MMW Chap 1 Mathematics in Our World

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Topic Outline

I. Patterns and Numbers in Nature and in the World

II. Fibonacci Sequence

III. Patterns and Regularities in the World

IV. Behavior of Nature

V. Applications of Mathematics in the World

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
o Argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed,
represented, and used.
o Discuss the concept Fibonacci and its applications.
o Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world.
o Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life.
o Establish the relationship between the Fibonacci sequence with the
golden ratio.
o Investigate the relationship of the golden ratio and Fibonacci number in
natural world.
o Determine the application of the Golden ratio in arts and architecture.
o Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s life.
o Express appreciation for mathematics as a human endeavor.
o Support the use of mathematics in various aspects and endeavors in
life. Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to
various human endeavors.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Patterns & Numbers in Nature and the World
Patterns in nature are visible regularities found:

Natural World Universe

Patterns recurring in different context can sometimes be

modelled mathematically.

Mathematics is the formal system on recognizing, classifying,

and exploiting patterns.
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Patterns & Numbers in Nature and the World
Mathematics – organize and systematize ideas about patterns
in nature.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Patterns & Numbers in Nature and the World
Patterns possess utility and beauty.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Patterns & Numbers in Nature and the World
Patterns in stars which move in circles across the sky each day.

The weather seasons cycle each year (e.g. winter, spring

summer, fall).

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Patterns & Numbers in Nature and the World

Snowflakes contain sixfold

symmetry which no two
are exactly the same.

There are evidences that

hexagonal snowflakes have
an atomic geometry of ice

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Patterns & Numbers in Nature and the World
Animals and fish stripes and spots attest to mathematical
regularities in biological growth and form.
Evolutionary and functional arguments are explain by the
patterns of animals.
Patterns & Numbers in Nature and the World

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Patterns & Numbers in Nature and the World

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Fibonacci Sequence

Pizano or Leonardo of Pisa (1170–1250) is

from in Pisa, Italy. His father Guglielmo
Bonacci was a wealthy Italian merchant, who
represented merchants of the Republic of
Pisa who were trading in Bugia (now Béjaïa)
in Algeria, North Africa.

Around 1200 AD he published the Liber

Abbaci, or “Book of Calculation.”
An arithmetic text on financial
computations and promoted the use of
Hindu-Arabic numerals.
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Fibonacci Sequence

One of the exercises in Fibonacci’s book :

“A man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded on

all sides by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits are
produced from that pair in a year, if it is supposed that
every month each pair produces a new pair, which
from the second month onwards becomes

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Rabbit Habit

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence f1, f2, f3, f4, … which has
its first two terms f1 and f2 both equal to 1 and satisfies
thereafter the recursion formula fn = fn–1 + fn–2.

The sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, …
is called the Fibonacci sequence and its terms the Fibonacci

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Growth of Rabbit Colony

Months Adult Pairs Young Pairs Total

1 1 1 2
2 2 1 3
3 3 2 5
4 5 3 8
5 8 5 13
6 13 8 21
7 21 13 34
8 34 21 55
9 55 34 89
10 89 55 144
11 144 89 233
12 233 144 377

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Rectangle
A golden rectangle can be broken into squares the size of the
next Fibonacci number down and below.

Fibonacci spiral –
Take a golden
rectangle, break it
down into smaller
squares based from
Fibonacci sequence
and divide each with
an arc.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Flower Petals
Flower petals exhibit the Fibonacci number:
White calla lily contains 1 petal
Euphorbia contains 2 petals
Trillium contains 3 petals
Columbine contains 5 petals

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Flower Petals
Flower petals exhibit the Fibonacci number:
Bloodroot contains 8 petals
Black-eyed susan contains 13 petals
Sasha daisy contains 21 petals
Field daisies contains 34, and other types of daisies contain
55, and 89 petals.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

The sunflower seed conveys the Fibonacci
The pattern of two spirals goes in opposing
directions (clockwise and counterclockwise).
The no. of clockwise spirals and
counterclockwise spirals are consecutive
Fibonacci numbers and usually contains 34
and 55 seeds.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Pineapple Spirals
Pineapple spirals formed by their hexagonal nubs.

