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Stress Management

August 24,2017
NEAP , Malvar, Batangas

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 Define Stress
Know how to solve problems
 Determine different coping
 Understand Cognitive Reframes
 Practice relaxation techniques
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Keeping All Your Balloons in the

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Problem of teacher stress
exists in many schools
including our school and
this problem needs to be
tackled without delay!

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Teacher Stress

Heavy Workload

Increasing amount of
administrative work
because of education
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Are you Stressed?
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Feel like you are Losing It?
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• Researchers define stress as a
physical, mental, or emotional
response to events that causes
bodily or mental tension. Simply
put, stress is any outside force
or event that has an effect on
our body or mind.

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What Causes Us Stress?

- Get a meta-card
- Write the reasons
that causes you to
be stressed out
- Post it on the wall

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Signs of Stress
• Physical
–Back Pain
–Aches and Pains
• Mental
–Difficulty Concentrating
–Increased Errors
–Poor Decision Making
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Myths of Stress
• All stress is bad
• Stress will not hurt you
• What stresses you out also
stresses me out
• No symptoms, no stress
• Only major symptoms of stress
are harmful
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How many hats do you wear?
• Personal
- Get your Manila Paper
- Write the hats you are wearing
- Post in the wall and discuss it with the group
• Work Related
- Get your Manila Paper
- Write the hats you are wearing
- Post in the wall and discuss it with the group

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Managing Stress
What is your favorite stress reliever?
- Get your meta card and write
your stress reliever/s
- Post it on the wall
- Share with the group

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Managing Stress

What is your favorite stress


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How Can We Manage Stress?

Live with an Attitude of

Gratitude Be Grateful for
what you have.

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1) Time Management

• Get organized
• Get structured
• Set short term goals
• Set long term goals
• Use a planner:
–daily schedule and “To Do” list

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2) Relaxation
• Breathing: practice deep breathing
• Progressive muscle relaxation
• Guided Imagery
• Meditation
• Tapes, CDs etc.: Either something
structured (commercial) or soothing
• Choose and schedule it in
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3) Cognitive (Thoughts)
• Pay attention to what you say to
• Identify negative thinking and
irrational beliefs
• Negative thinking leads to stress
and anxiety
• Teach thought-stopping
• Teach affirmations
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One negative thought
leads to another………..
then another………..
then another …..

Pretty soon you have ruined your entire life

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4) Spirituality
• Church, etc
• Help others
• Spend quiet time every day
• Be thankful
• Think positively
• Put your faith to work!
"I am at peace in the midst of chaos or madness.
No person, place or thing has the power to upset me.".

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5) Eating
• Cut down on sugar, caffeine,
processed foods
• Eat nutritiously: all food groups,
especially fresh fruits and veggies
• Eat a little every couple of hours or
• Eat slowly

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More Ideas…

• Laugh Often
• Try a New Thing
• Cry
• Get Enough Sleep
• Exercise & Fresh Air
• Build a Support System – Friends, Family
and Co-Workers

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Even More Ideas
• Let go of perfectionism
• Learn to be flexible
• Relax your standards
• Focus less on pleasing others and
more on pleasing yourself
• Stay away from negative people
• Surround yourself with upbeat,
flexible and fun people.

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Name Your Stressor
• Person
• Place
• Thing
• Combination

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Ann Landers said…

“People take advantage

of you only with your

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Work/Life Balance

• Can it be done?

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What our jobs provide
• Sense of satisfaction
• Sense of purpose
• Structure

• Poor morale
• Unhappy workplace
• Pressure

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Environmental Stressors
• Noise
• Time
• Interruptions
• Clientele
• Co-workers
• Teaching personnel
• Limited space
• Technology
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We’re Out of Balance

• Depressed
• Anxious
• Frustrated
• Angry
• Guilty
• Poor choices
• Unhealthy habits
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The Self

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1.Physical Stress
An immediate threat to our well-being,
2.Mental Stress
*Our perception of an event in which:
We feel threatened
We experience change
We lose our sense of control
Our expectations aren’t realized

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• Stress is not a person, place or thing. It is a
physical and emotional reaction to change
– whether positive or negative. It is our
PERCEPTION of the change that matters.
• A Stressor is the actual event or change

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Things about stress

– Motivates us
– Leads to feelings of disappointment,
failure, embarrassment, etc.

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Cognitive Effects
Tunnel vision
Difficulty making decisions
Diminished ability to concentrate
Shortened attention span
Difficulty with abstract thought
Memory difficulty

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Psychological Effects
Loss of emotional control

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Behavioral Effects
Sleep disturbance
Change in eating habits
Increase in alcohol/substance use
Temper tantrums

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Physiological Effects
Elevated blood pressure
Elevated heart rate
Rapid breathing
Chills or sweats
Migraine headaches
Lower back pain

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Life Cycle Theory
 Most of us go through a series of events
called “life cycles”

i.e., birth, school job, marriage, kids, kids

leave, retirement, death

Stress increases at each life transition

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Stress Reduction vs. Stress
Stress reduction-eliminates the source of
stress by taking action and making changes.

Stress management-involves coping,

reinterpreting, reframing, and cognitive

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To alter our perception and response to our
To alter our lifestyle to be more stress

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How can I de-stress?
Relaxation techniques
Problem solving skills
Communication skills
Know your perception
Cognitive reframes
Self-care tools

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Relaxation Techniques

Muscle relaxation


Relaxation tape

Pelvic floor exercise

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Problem Solving
• The main question to ask is:

Whose problem is it?

