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Thermodynamics – I : ME-130


Dr Irfan Ul-Haq
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
• To demonstrate understanding of the Laws of
Thermodynamics by applying to a given problem
• To present solution of a given Thermodynamics
problem related to energy interaction
• To analysis the Thermodynamics Systems by
applying fundamental knowledge of Thermodynamics
Course Contents

• Ch.1 : Introduction and Basic Concepts

• Ch.2 : Energy Transfer and Analysis
• Ch.3 : Properties of pure substances
• Ch.4 : Energy analysis of closed systems
• Ch.5 : Mass & Energy Analysis of control volumes
• Ch.6 : Second Law of Thermodynamics
• Ch.7 : Entropy
• Ch.8 : Energy : Measure of Work potential
Course Contents

• Text Book
“Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach” , by Cengel /
Boles, McGraw Hills 7th Edition
• Reference Books
“Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics”, by Moran
Michael, John Wiley Inc.
Lectures Strategy

Please Note & Remember (PNR)

• Smile

• Respect Lecture time

• Do not disturb the lecture (Except participation)

Assessment Methods and
Marks Distribution

During course 60%

Quizzes 20 %
Projects / Assignments 0%
OHTs 40 %
End Semester Exam 40%

Total 100%

Advise : Never worry for marks & Exams, you will always
succeed if you attain & retain knowledge and develop ability to
apply it ; Continuous Study Habits (CSH)
Chapter 1
Introduction and Basic Concepts
Introduction and Basic Concepts
Application Areas of Thermodynamics
Some SI and English Units
The State & Processes
The Steady-Flow Process; Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
Temperature Scales
Pressure and its measurements

Thermodynamics – I
Thermodynamics: Meaning
• Name stems from Greek words:
–Therme (heat)
–Dynamis (power)
• Name describes early efforts to convert heat into
• Origin is very old, however, scope widened
since the middle of nineteenth century
Definition of Thermodynamics
• Basic science that deals with energy.
• We all know that energy is neither created nor
destroyed – but it is transformed.
• Thus thermodynamics is a science dealing with:
– energy transformations, including heat and work
– physical properties of the substances that are
involved in energy transformations
Engineering Thermodynamics
• Engineering thermodynamics is that part of the
science that deals with:
– all types of heat engines or power plants (stationary
or vehicular)
– refrigeration, air conditioning, combustion, the
compression and expansion of fluids
– chemical processing plants, and the physical
properties of the substances used in these and other
• Examples are:
– Gas Turbine engines, automobile engine,
refrigerator, Heating plants etc.
• In short we can say that study of engineering
thermodynamics includes:
–All aspects of energy and energy transformations
–Power production (heat engines, combustion)
–Compression and expansion of fluids
–Relationships among physical properties of matter

Principles of Thermodynamics are in existence since the

creation of Universe
It emerged as science after the construction of Successful
Steam Engines in England (Thomas Savery in 1697 and
Newcomen in 1712)
The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics Emerged
Simultaneously in 1850 primarily out of the Works of William
Rankine and Lord Kelvin
Term Thermodynamic was First used in the Publication by
Lord Kelvin in 1849
The First Thermodynamic Text Book was Written in 1859 By
William Rankine, a Professor at the University of Glasgow

• Classical Thermodynamics:
–Takes the macroscopic or large scale view of the
problem in hand (Physics oriented)
• Statistical Thermodynamics:
–Looks at individual molecules and their internal
structure for solution of the problem (Chemistry

• OUR CONCERN for ME-130 is to follow

Classical Approach!
Why is it important to study Thermodynamics?

 Every Engineering activity involves an interaction

between Energy and Matter
 There is no process that does not relate to
thermodynamics one way or the other, thus for
engineers developing good understanding of
thermodynamics principles is a must!
 To Analyze and Design things intended to meet
human needs
 To achieve improved designs and better
 Optimum utilization of available energy i.e.
Increased Output, Reduce Input, Reduce Cost with
least undesired Environmental Effects
Few Applications of Thermodynamics

The human body

Air-conditioning Airplanes

Car radiators Power plants

Refrigeration systems
Art 1.2, page 3 (Text)

Importance of Dimensions & Units

SYSTEM OF UNITS (Quick Review)

Dimension SI Unit English Unit

Length Meter (m) Foot (ft)

Mass Kilogram (kg) Pound (lb)

Time Second (s) Second (s)

Temperature Kelvin (K), oC Rankine (R), oF

Force Newton (N) Pound-force (lbf)

Pressure Pascal (Pa) Pound per square inch (psi)

