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Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility

 Every Organization wants to make profit.

 This can be achieved by increasing sales.

 More selling depends on many factors
such as:
 skills of sales people ,
number of outlets,
 channel management etc.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 In an ideal business world ,

most marketers would

prefer to

handle all their distribution activities

by way of their own channel arrangement.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 By handling all distribution activities by way of own
channel arrangement,

we have following benefits:

Being responsible for all distribution means

the marketing organization need only

worry about making decisions


their product .
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Having control on all distribution means the
marketer is always
in direct contact
with buyers of their products ,
which can make it easier to
build strong ,
long –term relationships
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Unfortunately , for many marketing organizations , a
company owned channel is not feasible either due to:
high cost
lack of experience needed to run a channel
so necessitate reliance on
third parties to get their products into the
hands of customers.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Agenda :
 Discuss Sale & Marketing setup for CM services in

 Understanding Franchisee concept in BSNL

 Understand Project Vijay

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Sales and Marketing System in BSNL :

Initially BSNL did not have a well- defined exclusive

sales structure.

The concept of commercial officer, CSC’s and

Marketing Agents were introduced in Oct.2002.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Sales and Marketing System in BSNL :
In order to strengthen sales channels in BSNL, in Oct
2009 , a new sales set up has been designed.

Consumer Mobility vertical now has dedicated

GM ( S&M) at Corporate as well as Circle to plan ,
manage and effect sales.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M):

 Customer Research as well as Competitor


Primary and Secondary Research

In House and Out sourced research

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M):
( Contd..)
Formulating Marketing strategy for CM Business by
liaisoning with GM (Corporate Marketing)
Above the Line Marketing ( TV advertisements, Radio
advertisements, Print advertisements )

Below the line Marketing ( Promotions, Emails, loyalty

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M): ( Contd..)

Providing inputs to GM ( Corporate Marketing)

Development of marketing action agenda for Circles

by Liaisoning with Head of Consumer Mobility at
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M): ( Contd..)

Formulation of annual marketing & research budget

for Head Office

Monitoring marketing spend against budget

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M): ( Contd..)
Management of CM sales channels to drive growth
of GSM( 2G, 3G) and relate VAS revenues.

Creation of Sales policy.

Evaluation of different sales models such as “Own

Sales Team” and “DSA” model on key metrics.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M): ( Contd..)

Defining knowledge build, contact planning ,

Customer visits , reporting and follow up etc.

Designing discounts and channel commission

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M): ( Contd..)

Designing sales force allowances , awards and

incentives by liaisoning with GM ( Corporate
Account) to motivate sales force.

 Incorporating guidance from competitive

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M): ( Contd..)

Setting up and management of sales alliances ,

agreements and management of channel partners-
documentation/EoI for existing and new channel

Monitoring sales team, sanchar soft , ERP

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M): ( Contd..)
 Target setting across sales channels by liaisoning with
GM ( Business Planning)

 Performing excess capacity analysis on mobility access

network by liaisoning with GM ( Network Planning-
GSM)-CM and Gm ( network Planning –CDMA +
Wimax)- CM
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Key Activities handled by GM( S & M): ( Contd..)
 Pricing and product bundling strategy including
Evaluating different price models such as cost –plus
and retail –minus models,

 Relationship Management & internal Liaisoning

 Target settings
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Franchisees :
BSNL has put in place Franchisee Sales & Distribution
policy 2009 .

Franchisees are appointed through EoI route by

respective SSAs

Well defined geographical area for franchisee called as

primary area
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Franchisees : (Contd..)
Franchisee to appoint Feet on Street (FoS)

Franchisee shop to open 0800 Hrs to 2200 Hrs

Financial penalty for not meeting cut off performance


Franchisee can appoint sub franchisee /retailers.

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Franchisees :( Contd..)
 Franchisees play a very important role in serving
customers across the country and improve BSNL

 In order to motivate franchisees ,time to time reward

scheme are introduced.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Direct Selling Agents :
 Any 10th pass can become a DSA . Retired BSNL
employees/spouses can also become DSAs.

 The objective is to sell BSNL services door to door

extending ultimate convenience to BSNL customers.

 Any no. os DSA can be appointed by SSA Heads.

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Other Retail Outlets :
 Any other outlets such as shopping malls etc. can also
be appointed as DSA to sell BSNL services with the
aproval of concerned CGM
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Other Retail Outlets :
 BSNL has also allowed to appoint Service Centre
agents(SCA) of Common Service Centres(CSC) of
Department of Information Technology being set
up in rural areas across the country as DSAs.

 DIT is setting 1,12,000 CSCs and is expected to

strengthen BSNL’s reach.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 EPIN Franchisees :
 BSNL has also appointed EPIN franchisees across the

 All recharge Vouchers , Sancharnet card, VCC card etc

have a secret PIN for sue of respective service.

 These PIN are sold in bulk to appointed franchisees .

