. (2005): A Textbook of
Machine Design, Fourteenth Edition, ERASIA
PubliTuzson J.(2000) “Centrifugal Pump Design”
 John Wiley and Sons. New Jersey, Unitedshing House
(PVT) LTD. Ram Delhi.

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