Work (J) or (N·M) Btu (B) or ft-lbf

Go through Examples 1-1 to 1-4

Useful Terminologies
• Fluid:
–Matter in the form of liquid, gas or vapour that offers
little resistance to deformation
• Working Substance:
–Fluid used in power producing machines that is
capable of storing or removing energy e.g.
• Steam in steam turbines
• Water in hydraulic turbines
• Air in air compressors
• Air-fuel mixture in internal combustion engines
Art 1.3, page 10 (Text)
Thermodynamics Systems

• System: quantity of matter or region in space

chosen for study.
• It has:
• A Boundary – fixed or moveable with zero thickness
• Surroundings – region outside the system
• Two Types:
• Closed System (Control Mass)
• Open System (Control Volume)
Closed System

• Quantity of mass is fixed!

• System boundary may be
fixed or moveable

• Mass can not cross the system

• Energy can cross the system
Closed System: Schematic


E System

Matter can not cross the system boundary,

however, energy can cross it!
Open System

• System boundary
may be fixed or

• Both mass and

energy can cross the
system boundary
Other Illustration of
Open System (Control Volume)

Water Energy
OPEN SYSTEM (Control Volume)
 A control volume is an enclosure that separates a
quantity of matter from the surroundings or
 The enclosure does not necessarily have to consist of
a solid boundary like the walls of a vessel.
 It is only necessary that the enclosure:
 Forms a closed surface and
 Its properties are defined everywhere.
 An enclosure may transmit heat or be a heat insulator.
 It may be deformable and thus capable of transmitting
work to the system.
 It may also be capable of transmitting mass.
Art 1.4, page 12 (text)
Properties of a System
PROPERTY: any observable characteristics of a system e.g.
Modulus of elasticity
Viscosity - etc.
• Types of property are:
–Intensive – independent of size of the system,
e.g. temperature, pressure, density etc.
–Extensive – values depend upon size or
extent of the system, e.g. mass, volume, total
energy etc.
• Specific property: extensive properties per
unit mass
To Summarize:
Types of Properties of a System are:

• Intensive
–Does not depend on the system’s size
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Extensive
–Depend on the system’s size
• Volume
• Mass
• Total Energy
We often define properties in terms of other
• Density
r = m/V
• Specific Volume
v = V/m = 1/r
• We can define most of the extensive properties
per unit mass and call them specific properties;
u = U/m is the specific internal energy
Art 1.5, page 13 (text)
Directly Observable Properties
• Density
• Specific Volume
• Specific Weight
• Relative Density
• Weight
Some Directly Observable Properties
• Some important properties those are
independent of laws of thermodynamics:
• Density (ρ): mass per unit volume

mass m
r 
volume V

• Specific Volume (v): volume per unit mass

V 1
v 
m r
Some Directly Observable Properties

Specific Weight (γ): weight of a substance

divided by its volume
weight w
 
volume V

Relative Density (ρs) or(Specific Gravity):

ratio of density of a substance to some
standard density.
r substan ce Water is standard, such that:
rs  ρH2o=1000 kg/m3
rH O 2
Some Directly Observable Properties

– Force of gravity on a substance
– Depends upon both the mass and gravity
– If only force acting on the body is its weight, the resulting
acceleration is g, the Newton’s 2nd law F=ma becomes:
w  mg
divide both sides by V
w m
 g
  rg This represents basic equation
between specific weight, density,
and gravitational acceleration
Art 1.6, page 14 (text)
State & Equilibrium
• Set of properties that completely describe the system
• At a given state all properties of a system have fixed
• If value of even one property changes, the state will
change to a different one

• Thermodynamics deals in STATE of

EQUILIBRIUM i.e. non existence of
unbalanced potential or driving force
within the system
• A system in equilibrium experiences no
change when it is isolated from

Thermal equilibrium – relates to temperature

Mechanical equilibrium – relates to pressure

Phase equilibrium – for more than one phase

Chemical equilibrium – unchanged chemical

Art 1.7, page 15 (text)
• PROCESS: any change that system
undergoes from one equilibrium state to
• PATH: series of states through which a
system passes during a process
Process Diagram

State 2
Process Path

State 1

V2 V1 V

Sufficiently slow
process, system
adjusts itself internally
to cause uniform
change in properties
Process proceeds
such that system
remains infinitesimally
close to equilibrium
state at all times
State Postulate