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 EPIN Franchisees ( Contd..) :
 Any Indian Registered company /registered
Cooperative Society/Registered NGO fulfilling
prescribed criteria can become Circle Level or All
India level franchisee.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 EPIN Franchisees ( Contd…):
 For Circle level franchisees, the commission structure
depends on the type of agreement i.e exclusive or non

 All India Franchisees are appointed on non-exclusive

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 EPIN Franchisees ( Contd…):
 These Franchisees can sell these PINs through point of
sales terminal or through PC connected to main server
of franchisee.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 BSNL uses over the air technique for selling its mobile
recharge vouchers ( paperless).

 A special SIM is issued to the franchisee and retailers

interested in selling BSNL talk time .

 These sellers have to pay advance to BSNL to get

sellable talk time.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility

 Once they have deposited money with BSNL , they can

sell any denomination of vouchers up to their deposit
amount with BSNL
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Project Vijay :
 Objective of Project Vijay
1. Expand Reach- ensure availability of BSNL products
at more than 95% of telecom retail outlets.
2. Capture significant Share (25- 30% ) of retailers'
counter sales.
3. Build distinctive channel management capabilities .
Nurture and build strong and viable channel partner
network .
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 FoS : Feet on street- Franchisee’s employees

o Who will visit retailer shops, deliver material

o Collect CAF (Customer Application Forms)

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Primary Sales :
 Sales of product from BSNL to franchisee is defined as
Primary Sales.
 Secondary Sales :
 Any sales from franchisee unit to retailer is defined as
Secondary Sales.
 Tertiary sales :
 Product sales from retailer to end- customer is defined
as “tertiary sales”
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Reach:
 Reach is defined as the ratio of telecom retail outlets
( Multi brand telecom Outlets) that sell BSNL
Products to the total number of telecom retail outlets
in a particular geographical area.
• Extraction :
 Extraction defined as the share of BSNL sales in the
total sales of a particular Multi – Brand Outlet (“ by
no. of SIMs, By no. of recharge)
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Revised structure of Franchisee Channel :
 Primary sales will be made from BSNL SSA to
 Franchisee will make the sales to Sub Franchisee and
also to MBO retail Outlets through FoS.
 Sub Franchisee will also make sales to MBO retail
outlets in its area.
 MBO retail Outlets will make the sales to customers.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility


Primary Sales


Sub Franchisee
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Team Structure of Project Vijay
Roles Designation Details
Roll Out DGM Dedicated DGM
Managers( ROM) stationed at circle
but reporting to

Circle Level nodes SDE/JTO One node to 5-6

SSA Sales Head- DGM/DE/SDE One per
CM SSA/region
Franchisee SDE/JTO One franchisee
Manager ( FM) Manager per

Retailer manager SDE/JTO One RMC for

coordinator upto 15 RM’s
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Concept of Market Retailer survey
 In the beginning a survey of retailers selling telecom
products in a particular geographical area will be made
by BSNL survey team with purpose:
1. To baseline existing retailer universe before pilot
2. To develop channel norms for the franchisee FoS
and service frequency , based on analysis of retailer
3. Survey to be conducted in each SSA of Circle
4. Both rural and urban areas to be covered.
5. Survey to be completed in 3-4 weeks duration.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Concept of Market Retailer survey ( Contd…)
 Questionnaire in the form of a printed survey from
containing details as :
1. Details of the surveyor
2. Details of the retailers with phone numbers
3. Do you sell SIMs of any brand? Yes/ No
4. Do you sell recharge voucher of any kind? Yes/ No
5. Do you sell BSNL SIM? Yes/ No
6. Who sell BSNL SIM to you ?
7. Details of Monthly sale of telecom product.
8. Comments about BSNL services to the retailer?
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
Roles Role description
Roll Out Managers Responsible for overall roll out of project Vijay in circle Expected to
( ROM) drive on –the –ground implementation in circle and escalate
unresolved issues at the circle level to HO

Circle Level Nodes Guide SSA teams with best practices ,key risks at a particular stage etc.
Help SSA teams resolve and escalate issues

SSA Sales Head-CM Responsible for overall roll-out of project Vijay in Region/SSA,inccl.
Team formation , process changes and Value outcome

Franchisee Manager Provide support and manage Franchisee and Sub-Franchisee

( FM)

Retailer Manager Provide support and manage Retailer Managers

Coordinator (RMC)

Retailer Manager ( RM) Act as retailer survey team , to map retailer universe ( Up-Front)

Direct interact with and provide support to retailers on an ongoing

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Process for Ordering and delivery
 The franchisee need not come to SSA office.
 She /he will deposit the amount in bank and intimate
the franchisee manager and AO ( Sales) about money
deposited in BSNL account to supply the telecom
product and place an order on phone or through
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Process for Ordering and delivery ( contd..)
 AO (sales ) will verify whether the amount has been
credited in BSNL account or not.
 After verifying ,AO (Sales) and Franchisee Manager
will deliver the material at the door of Franchisee.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Incentive, Awards and Facilities :
 There is a provision of incentives & awards to the
members of PROJECT VIJAY team.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Incentive, Awards and Facilities :
Role Reimbursement type Reimbursement amount
Travel/Meal/Mobile per month
Travel & Meal Rs.1800
Franchisee Manager
Mobile ( If not already provided) Rs 500
Travel & Meal Rs.1300
Retailer Manager
Mobile ( If not already provided) Rs 500

