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 Layer management in different season is based on
 The environment can be defined as the combination of
external conditions
 Environmental stress causes adverse effects on
performance of poultry.
 in our country there are 3 different seasons namely
 Winter
 Summer
 rainy
 The critical temperature for layers is 20°C. For every
1°C lower than 20°C, the birds require an extra 1.5 g of
feed per day. The most efficient temperatures for layers
are between 20 – 24°C. When temperatures rise above
24°C, shell quality and egg weight will reduce
 Chickens fluff up their feathers to trap in the heat and
stay warm.
 winter require temperature administration in the
poultry house is a critical pre-condition for better
generation and well being of birds and better profit
 Good ventilation in the chicken house is a must in
 Egg production has a tendency to slow down in the
winter because of the reduced hours of natural light.
 Since hens need 14 or more hours of daylight each day
to lay well
 consider hanging a light bulb in the nesting area to
extend the 'light' hours to fourteen
 1.House Management
 2.Ventilation Management
 3.Litter Management
 4.Feeding Management
 5.Water Management
 Introduction of a building as for wind and sun
therefore impact temperature, and light on diverse outer
 An east west arrangement of a rectangular house gives
a greatest increase of sunlight
 Fowls are to be shielded from chilled winds, for this
gunny packs are0 to be hanged at the spots from where
the frosty air enters
 These gunny packs ought
to be hanged down when
daylight goes at night till
the landing of daylight
next morning.
 Getting brooding right is
especially important in
 Fowls discharge a ton of
dampness in their breath
and droppings which
antagonistically influences
well being of fowls
 fowls require a lot of