The state of a simple

compressible system (closed
system with other effects ignored) is
completely specified by TWO
independent, intensive
Prefix “Iso”
• Many times we will talk about process paths
where one property is kept constant
• Isothermal
–Constant Temperature
• Isobaric
–Constant Pressure
• Isochoric
–Constant Volume
Key to Understand Thermodynamics
• Understand ENERGY and its’:
–Forms and types
–Interactions with a system
–Modes of transfer between System and Surroundings
–Effects caused by transfer
Art 1.8, page 17 (text)

Temperature & Zeroth Law of

• A property that distinguishes thermodynamics
from other sciences
• As important to thermodynamics as force does
to Statics and velocity to Dynamics
• Associated with the ability to distinguish Hot
from Cold
• A definition of temperature in terms of concepts
that are independently defined or accepted as
primitive is difficult to provide!
• It is, however, possible to arrive at an objective
understanding of equality of temperatures by
using the fact that when the temperature of a
body changes, other properties also change
 When two bodies at different temperatures are
brought in contact with each other, after some
time they attain common temperature and are
said to exist in a state of thermal equilibrium
 Temperature of a system is a property that
determines whether or not a system is in
thermal equilibrium with other systems
 If a body is at 60 oC, it will be at 60 oC
irrespective of the type of the equipment used
to measure the body temperature
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

If two bodies are in thermal

equilibrium with a third
body, they are also in
thermal equilibrium with
each other!
Temperature Measurement
• In order to obtain quantitative measure of
–A reference body is used
–Certain physical characteristic of this body is used
which gets changed with temperature
• The change in the selected physical
characteristics may be taken as an indication of
change in temperature!
Thermometric Property

The selected physical

characteristic of the reference
body is called the
thermometric property

It is the reference body that is selected for

determination of temperature
Common thermometer is mercury in glass
Extension in mercury in tube is used as
thermometric property
Types of Thermometer

S Thermodynamic
Type of Thermometer Symbol
No Property
Constant Volume Gas
1 Pressure P
Types of Thermometer

S Thermodynamic
Type of Thermometer Symbol
No Property
Constant Volume Gas
1 Pressure P
Constant Pressure Gas
2 Volume V
Types of Thermometer

S Thermodynamic
Type of Thermometer Symbol
No Property
Constant Volume Gas
1 Pressure P
Constant Pressure Gas
2 Volume V
Electrical Resistance
3 Resistance R
Types of Thermometer

S Thermodynamic
Type of Thermometer Symbol
No Property
Constant Volume Gas
1 Pressure P
Constant Pressure Gas
2 Volume V
Electrical Resistance
3 Resistance R
4 Thermocouple Thermal emf ε
Types of Thermometer

S Thermodynamic
Type of Thermometer Symbol
No Property
Constant Volume Gas
1 Pressure P
Constant Pressure Gas
2 Volume V
Electrical Resistance
3 Resistance R
4 Thermocouple Thermal emf ε
5 Mercury in Glass Length L
Temperature Scales

To define a temperature scale we need

accurately reproducible temperatures
Commonly used reference temperatures
 Ice-point: equilibrium temperature of ice and
air-saturated water at 1 atm
 Steam-point: equilibrium temperature of pure
liquid water in contact with its vapor at 1 atm
Temperature Scales

• Celsius Scale: 0 ~ 100; 100 divisions

• Fahrenheit Scale: 32 ~ 212; 180 divisions
• Ideal gas Temperature Scale:
–Temperatures are measured using constant-volume
gas thermometer
–Usually Hydrogen or Helium is used
–Underlying principle is that at low pressures, the
temperature of a gas is proportional to its pressure
at constant volume
Temperature Scales

• Thermodynamic Temperature Scale:

–Base on 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics
–Scale is independent of thermodynamic property of
any substance
–We shall discuss that in due course of time!
• Absolute Scales:
 Kelvin – refers to oC : TK = oC + 273
 Rankine – refers to oF : TR = oF + 460
Temperature Scales

• Temperature change is identical in:

 oC and K such that ∆T (oC) =∆T (K)
 oF and R such that ∆T (oF) =∆T (R)

• Conversion Between Temperature Scales:

 T(R) = 1.8 T(K) = (9/5) T(K)
 T(K) = (5/9) T(R)
Notice from the plot that -40°C equals -40°F, leading to convenient
formulas for converting between the two scales as follows:
Comparison of Temperature Scales

Go through Example 1-4

Art 1.9 -1.11, page 21(text)

Pressure & its Measurements


• The force exerted by a fluid per unit area

• Only meaningful for a gas or a liquid
(In solids we talk about stress)
Units of Pressure

In SI units, pressure is Pa  2
A expressed in Pascal [Pa] m

One Pascal isn’t often used; we generally use kPa

or MPa to represent large pressures!

