Caribbean - Studies - Ia - Sample (Alcohol Consumption On Teens)

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 How has alcohol consumption affected teenagers in
Trinidad over the last five years?
 In this research project, I intend to investigate the
effects of alcohol consumption among teenagers. I will
focus my survey on the students of Vishnu Boys’
Hindu College but general assumptions about the
whole of Trinidad will be made.
 What are the factors influencing teenagers to
consume alcohol?
 How does alcohol consumption affect an individual’s
academic performance?
 How does alcohol consumption affect one’s behaviour
and actions?
 What are the physical effects of alcohol intake on an
 What feasible solutions can be applied to reduce the
 In this research project, an investigation is being
conducted on the effects of alcohol consumption
among teenagers. My research was limited to the
vicinity of Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College with emphasis
on the forms Four, Five and Six students. This location
was chosen because obtaining information will be very
 This study was conducted to create an increase in the
awareness of the negative impacts of alcohol
consumption on teenagers and to prove how
important it is that attention be levied on this topic
especially in the Caribbean.
 This Internal Assessment will be beneficial to future
students and researchers since it may provide them
with necessary information and statistics on the topic,
which will be presented later on in the project.
 Alcohol consumption existed from since in the days of
Colonialism, Slavery and Indentureship. However, it
was mainly adults who consumed alcohol. Presently, it
is quite evident that there is an increase in alcohol
consumption and it is teenagers who are consuming
excessive amounts of alcohol as well as adults.
 Teenagers are resorting to alcohol as a form of
relieving stress and problems that they encounter
during their lifetime and many other purposes. The
consequences linked to this increase in alcohol
consumption are becoming more detrimental each
day, hence; individuals need to be educated on
 Alcohol - An intoxicating beverage that is produced
by fermentation action of yeast on sugar and is an
important ingredient in wine, having a bearing on its
taste and quality.

 Teenager - person between the age of 13 and 19,

whoever age's end with "teen".
 Over the years, consumption of alcohol among teenagers has
become a growing concern in many parts of the world including the
Caribbean. According to the site there are many
reasons why individuals get addicted to alcohol. Addiction to
alcohol lies beneath brain chemicals, personality and genetics. It is
stated that alcohol triggers the release of dopamine (a chemical that
produces feelings of satisfaction) it also increases the production of
the brain’s natural painkiller endorphin which scientists think
could be the means by which the brain becomes trained to crave.
 Not only chemicals cause an addiction but also genes play an
important role in addiction to alcohol. It was discovered that
someone whose parents had a problem with alcohol have a greater
chance of having a problem himself as compared to someone whose
parents did not have a problem.
 With reference to the website
.doc a number of factors relating to the reasons why teenagers
consume alcohol were discussed. The first being peer pressure
where it was seen that the desire to fit in and be accepted by a
group or friends played an important role in influencing
teenagers to drink alcohol.
 Another factor discussed was family where it is important for
parents to communicate and be role models to their children as
teenagers would be affected by their family’s actions. Media
messages was another influential factor as they make the
consuming of alcohol seem attractive, exciting and fun hence,
making teenagers want to try it. Stress, depression and
performance in academics were other related factors, which
influenced teenagers to consume alcohol.
 On the 1st December, 2008 an article published in the Trinidad’s
express revealed that alcoholism causes progressive brain
shrinkage and disrupts communications between regions
involved in storing and retrieving memories. This made it quite
clear that alcohol can affect a student’s academic performance as
well as affect their behviour and actions and even affect them
physically. It was also explained further that an alcoholic could
exhibit total loss of long-term memories.
 If one is unable to remember how can one succeed at school?
Studying requires a lot of brain activity and retaining your
memory is important throughout one’s life. Alcohol also leads to
vitamin B1 deficiencies, along with vitamin B12 deficiencies that
can negatively affect memory. It also causes problems such as
muscle weakness, depression, blurred vision, poison of liver and
nerve damage.
 According to an article from the Guardian, one possible
solution was to visit the AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) to
gain assistance in quitting alcohol as well as to be educated.
Anne M. Fletcher (2002), she also recommended
attendance to the AA however, she stated that this
approach might not be helpful to all as for different people
different approaches are needed.
 Some require support, some can help themselves and
others professional counseling. Abstinence as
recommended by Stephen J. Gislason (2006) is another
solution. Trying to cut back little by little and abstaining
from alcohol may be a method of helping to reduce the
 It is very difficult to gather information based on the
Caribbean region since existing research was done
internationally and Caribbean research was less
accessible. The research conducted assisted me in
understanding the developing problem worldwide and
slightly in the Caribbean.
 However, to further my knowledge and understanding
on the present day situation among youths in Trinidad,
particularly at the Vishnu Boys Hindu College I will
conduct a research using questionnaires. Suggestions
will be made to reduce alcohol consumption among
 During the period of October to December 2008, primary data collection methods
such as questionnaires and an interview as well as secondary data collection methods
such as books, newspaper articles and the internet were employed to attain pertinent
information necessary to perform the investigation into the effects of alcohol
consumption among teenagers.

