Plant Propagation

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Pre Test

• Define Plant Propagation

• List 5 vegetative method of plant
• List 3 examples of layering
• List 5 artificial method of plant
Lesson Review

• What are the factors that

affect plant growth?
Plant Propagation

It is the process of
increasing the number
of species by
Methods of Plant Propagation

I. Sexual Propagation
this is the method of
plant propagation through
the use of seed.
II. Asexual Propagation
1.Vegetative or Natural Method
2. Artificial Method of Propagation
1.Vegetative or Natural Method
A. SUCKER – stem or roots that grow from
subterranean portion of a plant or tree. Ex.
Banana, bamboo
B. RHIZOMES or creeping stem which produce
roots along their surface and develop a new
plant from a bud on the upper side. Ex. Ginger
D. Germinating tissue
of the leaves
F. Bulbs and cloves
G. Root stock
2. Artificial Method of Plant
1. Budding- this type of grafting uses a single
bud as a scion which is inserted to the stock 1
cm to 3 cm in diameter.
2. Cutting
A detached vegetative plant is inserted into the
soil to develop a new plant.
Types of Cutting Method
a. Stem cutting- twig or stem of the mother
plant is cut into pieces and gently inserted
into the soil.
2 types of stem cutting
1. Soft wood cutting- stem or twig can be cut by
the finger nails.
2. Hard wood cutting- this can be done by using
twig or stem that can be cut by using sharp
bladed tools.
b. Leaf cutting- the leaf and
petioles are used to
reproduce new plants.
c. Root and rootstock cutting
–this is used on plants that
tend to grow sucker sprouts
from roots.
d. Tuber Cutting -The
leaf’s or stem’s thickened
portions are used in
3. Layering

This is done by using the branch or

twig of a tree to produce roots
while being fed by the parent
Types of Layering
a. Air layering- it is the same
method as that of marcotting.
b. Mound layering- the soil is
mounded at the base of the newly
develop shoots to enhance root
formation and the new plant is
c. Simple layering- it is almost the
same with tip layering except that
the stem behind the end of the
twig is covered with soil and the tip
remains above the ground.
d. Tip layering- the tip begins to
grow downward into the soil
and waits until the tips curve
upward with the roots
developing from the part that
touches the ground.
e. Trench layering – the node is
notch to increase the root
formation, then covered in 10
cm of moist soil.
4. Marcotting

The twigs or stem of the

plants are induced to
produce roots while still
attached to the parent plant.
5. Grafting
This is joining of two separate
plant parts, the scion taken
from the healthy mother plant
and the rootstock taken from a
healthy seedling to form a union
and grow as one plant.
Types of Grafting
• Cleft grafting
• Side grafting
• Whip or Tongue grafting
• Saddle grafting
• Bark grafting
• Crown Grafting
6. Inarching

The scion is made to unite with

a rootstock while growing on its
own root system. It is usually
done on twigs, where the scion
stem is of the same size as the
7. Cloning
• This is the use of tissue culture.
Cloning is the newest method of
producing new plants. Beginning
with a group of cells cut from a part
of the mother plant, thousands of
exact copies can be produced with a
short period of time.
Find the Scientific name of common fruit
1. Mango 6. Chico
2. Jackfruit 7. Rambutan
3. Star apple 8. Santol
4. Guyabano 9. Durian
5. Guava 10. Citrus
Common Name Scientific Name
1. Mango Mangifera Indica
2. Jackfruit Artocarpus
heterophyllus Lam.
3. Star Apple Chrysophyllum
cainito Linn.
4. Guyabano Anona muricata Linn.
5. Guava Psidium Guajava L
Common Name Scientific Name

6. Chico • Manilkara Zapota

7. Rambutan • Nephelium lappaceum
8. Santol • Sandoricum koetjape
• Durio zibethinus L
9. Durian
• Citrus Limon
10. Citrus
• Acacia • Samanea saman
• Aratiles • Muntingia calabura
• Atis • Annona squamosa
• Avocado • Persea americana
• Balimbing • Averrhoa carambola
• Coconut • Cocos nucifera
• Duhat • Syzygium cumini
• Eucalyptus • Eucalyptus globulus
• Fire Tree • Delonix regia
• Golden Shower • Cassia fistula
• Ilang ilang • Cananga odorata
• Ipil ipil • Leucaena
• Tamarind
• Tamarindus indica
• Papaya
• Carica papaya
• Marang • Artocarpus
• Mabolo • Diospyros discolor
• Cashew • Anacardium

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