Joyfulness: Filled With Laughter JOY

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Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs
of JOY. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lords has
done great things for them”.
SYNOYNMS: having or causing a great
happiness; condition of supreme well-
being and good spirits: beatitude,
blessedness, bliss, cheer, cheerfulness,
felicity, gladness, happiness and joy.

is the ability to maintain a good attitude

even though you are confronted with
unpleasant situations
Depression, despair, discontent,
discouragement, dissatisfaction,
lack, melancholy, misery, pain,
need, sadness, trouble, upset,
unhappiness, self pity and worry
Do you see half empty or half
Negative? Papaya
Face? Discouraged?
Emotions rule over
5 Steps to take a
cultivate joyful
1. Make it
point to look
for good in all
2. Learn to smile when
you encounter
challenges . Smiling
conditions your
emotion and body to
engage the situation
3. Disappointment may
be inevitable, but
discouragement is
optional. When one
door closes, another
door opens....
4. Take time daily to
sing, laugh and enjoy
the moment. Be
thankful, laugh over
your own mistakes
5. Associate with
company of Joyful
people. Walk with
wise and you shall
be wise.
At Office

A job, by definition, is not necessarily fun,

or enjoyable. Work is hard. Dealing with
work stresses day in and day out is hard.
Learning how to find a balance in life the
stresses and pressures of work and life
outside of work is hard. Learning how to
offset this by creating a great place to work
is essential for your sanity, your success -
and the success of your company.
At home

Remain positive when the house is messy, and

when the bills are due.

Find ways to solve the family problems in a

positive way. Try to get the family to smile in
the middle of the problem by spreading a
good attitude.
Exhorting one another is a way to bring
up joy in the midst of a problem, and
laughter is a good tool for getting a
good attitude in the middle of a bad
day. Laughter will keep the home and
workplace bright and cheery.
Your health depends on you keeping a good
attitude. Self-pity and stress will only bring
bad health and continued problems.

Joyfulness is contagious, and so is

the lack of it.

Those that have no joy can give no joy. Ask

yourselves, where do you get your joy?
My definition of joy is this: spirituality with
a tin can tied to its tail.
…Excitement about the things that you are
doing that are right and just.

Find joy in the fact that your family is alive,

healthy, and loves one another. Find joy that
you have a job and are blessed to pay the
rent, and have food on the table. These things
are important, and can bring you joy.
It’s sad that real joy can’t be found as
fast as self pity.

There is a sequence to finding real joy.

Priorities are the start. They must be in this
J - Jesus
O - Others
Y - You
Joy Kams (comes)

when we stop complaining

about the troubles that we
have, and start giving thanks
for the troubles that we don’t

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