 This questionnaire targeted the psychological and physical effects of alcohol on
teenagers. A stratified system of sampling was utilized in selecting respondents for my
research project. The sample survey comprised of Forms Four, Five and Six students of
Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College and the students selected each received a questionnaire
consisting of fixed questions as well as open-ended questions that allowed
respondents the freedom to express their opinions.

 Questionnaires provided the opportunity of accessing local statistical information

rather than relying solely on international based information, they were easy to
administer, it saved time and a large number of people were reached from my
sampling unit. However, there were some drawbacks such as dishonesty of
respondents and questionnaires not being returned nonetheless, these were
moderated by the brevity of questions and anonymity.
 In addition, an interview was conducted with Mr.
Jiwan Singh who is a member of the Alcoholics
Anonymous. The interview was unstructured hence,
allowing the interviewee to express his opinions freely
and provide thorough and detailed answers. However,
the interviewee was not prepared to answer some
questions and at times drifted away from the topic.
 Based on the data previously analyzed and presented
graphically the following interpretations were

 Figure 1, is a Pie Chart showing the number of
respondents who consumed alcohol. An impressive
92% responded ‘Yes’ while the remaining 8%
responded ‘No.’ It is quite evident from the responses
that the percentage of teenagers who consume alcohol
surpasses those who do not.
 My study also enquired how often respondents
consumed alcohol. With reference to Figure 2, it was
seen that 4% of the respondents who consume alcohol
replied Daily, 52% Weekly and 36% Occasionally. From
these results, it can be concluded that the majority of
teenagers who consume alcohol did so on a weekly
 The students were also asked to determine the influential
factors of consuming alcohol. From the various options
listed respondents were required to select any number of
factors that influenced them to consume alcohol.
 According to the responses, which were illustrated in
Figure 3, 52% indicated Peer pressure, 28% were under the
influence of Family members, 0% by Media messages, 8%
because of Low self-esteem, 12% due to Poor academic
performance, 12% because of Depression, 20% were
experiencing Stress, and an additional 12% stated Other
factors. From analyzing this data, it is clear that the most
dominant influential factor is Peer pressure.
 As shown in Figure 4, respondents were questioned as
to whether or not they tried or ever considered
quitting alcohol. The Cone graph illustrated a response
of 36% answering ‘Yes’ and 64% answering ‘No.’
Judging from the received responses it can be noted
that majority of teenagers never tried or considered
quitting alcohol.
 Another question posed to both alcoholics and non-
alcoholics was if they were aware of the ways in which
alcohol affects a person physically. With indication to
Figure 5, the Pie Chart shows 68% of the population
responding positively and the remaining 32%
 Figure 6, represented the question pertaining to the
ways in which alcohol may affect the body. The
Cylindrical bar chart illustrated 12% responding to
Poisons the liver, 8% to Blurred vision, 0% to Muscle
weakness, 80% to All of the above and 0% to None.
Figures 5 and 6 specify that almost all teenagers are
knowledgeable of how dangerous alcohol can be to
their health.
 Respondents were also asked if they think alcohol
affects a student’s academic performance. Referring to
the Pie chart in Figure 7, 68% stated ‘Yes’ and 32%
stated ‘No.’ This drew the conclusion that the bulk of
the population believe that alcohol affects a student’s
academic performance.
 Figure 8, discussed whether alcohol influences one’s
actions and behavior. The Bar chart corresponded to
the responses of 88% confirming ‘Yes’ and 12% to ‘No.’
This acknowledges that majority of the respondents
believe that alcohol influences one’s actions and
 In addition, a question was asked to suggest possible
solutions to reduce the consumption of alcohol among
teenagers. As seen in Figure 9, the majority, 35%
recommended Youth groups, 28% suggested educating
teenagers, 25% agreed to Counseling or Rehab and 12%
