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• St. Anslem was born in a town of Aosta Italy. Both his parents were noblemen
and women. His father was not supportive of him to join the monastery,
because he wanted Anslem to be a politician. At just fifteen years old he was
refused by the abbot because of his parents. His father was very abusive
towards Anslem, so he went to his mother for protection. His mother reverted
to religion for her hurt son. Anslem moved away at age 23, traveling to
France where he gained a great education. When he returned his parents
had passed, so served as an abbot to abbey of St. Stephen at Caen.
• St. Anslem was known as the father of Scholasticism.
• He was recognized as the originator of the argument for the existence of God
• He is known for the College of St. Anslem and his letters he had written
• Anslem explored the mysteries of faith and the definition of theology
• St. Anslem had a reputation of great intellectual ability, which helped him become
abbot of Bec.
• The Archbishop of Canterbury
St. Anslem’s works has allowed him to have a lasting legacy. His Monologium
talks about the being of God. The Proslogium continues to talk about the idea
that god exists. Cur Deus Homo, another piece of work, discusses the mysteries
of God and defends why the fundamental idea of God is truly a mystery.
These writings are discussed in many arguments in modern society. He believes
continues to discuss how god can be everywhere at all times, by the human mind

Other Writings:
• De Fide Trinitatis et de Incarnatione Verbi Contra Blasphemias Ruzelini
• De Conceptu Virginali et de Originali Peccato
• De Processione Spiritus Sancti Contra Graecos
• De Concordia Praescientiae et Praedestinationis et Gratiae Dei cum Libero

In this book Anslem talks about the Being of God. He bases his argument on the
force of reason. The work is consistent with the Holy Fathers and St. Augustine.
He stresses the importance of our rational nature as humans, encouraging
Christians that they should be able to convince non believers there is hope. In his
argument for the existence of God he defines him as “ a being than which none
greater can be convinced.” This work influenced many philosophers in the early
modern era and continues to influence people today.

Anslems final years were lived in England, but his health had worsen. He was so
sick that food was unpleasant, so he became extremely weak. He had to be
carried to church every day for Mass. The day before he passed he could only
use his right arm to make a cross when someone asked for a blessing. He died
on Holy Wednesday, April, 21 1109. His remains were taken to Canterbury


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