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UG Program In Chemical Engineering(R)

Process Industry II

Lecture –on Alcohol and beverage

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• Process: is a method of • Fermentation: experiencing a
doing/making sthing, specially in chemical change because of the
industry. action of yeast or bacteria, often
• It is a treatment of raw materials changing sugar to alcohol. The
to change, preserve…which science of fermentation is known
requires a series of operations. as zymology.

• Industry: refers to production of • Technology: a scientific

good from raw materials.(ex. In knowledge used in practical ways
factories) in industry.
Ex. beer production
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• Beverages are portable • Stimulation results in increase of the
heartbeat and blood pressure. This
drinks, which have thirst- is due to the intake of spirits or tea
quenching, refreshing, and coffee. Nourishment is provided
stimulating and nourishing by the nutrients in the beverages.
qualities. By refreshing one • Most of the beverage supply energy
means the replenishment is in the form of sugar or alcohol.

of fluid loss from the body They also provide other nutrients like
mineral salts and vitamins. Ex. Milk-
due to perspiration. calcium, fruit juice-vitamin C

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Alcoholic : alcoholic beverage
• Alcoholic is an odorless liquid obtained • Any beverage containing 0.55 of
through the fermentation of a sugar alcohol by volume to 76% alcohol
containing liquid. There are many by
volume is considered to be an
of the alcoholic family, but ethanol is the
alcoholic beverage.
one which concerns us the most as it is
the Those with higher than 76%alcohol
principal alcohol to be found in all are known as medicines, such as
alcoholic beverages. anaesthetics.
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Classification of Alcoholic
• • Wine: Table,Sparkling, • Spirits:Whisky:Brandy,Ru

Fortified, Aromatised m,Gin,
• Beers -Lager-Ales Vodka
• Cocktails: Shaken, • Liquors :Herbs, Fruits,
Stirred, Blender,Built Up Citrus peels, Nuts, Seeds

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Production of alcoholic
• Fermentation process: Fermentation is the process in
which sugar is converted to alcohol and carbon dioxide by
yeast. This process is the basis for producing all types of
alcoholic beverages. Examples of fermentation drinks are
wine, beer and cider.
• Distillation process: Distillation is a process of
simultaneous evaporation and condensation of liquid or
mixture of liquids to purify them.
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• The starch and
• The term beer is given to non-distilled saccharification enzymes are
alcoholic beverages made from partially
germinated cereal grains, referred to as often derived from malted
malt. They include ales, lagers and stouts, cereal grains; most commonly
which normally contain 3–8% (v/v) ethanol.
• Beer is the world’s most widely consumed
malted barley and malted
alcoholic beverage; it is the third-most wheat. Un malted maize and
popular drink overall, after water and tea. It rice are widely used adjuncts
is thought by some to be the oldest
fermented beverage. Beer is produced by the to lighten the flavor because
saccharification of starch and fermentation of their lower cost.
of the resulting sugar

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• The preparation of beer is called • Contents Of Beer
brewing. Most beer is flavored with 1. Water : 89-91% by weight.
hops, which add bitterness and act
as a natural preservative, though 2. Alcohol : 3-5% by weight (in
exceptional cases, up to 10-12%).
other flavorings such as herbs or
fruit may occasionally be included. 3. Carbohydrates, sugar or dextrin :
3-4% by weight.
• Beer is a portable alcoholic beverage
fermented from malted barley and 4. Protein : 0.4-0.5% by weight.
flavored with hops. The alcoholic 5. Carbon dioxide gas : 0.4-0.5% by
content is between 3% to 5% and is weight.
known to be a very refreshing drink. 6. Minerals, salts : 0.2% by weight.
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Production of Beer
4 main stages:
• Malting
• Mashing & wort preparation
• Yeast fermentation
• Post-fermentation

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Beer brewing process

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The End
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