Optimization of Cutting Force, Surface Roughness, Material Removal Rate and Temperature in Turning Operation by Using Extended Taguchi Approach and General Linear Model

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Accomplished By: Kunal Das

Rajesh Kundu
Rajdeep Banik
Gaurav Chatterjee
Arka Chatterjee

We would like to express profound gratitude to our guide Shri Abhishek Chandra for his invaluable
support, encouragement, supervision and useful suggestions throughout this thesis preparation. His
moral support and continuous guidance enabled us to complete our thesis successfully.

We are grateful for the cooperation and constant encouragement from our honorable Head of
Department Dr. Bikash Chowdhury. His regular suggestion made our work easy and proficient.

Last, but not the least we extend our sincere thanks to other faculty members of the Department of
for their valuable advice in every stage for successful completion of this Thesis report.
Any machining process, apart from obtaining the accurate dimensions, achieving a good surface
quality is also of utmost importance. A machining process involves many process parameters which
directly or indirectly influence the surface quality of the product. Surface roughness and waviness in
turning process are caused due to various parameters of which feed, speed, depth of cut are important
ones. A precise knowledge of these optimum parameters would facilitate reduce the machining costs
and improve product quality. Extensive study has been conducted in the past to optimize the process
parameters in any machining process to have the best product. Current investigation on turning process
is a Taguchi optimization technique applied on the most effective process parameters i.e. feed, cutting
speed and depth of cut while machining AISI 416 Stainless steel as the work piece with coated
carbide tool. The study aimed at evaluating the best process environment which could simultaneously
satisfy requirements of both quality and as well as productivity with special emphasis on reduction of
Because above written points ensures increase in tool life. The predicted optimal setting
ensured minimization of surface roughness, temperature and cutting forces and maximization of
Material Removal Rate(MRR).
Adjustable Cutting Factors in Turning Operation

 SPEED: Speed always refers to the spindle and the work piece. When it is stated in
revolutions per minute (rpm) it tells their rotating speed. It is simply the product of the
rotating speed times the circumference of the work piece before the cut is started.

 FEED: Feed always refers to the cutting tool, and it is the rate at which the tool
advances along its cutting path expressed (mm/rev).

 DEPTH OF CUT: Depth of cut is practically self explanatory. It is the thickness of the
layer being removed (in a single pass) from the work piece or the distance from the
uncut surface of the work to the cut surface, expressed in mm.

Taguchi Methodology
Taguchi method is developed by doctor Genichi Taguchi , a japanese quality management consultant. The
method explores concept of quadratic quality loss function and uses a statistical measure of performance
called signal-to-Noise (S/N) Ratio. The S/N Ratio takes both the mean and variability into account. The S/N
ratio is the ratio of the mean(signal) to the standard deviation(noise).The ratio depends on the quality
characteristics of the product or process to be optimized. The standard S/N ratio generally used are as
follows:- Nominal is Best(NB), Lower the Better(LB) and Higher the Better(HB).(The optimal setting is the
parameter combination, which has the highest S/N ratio.
Smaller is Better type S/N Ratio for Cutting Forces

Larger the Better type S/N Ratio for MRR

Smaller the Better type S/N Ratio for surface Roughness

Smaller the Better type S/N Ratio for Temperature

Experimentation and Analysis
Cutting Force: The cutting forces place an important characteristics in turning operation
and low cutting forces is always desirable for increasing the tool life hence efficient

By the analysis we did we get the following graphs.


It is clearly indicated that how the cutting forces are depended upon the Spindle Speed,
Feed and DOC. In main effect plot we can see that the S/N Ratio is increasing with increase
in Spindle and DOC. And S/N ratio is maximum when the feed is minimum. So, to
minimize the noise effect of the cutting forces we have to determine the optimized value of
the Spindle Speed, Feed and Depth of Cut. Here we can see that at the speed of 202 RPM
the S/N ratio is maximum and at 0.4 mm of Depth of cut S/N ratio is minimum. For a
higher value of feed which is 0.067 mm/rev here is the optimized value for the maximum
S/N Ratio.
These optimized values can be used for efficient Production Rate and A Higher Tool Life.
Surface Roughness: The S/N ratio for minimum surface roughness coming under
smaller is better characteristics, which can be calculated as logarithmic transformation of
the lost function as shown below.

By the analysis we did we get the following graphs.


To get best Surface Finish we have to minimize the Surface roughness which will
eventually responsible for the betterment of the quality of the product. In mean Plot
the maximum S/N ratio values shows the optimized value of the Cutting Speed,
Feed and depth of cut For the minimum value of Surface roughness. We Can
clearly see that at the Speed of 3000 RPM the S/N ration is maximum which is the
optimized value for the Cutting Speed. An increase in feed we can see that the S/N
ratio is decreasing gradually so the minimum value of the feed which is 150
mm/rev is the optimized value. And for DOC also we should take the minimum
value which is 0.1 mm as the optimized value for DOC for minimum Surface
roughness and better Surface Finish.
Temperature: The S/N ratio for minimum surface roughness coming under smaller is
better characteristics, which can be calculated as logarithmic transformation of the lost
function as shown below.

By the analysis we did we get the following graphs.


Heat generation at the time of turning operation plays an important role in

machining mechanics. It affects both the work piece and cutting tool. We must
have to determine an optimized value for the controllable parameters like Cutting
Speed ,Feed and DOC. In mean plot we can clearly see that how S/N ratio is
varying with different values of the parameters. At a speed of 1000 rpm the S/N
ratio is maximum which indicates the optimized value for the Cutting Speed. In
case of depth of cut and feed rate we can see that the values for maximum S/N
ratio is 600 mm/rev and 0.3 mm respectively which are the optimized value for
minimum heat generation.
Material Removal Rate: The material removal rate plays and important characteristics
in turning operation and a high MRR is always desirable for increasing the productivity
rate. Larger the Better Type S/N Ratio for MRR:

By the analysis we did we get the following graphs.

It is clearly visible that the MRR will be maximum when the Cutting Speed, Feed and
DOC is maximum. But we also have to notice the surface finish and the quality of the
product and of course the desirable tool life.
In mean Plot we can see that the S/N Ratio is maximum when the Value of the
controllable factors like Spindle Speed, Feed and DOC is moderate. So we can Say
that the optimized value of Cutting Speed, Feed and DOC to get maximum MRR with
Best Surface Finish and other above mentioned Parameters are respectively
2000 RPM , 300 mm/Rev and 0.2 mm.

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