The nubs on form 5 spirals and 8 spirals, or 8 spirals and 13

spirals that rotate diagonally upward to the right depending on
the size of the pineapple.

The numbers 5, 8, and 13 are Fibonacci numbers.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Pine Cone Spirals
Pine cone spirals from the center
have 5 arms and 8 arms, or 8 arms
and 13 arms, depending on the
size, which again two Fibonacci

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio
Luca Pacioli found the relationship between
Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio.
The golden ratio was first called as the Divine
Proportion in the early 1500s in Leonardo da
Vinci’s work was explored by Luca Pacioli
(Italian mathematician) entitled “De Devina
Proportione” in 1509.
Luca Pacioli

Da Vinci’s drawings of the five platonic solids

and it was probably da Vinci who first called it
the “section aurea” Latin for Golden Section.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio

Two quantities are in the Golden ratio if their ratio is the same
of their sum to the larger of the two quantities.

The Golden Ratio is the relationship between numbers on the

Fibonacci sequence where plotting the relationships on scales
results in a spiral shape

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Rectangle

The Fibonacci numbers can be applied to the

proportions of a rectangle, called the Golden

Golden Rectangle is known as one of the most visually

satisfying of all geometric forms – hence, the
appearance of the Golden ratio in art.

The Golden rectangle is also related to the Golden

spiral, which is created by making adjacent squares of
Fibonacci dimensions.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Rectangle
A Fibonacci spiral which approximates the golden spiral, using
Fibonacci sequence square sizes up to 34.

The golden ratio is the

limit of the ratios of
successive terms of the
Fibonacci sequence (or
any Fibonacci-like
sequence), as originally
shown by Johannes Kepler
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Golden Rectangle
The golden ratio is the limit of the ratios of
successive terms of the Fibonacci sequence
(or any Fibonacci-like sequence), as originally
shown by Johannes Kepler (1571–1630).

Johannes Kepler
Golden Ratio


Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Triangle
Golden ratio can also be deduced in an isosceles triangle.

A set of Whirling Triangles were able to draw a logarithmic

spiral that will converge at the intersection of the two lines.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Division in Extreme and Mean Ratio
Given a line AB being cut at a point P, so that the ratios AP : AB
PB : AP are the same.


Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Nature

Fibonacci numbers are said to be as one of the nature's

numbering systems.

The leaf arrangements in plants to the structures in outer space

elicit golden ratio.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Nature

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Nature

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Human Body

Many parts of the body are

in pair like arms, legs, eyes,

Parts of the human body

follow the Fibonacci, 2
hands with with 5 digits,
and 8 fingers each contains
3 section.

The ratio of forearm to hand

is phi and other parts of the
human body.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Vitruvian Man

Many researchers of the

human body show
mathematical regularities one
example is the inscribed man
into a pentagram model of
Leonardo da Vinci.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts
Golden Ratio shows beauty, balance and harmony in art,
architecture & design.

Also known as Golden Section, or Golden Proportion, or Divine

Proportion denoted by Phi () = 1.6180339887…

Phi is the initial letters of Phidias’.

Mark Barr (American mathematician), to use Phi in honor of


Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts

Phidias (490 BC – 430 BC) widely used the

golden ratio in his works of sculpture.

The exterior dimension of the Parthenon in

Athens, Greece embodies the golden ratio.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts
In “Timaeus” Plato (428 BC – 347 BC) describes
five possible regular solids that relate to the
golden ratio.

