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Roma Bracewell

Summer Internship 2019

 Introduction
 Presentation of Objectives
 A day in the life of a Health Communications Intern
 Roles and Responsibilities
 Main focus: Regional Networks
 The Regional Network Impact Summary Report – my project
 Information Collected
 Word Cloud
 Recommendations
 Conclusion
 CDC’s everyday language is filled with MANY acronyms.

 Stop me at any point if you can’t find something I am talking about

 The Injury Center’s role in preventing violence and injury
 Purpose and goals of the Regional Networks
 Funded through the Core State Violence and Injury Prevention Program (Core
 A Regional Network Impact Summary Report need
 The purpose of the Regional Networks and how it correlates to injury
 Arrive & check email
 Daily 1:1 with Michelle
 Work on projects and/or anything class related
 Informational meetings with SMEs and/or state
 Lunch
 Communications team meeting
 Depart for home
 Lead for the Regional Network Impact Summary Report
 Coordinate main pieces with SMEs on researching historical data.
 Lead for weekly meeting updates.
 Lead for integration and dissemination plans.

 Assist Michelle with other assignments related to Core SVIPP

 Regional Networks:
 One of the components of Core Purpose of Regional
State Violence and Injury
Prevention Program (SVIPP) To make connections
between people,
 Helps states collaborate with science, and practice
other states to share lessons
learned, highlight successful
strategies and bring together
partners to prevent violence
and injury.
 Five Core SVIPP-funded
states serve as coordinators
for the Regional Networks
Core SVIPP States and Regions
 Meet with SME’s
 Facilitate phone conversations with Regional Network Leaders
 Design layout of the Impact Summary
 What should go in it?

 Decide where this Summary would be shared

 Who would see it
 Many reviews were done!
 Back and forth process

 Working with Sally, Angie, Leslie, and Lisa

 Verifying all the information was correct (came during evaluation)
 Internal
 Injury center website
 Core SVIPP quarterly newsletter

 External Partners
 Evaluated by Michelle and SME’s
 Evaluation was based on the purpose and outcomes
 Also based on how correct the information was and if they could tell that I
had done my research or not
 A lot of subject matter
 Michelle Brown (CDC)
 Sally Thigpen (CDC)
 Angie Deokar (CDC)
 Regional Network Leads from around the nation
 Alan Dellapenna (North Carolina)
 Jennifer Woody (North Carolina)
 Will Hitchcock (Washington)
 Julie Alonso (Safe States)

 Documents
 FOA, member survey, annual reports, etc
 This is a PDF of the actual product that was created!
 Great place to intern!
 Very welcoming team and environment
 RN’s do great work but there is more opportunity to highlight the good things that
they do as well
 When asked about this, I noticed that a lot of them couldn’t come up with anything

 Give more opportunities to explore different places


 I learned so much!
 There is always room for growth, no matter what!
 The CDC and NCIPC take great pride in their work and I am honored to have gotten
to play a small role in that!
 Thank you Michelle, Lisa, Sally, Angie, & Erin for the support!
 It isn’t over yet!!!
Thank you!

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