Travel & Meal Rs.1800

Retailer Manager for
visits up to 40 Mobile ( If not already provided) Rs 500
Kms/day avj.
Travel & Meal Rs.3600
Retailer Manager for
visits beyond 40 Mobile ( If not already provided) Rs 500
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility

 Franchisee Manager is expected to manage upto 2

Franchisee and visit them every alternate day ;

 Franchisee Manager is also expected to visit each sub-

franchisee once in a month.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Retailer Manager Coordinators expected up to
Manage up to 15 Retailer Managers and do one
inspection visit per Retailer Manager per month.

 Final decision on which category the retailer Manager

falls in should be made by the SSA sales head,
advised by the retailer Manager Coordinator.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 The base reimbursement will be paid to Franchisee
Manager and Retailer Manager Coordinator upon
meeting a minimum of 10% achievement on Primary
sale ( of SIM and Recharge Value).

 The base reimbursement will be paid to retailer

Manager upon meeting a minimum of 30 %
achievement on no. of retailers visits done as a
proportion of the total no. of retailers visit assigned.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Awards :
Award Level Frequency Amount Criteria

Best Circle Quarterly Rs.300 Highest

Franchise average
e Manager score on
Best Circle Quarterly Rs.3000 -DO-
Best SSA Quarterly Rs. 750 -DO-

Best Sales Circle Quarterly Rs.5000 -DO-

Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Awards :
 Incase of a tie , the award amount may be equally split.

 In order to qualify for an award the franchisee Manager or

Retailer Manager Coordinator must meet a minimum of
10% achievement on Primary Sale( of SIM and Recharge
value) ,

 Similarly in order to qualify for the award , the Retailer

Manager must meet a minimum of 30% achievement on
no. of retailers visit done as a proportion of the total no. of
retailer visits assigned.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Awards :
 The Final decision on awards at the circle levels should be
made by the PGM/GM ( CM) at the circle level at the end
of the month after taking into account the averager score
on KPAs received from SSAs
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Facilities :
SSA Sales Head Office Space , Desktop with
broadband GSM SIM or WLL Phone
( If not available)
Franchisee - Do-
Retailer Manager - Do-
Retailer Manager GSM SIM or WLL Phone ( If not
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 BSNL Owned Sales Setup :
Customer Service Centres :
BSNL has about 3000 CSCs across the country . CSCs
are being upgraded as part of Project ‘smile” to act as
single window service centre and open from 8AM to 8
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 BSNL Owned Sales Setup :
Call Centre and Telemarketing :
 For mobile related queries centralized number is
Time and SMS campaigns are executed for promoting
select services.
 System is being put in place for telemarketing of
selling , up selling and cross selling various services as
part of centralized CRM under CDR project
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 BSNL Owned Sales Setup :

WEB self Care :

o Sales are possible through link provided on BSNL
website .
o Mobile recharge vouchers and other prepaid cards
such as VCC card , CALL NOW, FLPP can be
purchased with the help of Internet Banking account
of certain banks such as ABN, AXIS, BOB
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 VAS Team :

At corporate office a special VAS cell headed by

GM( VAS) supported by DGMs (VAS) is functional.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 VAS Team (Contd..) :
 Key Role of VAS Team :

Design of policies related to provision of Value Added

 Content specifications
 Delivery Mechanisms

 Partnerships

 Pricing and billing

 Customer Care
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 VAS Team( Contd..) :
Design of appropriate VAS Content based on market
research through vendors
 Content Type
 Content Delivery
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 VAS Team( contd..) :
Forging and managing content providers to deliver
against planned value added services
 Floating and evaluating tenders in
coordination with GM(Fin)-CM
 Forging relationships with new vendors
 Ensuring that vendors deliver against well
defined SLAs

 Designing VAS tariffs and pricing plans in

coordination with GM (Fin)
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 VAS Team ( contd..) :
Designing product bundles with VAS component in
coordination with GM( Product & Pricing).
Overseeing provisioning of value added services in
BSNL’s network through various platform such as
SMS,IVR,GPRS etc. on revenue shareing and
franchisee basis.
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Sancharsoft :
 This software has been developed and made
operational by IT project circle for retail/bulk
Inventory Management which is a web based module
for management of sales & distribution Channels .

 This Software provides various reports for planning

and redistribution of inventory ,manages stock
issuing, invoice management , commission payouts,
sales data
Sales & Marketing- Consumer Mobility
 Conclusion :
 Many initiatives are being taken by BSNL to improve
the sales management .
 External sales channel need to be treated as BSNL
partners and extended full back end support in terms
of timely supply of products , marketing material ,
office support , payments and prompt handling of
customer grievances made over by them to BSNL.

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