Sepia Sucus: George Loukas

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The following symptoms help us to
understand the Sepia psychological
Ailments from love disappointment.
Ailments from mortification.
Ailments from sexual excesses.
Comlaining of others.
Climacteric period agg.
Discontented with everything.
Discouraged after coition.
Delusions, three doctors come.
Fear, approaching him of others.
Fear of men.
Forsaken feeling, feels of not being
beloved by his parents, wife, friends.
Restlessness, after coition.
Restlessness, presence of strangers
As Sepia is mostly prescribed for
women, we will first examine the
woman Sepia. A woman is
brought to the Sepia state after
renouncing her feminine nature.
It is frequently observed women
between 20-40 years old to
require Sepia at some time during
their treatment.
But how does this happen?
A sensitive young girl starts her love life with
enthousiasm. She gets involved into a sexual
relationship but something happens and it
fails. She starts a second relationship which
again fails. Her dreams start to fall apart,
she is put off by the idea of another
relationship. Her emotional life feels empty.
If she happens to get involved in a new
relationship she finds that she cannot relax
during sexual intercourse and she feels bad
Here is another case: A young married woman
starts feeling that her sexual life is not
emotionally fulfilling. There can be many
reasons for this for example, her husband
may concentrate on the “corporeal” aspect of
sex, thus overlooking the romantic needs of
his wife, or he may be very involved in his
business and not very emotionally supportive.
She starts feeling rejected and abandoned by
her husband. Before her marriage she might
have been Phosphorus or Natrum muriaticum,
but now she starts becoming Sepia.
A surgical operation can also bring
about the Sepia state. This usually
happens after obsteric surgery,
mainly after an abortion. An abortion
is a very traumatic experience for a
woman. If her partner insists on an
abortion, thinks that he does not love
and respect her any and starts
feeling hurt. Then she may become
But even if this is not the case,
the emotional trauma resulting
from some medical treatment can
cause some inhibition towards
sex. There is something that does
not let the woman relax during
coition. She is tense. She starts
feeling that she will never be able
to enjoy life as she used to.
What happens to a woman that
develops such a psychological
picture? Or, in other words, what is
the attitude of the Sepia woman
towards other activities? She is
characterized by hyperactivity. The
Sepia housewife is a very busy
woman. All day she moves about in
the house, motion is good for her.
She is fastidius with cleaning,
washing, all housework. She is
obsessed with cleaness.
She demands that her husband and
children take their shoes off as soon as
they enter the house and put things to
their allocated places. She is always
busy with something. She does not feel
well when she is sitting, motion makes
her feel better. During a ball or a fair
she is the first to dance. Physical
exersise helps her a lot. She is full of
anxiety, even when she eats, urinates
or defocates.
Frequently we find Sepia among educated
women. It is difficult to state whether high
education promotes the creation of the Sepia
state or Sepia women have an inclination for
higher studies. We believe both are true. On one
hand, a woman that feels emotionally unfulfilled
directs all her energy into her work and studies,
on the other hand, a vigorous study programme
prevents natural emotional expression. Taking
over multiple roles may result in the appearance
of the Sepia state. Another outlet can be making
money. Sepia feels financially insecure, she has
fear of poverty and a tendency to stinginess.
Despite the fact that she outwardly seems a
very dynamic person, internally she is very
much like Natrum muriaticum. She is very
sensitive, easily hurt, she wants to be loved
but she does not like consolation. She keeps
to herself and weeps alone. The feminist type
is very much like Sepia. Out wardly dynamic,
inwardly sensitive, she is a woman that has
not lived up to her feminine nature.
Sometimes she may not express her anger on
others, beating her children and then
regretting it.
The Sepia mother offers everything to
her children, who represent the
meaning of her life. Sometimes,
though, she is indifferent to them.
This happens mainly with educated
Sepia women who spend a lot of their
energy in their business. However, in
both cases emotional investment is
Where is the Sepia woman led,
living this way? Most often some
physical symptoms appear as a
result of stress, for example. Then
hypochondriac symptoms
develop. She starts fearing death,
thinks that she has some kind of
illness, fears that something bad
will happen to her. She might visit
various doctors trying to find a
solution to her problem.
Another picture, not the most
common one, is that described in
the books as stagnation. It refers
to women who have been in the
Sepia state for a long time or
whose organism is exhausted.
They are characterized by great
indifference. They are indifferent
towards their job, their husband,
their children.
They are in a stagnant emotional
state. Their movements are slow, they
wonder how they can be in this state.
However, even in this case motion
makes them better. When they come
to the clinic they break into tears
while relating their problems. Such a
psychological state is commonly
observed during menopause.
Something that must be noted about
the Sepia woman is a definite
aggravation of her psychological
symptoms before menses.
It is true that Sepia is not often
given to men. If a man is
discontented with his job, he
might develop the Sepia state. Or,
in other cases, sexual excess can
result to emotional indifference.
The Sepia man reminds us of
Natrum personality. Some times
he shows feminine aspects.
Children develop a Sepia state when
they grow up without love and
affection. A workaholic father,
dedicated to his job and overlooking
his daughter’s emotional needs,
induces a Sepia state in his daughter.
The Sepia child is an hyperactive
sensitive person.

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