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Exhibition on bullying


• The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people

with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to
another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond.
Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults, and
will probably continue if no action is taken.
When did the problem start?
• Since the society itself began, bullying has also existed but the definition as
such in the 90’s
Following measures to prevent harassment:
Be informed and alert: If a teacher observes a
case of bullying in the classroom, they must
intervene immediately to prevent it.
Create positive expectations regarding the
behavior of students and adults:
Teachers and coaches should explicitly remind
students that bullying is unacceptable, and that
such behavior will have corresponding
• Report cases of personal and cyberbullying: It is important that students
inform a trusted parent or adult of any bullying case.
• Don’t respond to harassment with violence: Try not to show anger or cry
because this will cause the aggressor to continue bothering you.

• The prevention and eradication of bullying consists of the commitment to

create a safe environment, in which children can progress socially and
academically without fear.
• With these measures it is intended that the bullying decrease making the
aggressors aware of the damage they cause to their victims.
How is bullying experienced in other countries?

• Bullying in Japan focused on social exclusion.

• Indonesian cyberbullying

• Bullying in Finland
• Have you ever suffered bullying?



• Do you know of any case in which a student has been assaulted or insulted
frequently, or attacked through the networks?



• What do you think would have to happen to solve the problem?

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