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Ateneo de Zamboanga University


A Qualitative Study on How the School

Administration Addresses the Problem
on Mental Health Among Senior High
School Students

Amiruddin, Algenne Marhee and

Sapitula, Myca Dane, 2018
Background of the Study
• Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-
being (Adelman and Taylor, 1999).

• There is a direct link between education and mental health integration

in which learning will be advanced when the goal of mental health
includes effective schooling and the goal of effective schools includes the
healthy functioning of students (Reinke and Stormont, 2011).

• A new reform was proposed that involves the acknowledgement of new

set of priorities for schools in terms of handling students to address the
issue of mental health (Atkins, 2010).
Significance of the Study
• This study will provide a baseline regarding the mental health services
that is being delivered in Ateneo de Zamboanga University Senior High
School to the student body of the said unit.

• This will possibly help improve the quality of mental state of each
AdZU SHS student.

• The services of the unit may be improved through this study.

Statement of the Problem
This research paper aims to answer the following questions:

1. How does the Senior High School Administration address the

problem on mental health among the Senior High School

2. If a student is diagnosed with a mental health problem, should the

school consider these students with special education needs?

3. What kind of services should the school offer for students with
mental health problems?
Research Design
• The paper utilizes a descriptive qualitative research.

• A method of observation to gather non-numerical data that are significant to

the study.
Research Locale and
• Ateneo de Zamboanga University Senior High School

• The respondents are Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of the said institution.
Sampling Technique
• Purposeful sampling will be used.
Data Collection and Procedure
The technique of collecting data is through a survey. In order to conduct a survey, the
researcher must go through the steps as follows:

1. Make a survey questionnaire for the respondents and have it approved

by the teacher and the school administration.

2. Make a letter for the respondents to read so that they understand fully
the said research before participating and have them sign a waiver for
documentary purposes.

3. Collect answered survey questionnaires for coding and data analysis.

Data Analysis
In doing the data analysis, the researcher must go through the steps as follows:

1. Classifying the data per year level which is Grade 11 and Grade 12.

2. Analyzing the data by categorizing the answers of the respondents in the

questionnaire through charts and/or interpretations.

3. Drawing conclusion and suggestion based on the data analysis.

• Adelman, H. S., & Taylor, L. (1999). Mental health in schools and system
restructuring. Clinical Psychology Review, 19(2), 137-163.

• Atkins, M. S., Hoagwood, K. E., Kutash, K., & Seidman, E. (2010). Toward the
integration of education and mental health in schools. Administration and
Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Retrieved

• Jahoda, M. (1958). Joint commission on mental health and illness monograph

series: Vol. 1. Current concepts of positive mental health. New York, NY,
US: Basic Books.

• Reinke, W. M., Stormont, M., (2011). Supporting children's mental health in

schools: Teacher perceptions of needs, roles, and barriers. School
Psychology Quarterly, 26(1), 1.

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