1 atm = 101,325 Pa

1 atm = 101.325 kPa = 1.01325 bar = 14.7 psi

Note: 1 bar = 105 Pa and psi is lbf / in2

Types of Pressure
• Absolute pressures are measured relative to
perfact vacuum
–Usually we will talk about absolute pressure, and will
use absolute pressure in our calculations
• Gage pressures are measured relative to the
• If the system has pressure less than the
surroundings pressure, the gage pressure is
termed as Vacuum Pressure
Absolute vs. Gage Pressure

Pressure to
be measured



Pgage= Pabs – Patm

Absolute vs. Vacuum Pressure


Pressure to pvac
be measured


Pvac= Patm– Pabs

Go Through Example 1-5

Devices to measure pressure

• Barometer
• Manometer
• Bourdon tube
• Pressure Transducer
• Piezoelectric
–Strain gage
Barometer F
P  rgh
Measures atmospheric A
F  mg  rghA
FBD of Hg in

m  rV  rhA
the Tube

h V  hA
Note: The
pressure measured
by a barometer is
independent of tube
cross sectional

• The relation P = ρgh is used to measure the

atmospheric pressure.
• For a given barometer and location the density
and the acceleration due to gravity are constants
• so we conclude that:
–Pressure is directly proportional to height of the
fluid column!

• Pressure is often measured in [mm Hg] or [in Hg]

• 1 atm = 760 [mm Hg] = [29.92 in Hg]
• Used to measure pressure in a tank by comparing

Atmospheric pressure
W=ρghA acts at location 3
3 • Force balance: P1A
= P3A+W

h P1  Patm  rgh
P  P1  Patm  rgh
• 1 2 •
P1 Pressure is same at
FBD of Hg column
between 2 & 3 locations 1 & 2
Pressure : Conversion Factors
1 Pa = 1 N/m2 1 kPa = 0.145038 Psi
1 Psi = 6.894757 kPa 1 in Hg = 0.4912 Psi
1 in Hg = 3.387 kPa 1 mm Hg = 0.1333 kPa
1 m of H2O = 9.80638 kPa
1 bar = 100 kPa
1 atm = 101.325 kPa
= 14.696 psia
= 760 mm Hg
= 29.92 in Hg
Some Facts About Pressure

Pressure in a liquid
The pressure of a fluid at rest
at rest increases
increases with depth as a result
linearly with
of added weight.
distance from the
Hence h is taken positive free surface
Some Facts About Pressure

The pressure is the same at all points on a horizontal plane in a given fluid
regardless of geometry, provided that the points are interconnected by the
same fluid
Pascal’s Law

The pressure applied to a confined fluid increases the

pressure throughout by the same amount.
Common application of the Pascal’s
law is the car lift.
Noting that P1 = P2 since both pistons
are at the same level.
Hence the ratio of output force to input
force is determined to be:

The area ratio A2/A1 is called the ideal Lifting of a large weight by
mechanical advantage of the hydraulic a small force by the
application of Pascal’s law
Go Through Examples 1-7 to 1-10

ME – 130

Pressure: Problem Solving Session


For barometer, we have:

At the beach, atmospheric pressure is 1025 m bar. You dive 15 m
down in the ocean and you later climb a hill up to 250 m elevation.
Assume the density of water is about 1000 kg/m3 and the density of
air is 1.18 kg/m3. What pressure do you feel at each place?

Solution: We know that ΔP = ρgh

Pocean= Patm + ΔP (ΔP is positive downward)

= (1025 ×10-3 ×105) + (1000 × 9.81 × 15)
= 249650 Pa ≈ 249.65 kPa
Phill = (Patm – ΔP) (ΔP is negative upward)
= (1025 ×10-3 ×105) – (1.18 × 9.81 × 250)
= 99606 Pa ≈ 99.61 kPa
A 2.5 m tall steel cylinder has a cross sectional area of 1.5 m2. At the
bottom with a height of 0.5 m is liquid water on top of which is a 1 m
high layer of gasoline. The gasoline surface is exposed to
atmospheric air at 101 kPa. What is the highest pressure in the
water? The densities are: ρgasoline = 750 kg/m3; ρwater = 997 kg/m3

The pressure in the fluid goes up with the depth as
P = (Ptop + ΔP) = (Ptop + ρgh)

and since we have two fluid layers we get

P = Ptop + [(ρh)gasoline + (ρh)water]g

P = 101 + [750 × 1 + 997 × 0.5] (9.807/1000) = 113.2 kPa

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