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Understanding basics and Applying Statistics In

 What is Statistics ?

Why we need statistics?

 Type of data.

Types of statistical analysis.

Types of variations and their effect.

Experimental data and surveyed data.

Interpretation of data.

Use of statistics in various fields.

 What is Statistics ?

 Data is a codified information.

 Numerical data preferred .

Statistics involves collecting, classifying ,summarizing,

organising ,analyzing and interpreting numerical data.

Numbers are assigned to subject are continues( variable)

Or discrete ( whole numbers).

Data of two types Variable and attribute.

Variable data has continuity.

 What is Use of Statistics ?

 Only data has no meaning.( codified information).

Codified data is deciphered by using statistical


 De codified information leads to analysis and


Interpretation adds knowledge about the subject.

 What is Statistics ?

 Data is a codified information.

 Numerical data preferred .

Statistics involves collecting, classifying ,summarizing,

organising ,analyzing and interpreting numerical data.

Numbers are assigned to subject are continues( variable)

Or discrete ( whole numbers).

Data of two types Variable and attribute.

Variable data has continuity.

 Why we need Statistics ?

 Statistics plays vital role

Descriptive statistics present summarized data.

Inferential statistics predict the prospective data.

Interpretation is always based on data.

It can be prospective or retrospective.

Quality of data is key.

Statistics is invariably used to make decision or draw

 Why we need Statistics ?

 Descriptive statistics utilize numerical and graphical

methods to visualize pattern in data set. Its main objective
to describe data set and present in convenient form to
make decisions. In numerical form as Mean, Mode,
Dispersion and graphical form as histogram, pie chart
,graph etc.

Inferential statistics utilizes the sample data make

estimate, predictions and decisions based on them.
Generalization about larger data ( population). It is used
for concluding the hypothesis.
Type of data ?

 Collection of data is a first step.

Two types of Data Quantitative Qualitative.

Quantitative data is called variable data

Qualitative data is called categorical data

Variable Quantitative Qualitative

Distance 200 meters
Temperature 35 Fahrenheit
Gender Male / Female
Rank 25 th
Scales used for measuring Quantitative and Qualitative data

Nominal Scale
classification by name
 Numbers are obtained for this type of data through counting the
frequency or percentages of objects or events in each of the
categories .e.g. ( gender, religious affiliation, marital status, and
political party membership )

 The nominal level of measurement is considered the

lowest level of the measurement levels

Ordinal Scale

Numbers are obtained form this measurement process indicate

the order rather than the exact quantity of variable

 For example, anxiety levels of people in a therapy group

might be categorized as mild, moderate, and severe

Interval scale
Data not only can be placed in categories and ranked but also the
distance between the ranks can be specified.

 The categories in Interval data are the actual numbers on the scale
(such as on a thermometer)

Ratio Scale

Data collected at the ratio level of measurement are considered

the 'highest' level of data. Ratio level of measurement includes
data that can be categorized and ranked; in addition, the
distance between ranks can be specified, and a 'true' or natural
zero point can be identified.

• Data can always be converted from one level to a lower level of

measurement, but not to a higher level.

• Interval and ratio data can be converted to ordinal or nominal data,

and ordinal data can be converted to nominal data

• If the researcher is very concerned about the precision of the data, the
interval or ratio level of measurement should be selected when

• If ranked or categorized data will be sufficient to answer the research

questions or test the research hypotheses, ordinal data may be used.
• Data collection an important first step
• There are five important questions to be asked when the researcher is
in the process of collecting data:

• What?
• How?
• Who?
• Where?
• When?
The reliability of the collected data depends on
Training , Appropriate instrument with list error , it should have
repeatability reproducibility stability linearity over a range and proper
Observed value = True value + error
Source of Errors
• Environmental conditions during data collection process , such as temperature,
noise levels and lighting.

• Temporary subject characteristics during the data collection process as anxiety

levels , hunger tiredness influencing responses this called transitory personal

As measurements will be translated into data. Data collection is first step.

There are two types of research methods

1. Experimental case control , Design of Experiment ( Random trial)

2. Observational. Cohort longitudinal , cross sectional.

Primary and Secondary data
For Experimental studies the data collection is limited .
Proper design with number of samples appropriate for reducing type I
and Type II errors . Sampling method to have randomisation effect and
avoid bias effect.

Experimental studies are more efficient and accurate.

The success of study depends on sampling technique and adequate

1. Random sample
2. Stratified sample
3. Quota sample.

Assumption Sample is random and not biased.

Measurement error is minimal .
Sample represent population .
Variations like between, within and temporal are minimal.
Statistical experiment is an act or process of observation that leads to
single out come having some uncertainty.

In an experiment we test the Hypothesis based on samples.

Sampling statistics is governed by central limit theorem.

Distribution of random sample means is always normal irrespective of

population distribution.

The descriptive measure of population and sample are mean and standard

Random variable are of two types discrete and continues .

Sample descriptive measure is called as sample statistics and estimated

descriptive measure of population is called parameter.

The error between estimated population mean based on sample mean is

called as standard error.

Sample Population
Standard deviation
For decision making or predicting there are two methods

1. Based on sample estimate the population parameters .

2. Test evidence based on sample for hypothesis .

3. Characteristics are assigned values based on measurements .

4. Measurement has two types of errors random and systematic(bias).

5. Measurement has validity defined by accuracy and precision.

Understanding basics and Applying Statistics In research
What We’ll Discuss Today…

– Shifting Means 23


Understanding basics and Applying Statistics In research
What We’ll Discuss Today…

– Shifting Means 27



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