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If it’s not your problem
And you’re making it your problem…

 Someone else isn’t being responsible

 What message are we sending if we take on someone

else’s problem?

 Be careful of being too controlling

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If it is Your Problem
Use the 8-step problem-solving guide

Sometimes you just have to accept the


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Anger Management

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• Identify your anger triggers
• Know your anger cues
• Know your anger style
• Deal with your anger effectively

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What is Anger?

A universal, first emotion

Built into our nervous system
Anger is a way of expressing
Two ways of Anger
Toxic anger-anger that poisons
your life and/or those around you
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Does everybody experience anger?

• Everybody gets angry. That is okay.

You’re going to feel how you feel. BUT:
how you act is up to you. And that
matters, because how you act leads to
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What bugs you?
• Something that happens that
makes you angry

• What triggers you does not

always trigger someone else.

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• If you know your
anger triggers, then
you can either:
• 1. Try to avoid
• 2. Learn how to
deal with them.

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Clenched fist

• Your body
Loud voice

sends you Red face

Racing &
heartbeat when Upset

you’re stomach


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Complete the Checklist
• What are your anger cues?

- Get a meta card and write

Your anger cues
- Post it on the wall
- Share it with the participants

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What’s your anger style?
• When your anger is triggered, you’re going to
react in some way. The way you react is
called your ANGER STYLE.

Acting Out



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• Easiest to recognize
• It’s when you strike out
at the person you are
mad at: physically or

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You get in trouble

Problem is not solved

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• Shifting your feelings to someone

you feel it’s safe to be mad at.

• Ex. Guy gets mad at his boss,

comes home & yells at his wife,
who yells at the kids, who kick the

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• You hurt innocent people

• Problem is not solved

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BURYING (ignoring)
• When you hold your anger down inside
yourself because you think it isn’t nice to have
those feelings.
• Denying your angry isn’t dealing with it.
• It can come out in other ways: headaches,
stomachaches, anxious, depressed
• One day you might explode!!

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• You hurt yourself
• You may hurt others when you
• Problem is not solved

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• When you find yourself angry,
REMEMBER the only behavior you
can manage is YOUR own!!!

• So, pay attention to your anger


• And, if you feel like you’re going to

lose it…

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Get a grip!!!

• 1. Cool off, stay calm.

– Walk away
– Count to 10
– Take deep breaths
– Use calming self-talk: “I can handle this.
Chill. It’s not as bad as it seems.”
– Imagine you are in a peaceful place.

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2. Give yourself some time to sort things out.

• Write the problem down on paper.

• Think it through. Ask yourself: what really happened?

How was I triggered? What were my cues.

• Talk it over with a friend or adult you trust.

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3. Turn your angry energy into a change for the
• Tell the person making you angry how you feel.
• Channel your angry energy into a physical activity.
• Try to solve the problem.
• Try to accept situations you can’t change.

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• That’s just how it is.
• The difference comes in what you do about
SO: it.

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• When is anger a problem?

• How often do you get angry?

– Not at all
– 1-2 times a week
– 3-5 times a week
– 1-2 times a day
– 3 times a day
– 6-10 times a day
– 10+ times a day

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Intensity of Anger
• On a scale of 1-10, where are you?

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Is Anger Poisoning Your Life?
Anger and fatigue
Anger has an immediate effect on blood
What’s your risk for heart attack?

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How At Risk for Heart Attack
are YOU?
Have you smoked cigarettes in the last 30
Do you have 2+ alcohol at one sitting?
Has a doctor told you that you have high
blood pressure?
Are you being treated for high blood
Has a doctor told you that you have high
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Are you currently being treated for high
Do you consider yourself overweight?
Do you consider yourself obese?

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The Impact of Anger
On our health
On our career
On our relationships
On our marriage
On the health of people around us
On the self-esteem of the people around us

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Maintaining Daily Balance
• Take time for your health
• Give your family quality time
• Stay within your financial budget
• Enjoy a quality social life
• Stay current with new developments at work
• Enjoy your spiritual area

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Help Yourself to Balance
• Clarify your values
• Make a list
• Set your own rules for balance
• Use transition time wisely
• Do one thing at a time
• Volunteer
• Pay attention to now

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Is it true that perception is reality?

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• If you can’t change the situation,
you must change the way you
PERCEIVE the situation.

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Cognitive Reframes
We all talk to ourselves
How do you talk to yourself?
How do you talk to others?
Negative v. positive thinkers

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Self-esteem is the relationship you have
with yourself.

“No one can make you feel inferior without

your consent.”
Eleanor Roosevelt.

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Our Thoughts
How we think impacts how we feel
If we think everything’s a big deal
If we think things need to be perfect
If we think we need to be in charge or
dominate others
If we think people should be on time
If we have a hard time saying what’s on our

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If we think everything is an irritant
If we judge others
If we think someone has to be at fault

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How to Reframe Your Thinking
Keep an event log
What’s the event (stressor) that caused you
to be angry?
What are your thoughts
What are your emotions
What is your behavior
What is the outcome

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Self-Care Tools
Set limits
Healthy life style-nutrition, sleep, exercise
Pros v. cons list
Short-term and long-term goals
Say no, have real expectations
Keep balance in focus
Vary work and play

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To God be the Glory !!!

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Contact Details
Michael Girard R. Alba, RPm
Office Tel: (02) 682-5773 loc. 112
Mobile No. : 0920 979.67.31
Specialization: Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Psychological Testing
Career Development
Philippine Mental Health Association
Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association
Psychological Association of the Philippines
Roosevelt College – FEU (Graduate School)
St. Paul University – (Graduate School)
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