He also considers the golden ratio to be the most

binging of all mathematic relationships.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts
Euclid was the first to give definition of the
golden ratio as “a dividing line in the extreme
and mean ratio” in his book the “Elements.”
He proved the link of the number to the
construction of the pentagram, known as golden

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Renaissance Artists
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (1452–1519) or
known as Leonardo da Vinci was into invention,
painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music,
mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy,
geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and

The Last Supper Vitruvian Ma Monalisa St. Jerome

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Renaissance Artists
Michelangelo di Lodovico Simon (1475–1564) or
known as Michelangelo was a painter, architect,
poet, and engineer from the Renaissance.

He was considered the greatest living artist of his


Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Renaissance Artists

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483–1520) or

known as Raphael was also a painter and
architect from the Renaissance.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Renaissance Artists

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Artists

Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn (1606–

1669) or simply known as Rembrandt is a
Dutch painter.

It is said that the golden triangle is applied

in his paintings “Self Portrait”.

Today the Golden ratio is usually a concept that is applied in

art, design and architecture.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio – Early Renaissance Artists
Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (1445–
1510), known as Sandro Botticelli, is an Italian
The Birth of Venus is one of the world’s famous
and appreciated works of art and it was painted
between 1482 and 1485.
Sandro Botticelli

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Artists

George-Pierre Seurat (1859–1891) was a French

post-impressionist painter.
His paintings appear to have applied golden ratio
to define the horizon, to place point of interest and
to create balance.
Georges Seurat

Barthers at Asinieres Bridge of Courbevoie A Sunday on La Grande Jatte

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Artists

Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dali (1904–

1989) or known as Salvador Dali framed his
paintings using the golden ratio in his
masterpiece, “The Sacrament of the Last Supper.”

Salvador Dali

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Architecture
The Great Pyramid of Giza built 4700 BC in Ahmes Papyrus of
Egypt is with proportion according to a “Golden Ratio.”

The length of each side of the base is 756 feet with a height of
481 feet.

The ratio of the base to the height is roughly 1.5717, which is

close to the Golden ratio.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Golden Ratio in Arts – Architecture
Notre Dame is a Gothic Cathedral in Paris, built in between
1163 and 1250.
Taj Mahal in India used the golden ratio in its construction and
was completed in 1648.
Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartes in Paris, France also exhibits
the golden ratio.

Notre Dame Taj Mahal Chartes Cathedral

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Golden Ratio in Arts – Architecture

United Nations Building, the window configuration reveal

golden proportion.
Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, erected in 1889 is an iron lattice.
CN Tower in Toronto, the tallest tower and freestanding
structure in the world, contains the golden ratio in its design.
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Golden Ratio in Designs

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Patterns and Regularities

Types of pattern: Spirals



Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Symmetry is a sense of harmonious and beautiful proportion of
balance or an object is invariant to any of various
transformations (reflection, rotation or scaling).

There are two main types of symmetry, bilateral and radial.

Bilateral symmetry is a symmetry in which the left and

right sides of the organism can be divided into approximately
mirror image of each other along the midline.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Bilateral Symmetry

Symmetry exists in living

things such as in insects,
animals, plants, flowers, and

Animals mainly have

bilateral or vertical
symmetry, even leaves of
plants and some flowers
such as orchids.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Radial Symmetry

Radial symmetry (or rotational symmetry) is a type of

symmetry around a fixed point known as the center and it can
be classified as either cyclic or dihedral.

Plants often have radial or rotational symmetry, as to flowers

and some groups of animals.

A five-fold symmetry is found in the echinoderms, the group

which includes starfish (dihedral-D5 symmetry), sea urchins,
and sea lilies (dihedral-D5 symmetry).

Radial symmetry suits organisms like sea anemones whose

adults do not move and jellyfish (dihedral-D4 symmetry).

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Radial Symmetry

Radial symmetry is also evident in different kinds of flowers.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Radial Symmetry

Snowflakes have six-fold symmetry; each flake's structure

forms a record of the varying conditions during its
crystallization, with nearly the same pattern of growth on each
of its six arms.
Generally, crystals have a variety of symmetries and crystal
habits; some are cubic or octahedral.
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Fractal is curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the
same statistical character as the whole.

