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Teaching plans for positive learning outcomes

The first step to create positive learning outcomes is to devise a plan with specific
goals and determinations for learning outcomes. A strong teaching plan is student
focused and includes:

•Detailed information that spells out the goals and expectations for the students
•What each student should know and be able to do upon completion of the class
•Measurable assessment tools that gauge learning outcomes
•Class and home assignments that help students clearly understand the subject matter
that is being taught.

Good teachers know that a teaching plan is not a solo activity. A good leadership
assessment curriculum is best when several opinions and teaching styles are
discussed. Communicating with other teachers during the planning process helps to
determine ways to introduce concepts that are most likely to be understood and
followed by each student.
Learning styles and student development

Every teacher should take into account that no two students learn the same way.
Each plan must have room for revision that adapts to the learning styles of the
individuals being taught.
“A well-thought out course eliminates confusion and helps you and your students
focus on what matters most.” While this is a difficult task, it is nonetheless important to
learning outcomes.
Learning styles include visual, verbal, listening, kinesthetic, logical and social
learners. Including activities that cater to each learning style will help students retain the
information taught.
There are ways to incorporate several teaching styles at one time. For example, for
the visual learner it is important to visually convey what is being taught, so graphs,
maps, charts and notes on a whiteboard during the lecture will ensure that their
attention is held along with the listening learners.
Good student development and learning outcomes should include student feedback.
During the planning process and throughout the course, it is important to include the
students in the learning process by asking what they expect to get out of the course and
the best way to help them understand the material. By including the students, it fosters
an atmosphere of trust and shows that you are there for them and you care about each
individual student’s ability to learn and retain the subject matter.
Assessment Tools

•Assessment tools should be put into place to determine if learning outcomes are
being met. Assessment tools can be the test of assignments given. Based on grades
and the ability to understand the assignments given, the teacher can determine if
each student understands the course material. In addition, the teacher can gauge
student response. Are students open minded and expressing enthusiasm for
knowledge, are they exhibiting a diligence to tackle the subject matter and integrate
good work habits? Are the students open to new thoughts and concepts and are they
able to change their way of thinking and reach realistic goals?
•If learning outcomes are not met, teachers must be able to adapt and change the
teaching plan. If an individual student is having difficulty, the plan must include ways
to get them help through further instruction or tutoring. If there seems to be a
collective confusion about the course then a new plan must be devised, a plan that is
clear and helps to foster a strong learning ethic among the students.
•Positive learning outcomes are what teaching is about. Good teachers want to
ensure that each student walks away from their course with a strong understanding of
the materials taught and the confidence that each student will retain that information
throughout their lives and careers. A strong leadership curriculum, teaching plan, and
the ability to adapt to each student’s needs are evidence of a strong instructor.

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