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Table of Contents

 Introduction
 Problem Statement
 Literature Review
 Tools and Techniques
 Results and Limitations
 Conclusion
 Project Demonstration

Department of Computer Science 1

 It has happened so many times that you have been waiting on railway station for someone to
arrive and you don’t have any exact information about train timing .

 Using this system user’s can get the information about train timing and other information.

 In this, system will track the train timing at what time train departed from a particular station
and pass these timing details to other station’s system where it will display the timing according
to train departed from previous station.

 If system will find any delay in train due to signal it will automatically update the train timing
in next station and will be displayed to viewers.

 In this system there is an admin module, who enters the detail about trains and its timing and
these details will be passed through internet server and is fetched by the system on other
stations, and there is other system that shows train information to the viewers on platform

 For example if an admin at Sahiwal station enter information about okara station Lahore station
system will not be effected, but Karachi system will show the information about train
Problem Statement
 Possessing own transportation has become more common nowadays. The number of vehicles
on the road keep on increasing and most of us are eager to own personal vehicle as we can go
anywhere without limitation.

 In case we are unable to afford personal vehicle, public transportation such as bus, train is the
most convenience options for us to get ourselves to another destination from time to time.

 The main drawback of traveling with train is the inconsistent arrival time which may due to
unexpected circumstances.

 Certainly, the existence of train has reduced road traffic and taking train is a good
starting to teach the car-pooling value.

 Besides, it provides a low-cost transportation which means to the low-income family for
traveling to another destination.

 Traffic train breakdowns accident and day-to- day problems faced by the train company can
delay or completely interrupt train service.
Literature Review
 A literature research with respect to the previously published literature is the initial stage of any
 A series of comprehensive market survey of publications in a specific field of study is conducted
before a suitable problem-solving method is finalized

 It is seen as an essential task as it will ensure that a thorough understanding of a project is gained
and subsequently lays a solid foundation on our future task.

 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) were designed by the United States Government and military,
which the design was intended to be used as investigation

 The GPS was invented as a collaborative effort by the United States‟ Department of Defense and
Dr. Ivan Getting as a means to create a satellite course-plotting system, primarily used for
navigation purposes

 . GPS uses these satellites as reference points to determine and give the accurate geographical
positions on map.

 The scene of vehicle tracking experienced a change with the arrival of GPS technology. This
reduced the dependence on man-power

 . Today each vehicle carries tracking unit which is monitored from the base station. Base station
receives the data from the unit.
Tools and Techniques (Software)
Visual studio 2015
 Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft.
 It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web
applications and web services.
 Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as
well as code refactoring.
 The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger.
DBMS (SQL Server)
 Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) from
Microsoft that's designed for the enterprise environment

 As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving
data as requested by other software applications which may run either on the same computer or
on another computer across a network (including the Internet).
Language: C# (Techniques)
 C# (pronounced "C sharp") is a programming language that is designed for building a variety of
applications that run on the .NET Framework.
 C# is simple, powerful, type-safe, and object-oriented. C# provides an advanced code editor,
convenient user interface designers, integrated debugger, and many other tools to make it easier
to develop applications based on the C# language.
Tools and Techniques (Hardware)
GPS Tracker ST-901
 The GPS Tracker is device the track any type of vehicles and send data back to the owner of
the vehicles. The owner checks every movement of his/her vehicles on the Google map
through GPS Tracker
 Working mode
.If you want to control it by mobile and use SMS only, you can get Google location from you
 SMS Mode: (Default)
• Sample: 7000000
• Reply: SET OK
• When ST-901 receives the command, it will change to SMS mode.
• GPRS Mode:
• Sample: 7100000
• Reply: SET OK
 Get location with Google link
Sample: 6690000

 Get location by phone call

Results and Limitations
I feel very proud after development and implementation of my final project
successfully. Before developing through this project although I have a good
theoretical knowledge of software engineering, being students of computer
science, but it is far away from theory to develop a real life system that
completely fulfill the user requirements. I had a very good interaction with my
internal supervisor, Mehwish Malik. During the development of the project I
have achieved the following benefits.

 Project management and scheduling

 How to interact with the user
 System analysis and data collection
 A good knowledge of system designing and modeling
 Latest tools and technologies
 Testing strategies
 User documentation
 During the modeling phase I learnt
 Rational Rose for UML

 The project is developed keeping in view the research oriented

requirement of a final master project.

 So it may lack some elegance or sophistication but I am very

proud that I have worked in a highly useful environment .

 I have taken the right steps towards the right direction in terms
of where the technology is going nowadays.

During testing and implementation finding a bug and its fixture was totally
new and healthy experience.

One of the very important aspects of the project was how to document our
project properly.

I have learnt new tools Visual Studio, SQL Server which will help me a long
way as I will be starting my careers as IT professional.
Project Demonstration
User Register
User Login
Add Station
Add Train
Add Train Route
Class Diagram
Admin Login
Sign Up

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