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Teacher I - SHS
Defining leadership
Defining leadership
Pre – Activity:
Steve Jobs
Inventor (1955 – 2011)
Co-founded Apple
computers with Steve
Wozniak. Under Job’s
guidance, the company
pioneered a series of
technologies including
the iPhone and iPad.
Pre – Activity:
Mahatma Gandhi
Anti-War Activist
(1869 – 1948)
Primary leader of India’s
Movement and also the
architect of a form of a
non-violent civil
disobedience that would
influence the world
Pre – Activity:
Mother Teresa
Saint, Nun ( 1910 – 1997)
Founder of Order of the
Missionaries of Charity, a
Roman Catholic
congregation of women
dedicated to helping the
poor considered one of the
20th century’s greatest
humanitarians, she was
canonized as St.Teresa of
Calcuta in 2016.
Pre – Activity:
Bill gates
Business Leader,
Philanthropist (1955)
Founded the world’s largest
software business Microsoft,
with Paul Allen and
subsequently became one of
the richest man in the world.
Pre – Activity:
Nelson mandela
Writer, President (non-US), Civil
Rights Activist
Became the first black President of
South Africa in 1994, serving until
1999, a symbol of global
peacemaking, he directed the
campaign of peaceful, non-violent
defiance against South African
government and its racist policies.
He won the Nobel Prize in 1993.
Pre – Activity:
Henry Ford
(1863 – 1974)
One of America’s foremost
assembly-line modes of
production of the
automobile. He created
the Ford Model T car in
Pre – Activity:
Mathin Luther King jr.
Minister, Civil Rights Activist
( 1929 – 1968)
A Baptist Minister and Social
activist, who led the Civil
Rights Movement in US
from mid-1950s until his
death by assassination
in 1968.
Pre – Activity:
Mark zuckerburg
Computer Programmer and
Internet Entrepreneur
( 1984)
He is the co-founder of
Facebook, and currently
operates as its chairman
and chief executive officer.
His net worth is estimated
71.5 billion dollars
• The idea of transformational leadership was first
mentioned in 1973, in the sociological study
conducted by the author “Downton, J.V”
• After that, “James McGregor” used the term
transformational leadership in his book
“Leadership” (1978)
• In 1985, “Banard Bass”, presented a formal
transformational leadership theory, also includes
the models and factors of behavior.
• One year later (1986), “Noel Tichy” and “Mary
Anne Devanna” published a book under the title
“Transformational Leadership”
is a leadership style where one or more
persons engage with others in such a
way that the leaders and followers raise
one another to higher level of motivation
and morality.
is a leadership style where one or more
persons engage with others in such a
way that the leaders and followers raise
one another to higher level of motivation
and morality.
is a leadership style where one or more
persons engage with others in such a
way that the leaders and followers raise
one another to higher level of motivation
and morality.
is a leadership style where one or more
persons engage with others in such a
way that the leaders and followers raise
one another to higher level of motivation
and morality.
Stimulate and inspire their followers to achieve
extraordinary outcome and in the process develop
their followers’ to own leadership capacity. These
leaders help the followers to grow and develop by
responding to followers individual needs by
empowering them and aligning the objectives and
goals of the individual followers, the leader the
group and the larger organization.
(Bass & Riggio, 2006)
Stimulate and inspire their followers to achieve
extraordinary outcome and in the process develop
their followers’ to own leadership capacity. These
leaders help the followers to grow and develop by
responding to followers individual needs by
empowering them and aligning the objectives and
goals of the individual followers, the leader the
group and the larger organization.
(Bass & Riggio, 2006)
Stimulate and inspire their followers to achieve
extraordinary outcome and in the process develop
their followers’ to own leadership capacity. These
leaders help the followers to grow and develop by
responding to followers individual needs by
empowering them and aligning the objectives and
goals of the individual followers, the leader the
group and the larger organization.
(Bass & Riggio, 2006)
Stimulate and inspire their followers to achieve
extraordinary outcome and in the process develop
their followers’ to own leadership capacity. These
leaders help the followers to grow and develop by
responding to followers individual needs by
empowering them and aligning the objectives and
goals of the individual followers, the leader the
group and the larger organization.
(Bass & Riggio, 2006)
Stimulate and inspire their followers to achieve
extraordinary outcome and in the process develop
their followers’ to own leadership capacity. These
leaders help the followers to grow and develop by
responding to followers individual needs by
empowering them and aligning the objectives and
goals of the individual followers, the leader the
group and the larger organization.
(Bass & Riggio, 2006)
Why transformational
People will follow a
leader who inspires them

