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By, Saad, Eshwar

• Modern day computers are made of simple components: Main memory,
Arithmetic unit and control unit
• Computer chip – Basic modules – Logic Gates – Transistors
• Information is made of a complex combination of bits – 0’s and 1’s
• Transistors make up logic gates, which make up modules, which add,
subtract and multiply
• Basically, a transistor is just an electric switch, i.e., electron move from one
part to the other.
• Transistors are getting smaller and smaller, so that more of them can be used
to increase the processing power.
• Typical size of transistors today-14nm
• But as they are approaching the size of an atom, quantum effects come to
be realized.
• Due to quantum tunneling effect, the electrons can teleport across the
switch even when its closed, rendering them useless.
• Therefore scientists started using quantum physics to their advantage by
building Quantum computers.
• Like Bits in normal computers, qubits exist in quantum computers
• They can also be set to any two values 0’s or 1’s
• A Qubit can be any two level Quantum system such as a spin in a magnetic
field or a photon
• Due to superposition(vertical or horizontal polarity), it can be in these states
any proportion, but when tested, only one value is observed - unpredictable
• They can store a lot of configurations at once. 20 – 1 million.
• Entanglement – A close connection that makes each of the qubits react to a
change in state in the other state almost instantaneously, no matter how far
they are apart
• Properties of other Qubits can be deduced without testing
• Logic gate gets a simple set of inputs and produces one definite output
• In lieu of this, some form of quantum controlling device is required
• A quantum gate manipulates the input of superpositions, rotates probabilities
and produces another superposition as its output.
• A quantum computer sets up some Qubits, applies quantum gates to
entangle them and manipulate probabilities then finally measures the
outcome, collapsing superpositions to an actual sequence of 0’s and 1’s
• The result is unpredictable and may be the one we want. By cleverly utilizing
superposition and entanglement, this can be exponentially better than the
normal computer
• Database searching – To find something in a database, a normal computer
may have to test every single one of its entries. Quantum computers need
only a square root of that time.
• IT Security – Encoding and decoding can take years of trial and error on a
normal computer while quantum computer can do it in a breeze.
• Simulations – Simulations of the quantum world are very intense on resources
and for vigger structures they lack accuracy
• Right now, quantum computers are still in their infancy and still need to be
developed much more
• Companies such as Google AI, Rigetti and IBM are in pursuit of creating the
world’s first quantum computer.
• They can either be used as a very specialized tool in the future or bring
about a big revolution in the course of technology

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