outside air circling around

the house. For the reason
sliding windows are
valuable as they can be
opened amid day and shut
amid night.
 winter temperatures cause the air entering the house to
fall very quickly to the floor due to the increased weight
of moisture instead of mixing with the warmer air in the
house and falling more slowly.
 As this cold, damp air falls, bedding/litter can start to
“go off” even in the early stages.
 It is therefore crucial to adjust ventilation and heating on
a daily, or even hourly basis, to combat this effect.
 A decent quality litter serves as
an encasing in keeping up
uniform temperature, likewise
ingests dampness and
advances drying.
 Litter gives insurance pad in the
middle of fowl and floor.
 Around 6 inches of litter is
required in houses amid winter
 it is crucial to give the chicken a
lot of sustenance as they require
additional vitality for keeping up
body temperature.
 in winter 3400 Kcal/kg ME and
23% protein is required. Raising
the amino acid levels, even above
recommended levels, will support
better FCR, higher growth rates
 Take less water so far support
of water in the body
 Given to chicken in the wake
of adding boiling hot water
to it, so that the water comes
to ordinary temperature
 Many of immunisations
/anti stress vitamins are
given to poultry through water
 Measures of poultry farm during rainy season:
 Additional 5 meters space around the poultry shed.
 This space should be clean and well kept. It should be
free of grass and brushwood
 Repair any holes in the roof.
 Polythene will need to supply if additional roof is not
provided. It should be noticed that in case of more rain
supply gunny in front and back cover. For big chicken
or poultry gunny will be move when the rain does not
exist so that light and air can enter easily.
 The floor should be repair well and kept dry as long as
possible before leaving chick.
 Meal pot that can be kept dry as far as possible should
be focused specially.
 litter should dry. Dry goods such as( lime powder,
ammonium sulphate) etc.
 able to maintain adequate water drainage
 store enough food for the rainy seasons so
that do not need buying new food on that
time. Otherwise food absorb moisture from
the environment when transport it.
 After purchasing food it should be kept on
wooden platform.
 Platform should be one foot distance from
the floor and the walls
 floor should always dry
 If indoor humidity is high or the water can
enter into the room for a long time and
thus have a serious infection of fungus and
 mould species disposed of alpha toxin such as B1, B2,
G1 and G2. The B1 is the most severe. This will reduce
egg production, delay growth, low food conversion, liver
tumor even death of layer
 The maximum tolerable level is 0.1 ppm for the layer
and 0.05 ppm for broiler poultry.
 Ducks and turkeys are more tolerable than poultry
 In rainy season ponds, rivers, taps even tube wells
water can be infected by rain water through the soil and
the natural ways.
 to get better water you have to filter and precipitancy
for 24 hours long.
 Another way to purify water with chlorine, in this
system 2 gm bleaching powder mixed with 1000 liters
of drinking water. The combination of water should
apply after 3 hours.
 General litter consists of 25 % moisture
 wet litter make environment for microbial growth as
coccidiosis which causes death of poultry.
 To understand the position of litter one hand of litter
with light pressure if the litter is not a balllike shaped
and leave it with at once then it will better status litter
 shake litter at least one in a week
 Faeces make an important role in contamination of
 After a certain period faeces will have to remove from
 Otherwise spray germicide such as Virkon, Melathiyon
 Mosquitoes, flies and other insects increase in
 Bactericidal spray around the shed to keep the system
free of disease.
 Summer season causes number of deleterious effects
on broilers and layers which ultimately reduces
profitability. Summer stress a serious concern for
poultry producers as it directly leads to financial losses
by impaired poultry performance
 In summer outbreaks of gout may be seen in broilers
and layers.
 In heat stressed birds blood flow increases to upper
respiratory tract, skin and abdominal muscles for
relieving heat, however, blood flow to intestinal tract is
decreased. As a result there is reduction in appetite
leading to lower feed intake. Concurrently water intake
is increased resulting in fluid contents in intestinal
tract. This further cause’s diarrhea that results in loss of
electrolytes needed to maintain acid base balance.
 Panting/rapid respiration
 More intake of water
 Reduced appetite.
 Reduction of egg production
 Poor egg shell quality
 Reduced feed efficiency
 Increase in body temperature
 Death
 Dehydrated carcass
 Mucoid exudates in mouth and nostrils
 Pale/cyanotic combs
 Pale breast muscles
 Congestion of liver, spleen, kidney and lungs.
 Fluid contents in intestines.
 Rapid decomposition of carcass
 Housing Management
 Water Management
 Feed Management
 General Management
 An east-west direction to minimize solar heating and
direct access to sunlight.
 Poultry houses in tropics should have good roof
insulation with support of foggers and cooler systems.
 In open sided houses, width of house will be a limiting
factor so keep the optimum width (24-32 ft) based on
temperature, humidity and wind velocity
 Type of house and nature of bird for effective cross
 Increased air movement over the birds by cooler
fans/exhaust to produce a wind chill effect which will
cool birds even without drop in the house temperature.
 Shed design and construction should not allow direct
sunlight on birds.
 The roof should be painted with white wash to reflect
 Shades from tall trees and plantation around the sheds
can reduce the radiant heat. The plantation of trees
should be such that trees will be leafy during summer
and bald during winter.
 Roof overhangs should be sufficient (3-5 ft) to protect
the birds from strong sunrays
 Practically water is the most important criteria of these
four managemental factors during summer.
 In summer water consumption is 3-4 times more.
 Even a slight shortfall of water can lead to heat stroke
and mortality. Normally feed and water consumption
ratio is 1:2 but when temperature shoots beyond 95▫F,
this ratio may increase up to 1:4 or more.
 Supply of plenty of clean and cool water (60-70▫F)
must be ensured during summer months.
 For day old chicks provide cool water and electrolytes
on their arrival to farm before offering feed to avoid
dehydration after transportation.
 Cover water tanks with wet gunny bags to avoid direct
exposure to sun.
 Increase number of waterers by 25%. Increase frequency
of watering.
 Case of nipple drinkers, insulate nipple pipe with wet
gunny cloth.
 Provide Electral Energy (1-2 gm/liter) in water during
hot hours.
 Addition of 0.25% of salt to drinking water increases
water consumption.
 Adjust the amounts of medications and volumes of
water used for water vaccination to reflect the increase
water consumption of the flock during hot weather.
 Do not with hold drinking water from the flock when
vaccine is provided through drinking water
 During summer consumption of feed by birds is
reduced considerably leading to reduced body weight,
egg production and shell quality
 Increase the frequency of feeding.
 Certain changes in feed formulations are necessary.
 Increase nutrient density of feed to compensate for
depressed feed intake.
 Energy of feed should be reduced. Crude protein
content should not be increased
 Similarly 20-30% extra vitamins and trace minerals
should be added to feed.
 Available phosphorus content of feed should be
 Vitamin C is necessary to maintain integrity of blood
vessels. Supplementation of vitamin C @ 200-500 gm
/ton feed will be beneficial.
 Grow E-Sel @ 50 gm /ton feed will also be beneficial.
 Pelleted feeding is beneficial where low energy fiber
diets are used
 Add soda-bicarbonate @ 0.1% for improvement of shell
 Since hot humid climate favors growth of moulds/fungi
in feed, so constant use of anti-fungal is recommended.
 The diet should be balanced with limiting aminoacids,
methionine and lysine which will give better results.
 Increase the calcium level from 3-3.5% in layer diet.
 Inclusion of Growvit-A and Grow E-Sel 250mg /kg diet
for better performance and combat heat stress
 Litter preferably fresh litter of 2 inches thickness with
racking or stirring of litter 2-3 times a day during cool
hours is recommended.
 10% extra floor space should be provided in summer.
 Overcrowding of birds should be avoided.
 Shifting, transportation, de-beaking and vaccination
should be done during night or cool hours of the day.
 Birds severely heat stressed may be dipped in cold
water for 2-3 minutes keeping their neck and head
above water level.
 Provide proper cross ventilation.
 Fans (pedestal, ceiling or exhaust) may be fitted in
 Use foggers in the shed which could reduce the shed
temperature up to 5-10▫C depending upon quality.
 Use of paint ,white lime etc practically reduces the
shed temperature up to 2▫C
 Use side curtain in shed which should be sprinkled
with water
 Provide 3 exhaust fans on one side and pad cooling on
other side (200ft) which completely seals the shed sides
and brings down temperature below 8▫C.
 Use sprinklers on the top or inside shed.
 Surround the house with tall trees.
 Thatched roof is suitable for hot areas
 The house should be situated away from other buildings
in order to facilitate free movement of air.
 High altitude of roof is ordinarily 2.6 to 3.3 m from
foundation to the roof line to provide maximum
 Provide 1 meter overhang to cut the direct sun and rain
into the house.

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