Vision and passion of one

Assumptions in can transform followers
Transformational and together they can
achieve great things.
Energy and enthusiasm
are the tonic to get
things done
- A Process –
 Process that changes and transforms.
 Process that is concerned with the emotions,
values, standards, ethics and long term goals.
 A transformational leader motivates followers to
accomplish more than what is usually expected of
 The sum becomes more powerful than its parts.
Transformational Leadership
Transitional Leadership Transactional Leadership
Inception of creative ideas Planning and following process oriented
Clear understanding of current scenario methodology
Pre-defined objectives and a clear road Building team and support
map to achieve them Identifying expertise in various fields of
No self-serving motives work
Focus approach on identified objectives

Transparent Leadership Transcendent Leadership
Congruence between leadership and goal Identifying future leader and team
Integrity in finances and in information Relinquishing control
Inspiring and motivating potential to lead
Four Components of
transformational leadership
Idealized Influence
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Individualized Consideration
Four Components of
transformational leadership
Idealized influence
Ideal role model
High moral and ethical standard
Show respect, attention and consideration
towards followers
Considers differences between followers,
levels of abilities, way of learning, and
approaches to work
Inspirational Motivation
Ability to inspire and motivate followers
Provide followers with challenges and
meaning for engaging in shared goals and
Show their followers how their work applies
to the real world
Behave in an enthusiastic, passionate and
energetic way
Individualized Consideration
Coaching, mentoring and growth
Self actualization, self-fulfillment and self-
Attend to each other’s needs
Listen to the follower’s concerns and needs
Encourages the followers
Intellectual Stimulation
Re-examine their assumption
about their work and re-think how it can be
Innovate and create
Help followers see the big picture and connect them
to the leader, organization, each other and goal
Challenge followers to create new ideas by asking
questions that makes followers think
Transformational Leadership

Inspire a Enable Encourage

Model the Challenge the Heart
Shared Others to
Way the Process
Vision Act
Steps for Transformational
• Starts with creating a vision
Developing • Vision that is exciting and attract potential followers

Selling the
• Constantly sell the vision and build a strong network of high potential

• Transformation leaders have a clear vision

• Have a fair idea about the direction to move and want followers to move in the same
Road Map
• Ready to accept failures

• Transformation leaders remain in the fore-front during the action

Leading the
• Always visible and stand up to be counted
• Bolster and infect the followers with commitment and enthusiasm
How does transformational
leadership work?
Transformational leader set out to
empower followers and nurture them to
They become strong models for their
They create a vision
They act as change agents who initiate and
implement new direction
They act as social architects
Application of
transformational leadership
• Provide ideas to leader of what is needed in a
transforming environment
• Can be used in recruitment, selection and
promotion and training and development.
• In an organizational structure …
 Solution Clarification
 Innovation and Productivity
 Healthy Relationship
 Higher Performance
 Satisfaction
Application of
transformational leadership
Personal Relationships
Application of
transformational leadership in
Self sacrificed
transformational leadership
Display of self sacrifice behavior of leaders
enhances transformational leadership
Followers work towards advancing overall
mission of the group rather than their own
personal interest
Without morality uplifting the followers,
leadership cannot be transforming
They motivate followers to go beyond their self
interest for the good of the group, organization
and society.
Self sacrificed
transformational leadership

Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrated
a form of transformational leadership that was based on values.
Benefits of transformational
Focuses on followers
Enthusiastic work atmosphere
Higher output and efficiency
Develop future leaders
Loyalty and trust of members in an
strengths of transformational
Widely researched from many different
It treats leadership as a process between
leaders and followers
It offers an expanded picture of leadership.
(most model are transactional leadership)
It has strong emphasis on followers needs,
values and morals
It has substantial evidence of being
Disadvantages of
transformational leadership
Influence can backfire
Employee Burn Out
Assumption of Motivation
Challenges in Details
Unidirectional Influence
criticisms of
transformational leadership
Lack of conceptual clarity
Totally dependent on the ability of a
Leaders might lack the requires
Lead and inspire people.
Don’t try to manage and manipulate
Inventories can be managed but people
must be lead.
-Ross Perot
“The single best way to impact an
organization is to focus on
transformational leadership. There is
almost no limit to the potential of an
organization that recruits good people,
raises them up as a leader and
continually develop them.”
-John C. Maxwell

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