It is a class of highly irregular shapes that are related to

continents, coastlines, and snowflakes.
It is use to model
structures in which similar
patterns recur at
progressively smaller
scales, and in describing
partly random or chaotic
phenomena such as crystal
growth, fluid turbulence,
and galaxy formation

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Fractals can be seen in some plants, trees, leaves, and others.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


A logarithmic spiral (or growth spiral) is a self-similar spiral

curve which often appears in nature.

It was first described by Rene Descartes and was later

investigated by Jacob Bernoulli.

Spirals are more evident in plants.

Spirals can also be seen in typhoon, whirlpool, galaxy, tail of

chameleon, and shell among others.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Behavior of Nature
Behavior of nature can be observed around us.
Natural regularities of nature:
Symmetry Fractals Spirals
Trees Meanders Waves
Foams Tessellations Cracks
Stripes Spots

Golden Ratio can be found in the beauty of nature, the growth

patterns of many plants, insects, and the universe.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Behavior of Nature

Honeycombs of the bees show specific

regular repeating hexagons.

It uses the least amount of wax to store the

honey giving a strong structure with no

Zebra’s coat, the alternating pattern of

blacks and white are due to mathematical
rules that govern the pigmentation
chemicals of its skin.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Behavior of Nature

Spider webs illustrate a beautiful pattern.

The spider creates a structure by
performing innate steps.

The nautilus shell has natural pattern

which contains a spiral shape called
logarithmic spiral.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Behavior of Nature

Age of the trees can be determined by

applying dendrochronology which is a
scientific method of dating based on the
amount of rings found in the core of a tree.

Turtles have growth rings called “scutes”

which are hexagonal.
Scutes estimates the age of the turtle.
Smallest scute is in the center and is the
oldest one, while the largest ones on the
outside are the newer ones.
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Behavior of Nature

Lightning during storms

creates fractals.
Foam bubbles formed by
trapping pockets of gas in a
liquid or solid.

Cracks can also be found on the

barks of trees which show some
sort of weakness in the bark.
The meander is one of a series of
regular sinuous curves, bends,
loops, turns, or windings in the
channel of the body of water.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Behavior of Nature
Hurricanes rotates, the enormous cloud bands form golden
Galaxies form the same way as the golden spiral.
The waves of the sea also move in golden spiral and even the
fluid dynamics create golden spiral.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Applications of Mathematics
Application of Calculus
❖ In forensic, clarity the blurred image to clear image.
❖ Optimization (maximize or minimize) surface areas,
volumes, profit and cost analysis, projectile motion, etc.

Mathematical Modelling
❖ In medical field, drugs are designed to change the shape or
motions of a protein by modelling using geometry and
related areas.
❖ Development of medicine to cure diseases.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Applications of Mathematics
❖ Numerical analysis: heat, electricity, and magnetism,
relativistic mechanics, quantum mechanics, and other
theoretical constructs.

Information technology
❖ Computers are invented thru mathematics.
❖ Computer science development includes mathematical
❖ Google use linear algebra to quantify “relevance” with the
help of mathematics.
❖ Facebook uses graph theory to create links between
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Applications of Mathematics
❖ Computer security on ATM cards, computer passwords
and electronic commerce.

❖ Surveys and try to find patterns to shed light on past
human behavior.
❖ and in carbon dating artifacts.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Applications of Mathematics
Social Sciences
❖ Mathematical modelling on economics, sociology,
psychology, and linguistics.

Political Science
❖ Political analysts study voting patterns and the influence
of various factors on voting behavior.

Music and Arts

❖ Musical structure
❖ Gothic Architecture
❖ Egyptian Pyramids

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

… what is physical is subject to
the laws of mathematics, and
what is spiritual to the laws of
God, and the laws of mathematics
are but the expression of the
thoughts of God.

Copyright 2018:
– Thomas
Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

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