indicated other methods.
 After analyzing the data collected from the
questionnaires that were distributed to forms Four,
Five and Six students at Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College, it
was found that most of the results were similar to
existing research mentioned in the literature review.
In some cases, the results differed.
 Both previous studies and the data obtained from the
questionnaire proved that alcohol among teenagers is
indeed becoming a significant problem.
 According to the first research question, which was based
on the factors that influenced teenagers to consume
alcohol, it was evident that peer pressure played a major
role in influencing teens to consume alcohol.
 This is so since 52% according to the results obtained from
the questionnaire, indicated this factor. Similarly, in the
literature review it was mentioned that peer pressure has
more influence over any other factors.
 With reference to the second research question which
enquires about whether alcohol affects a student’s
academic performance. The majority of students, both
alcoholics and non- alcoholics strongly agreed that
alcohol does not affect a student’s academic
performance. However, according to studies there was
great emphasis on memory loss due to alcohol, which
can lead to a student’s academic performance being
 In relation to the third research question, whether
alcohol affects one’s behavior and actions an over
powering 88% responded ‘Yes’ while the remaining
12% said the opposite. According to previous studies
similar feedbacks, which were presented in the
literature review, were shown in international based
 The fourth research question dealt with the physical
effects of alcohol on the body. In the questionnaire a
large amount of students, both alcoholics and non-
alcoholics indicated their awareness of the physical
effects of alcohol, as can be seen in figure 5. When
asked to select some of the effects the majority chose
all of the above, which included muscle weakness,
blurred vision and poison the liver. These were similar
to those mentioned in the literature review however,
there were others listed.
 Finally, referring to the last research question, some
feasible solutions to reduce alcohol consumption
among teenagers the following responses were
obtained educating teenagers, counseling or rehab and
youth groups.
 According to the studies presented in the literature
review the only similar views received was counseling
and education. However, their form of educating is
through the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) furthermore,
it was suggested to try different solutions, as each
individual is different.
 From the data gathered during this investigation, it can be
concluded that alcohol among teenagers is becoming a
problem in today’s society. According to the research done,
the main influential factors of consuming alcohol among
teenagers included peer pressure, family members and
 This investigation also proved that drinking alcohol does in
fact lead to brain shrinkage, memory loss, nerve damage,
obesity and many other problems. These factors therefore,
suggest that a student’s academic performance, actions and
behavior are affected by alcohol.
 Evidence found during this research indicated that
alcohol is highly addictive due to the release of
chemicals in the brain with the intake of alcohol and
because of genetic reasons. A large quantity of
alcoholics as well as non-alcoholics indicated that
teenagers should join youth groups.
 During this investigation, a few problems were
encountered. These limitations may have led to the
collection of inaccurate information.

 One of the main problems encountered was the collection

of data by the use of questionnaires. Some respondents
may have lied, misinterpreted the questions or returned it

 Another limitation was the lack of research on this topic in

the Caribbean. This led to the use of internationally based
research on similar topics.
 Although the problem of alcohol among teenagers
cannot be fully rectified, it can be reduced in many
ways. The following are some feasible solutions:

 One of the main ways is educating youths on the

dangers of consuming alcohol. This can be done by
giving lectures and use of the mass media.
 Parents can play a major role in reducing this problem
in many ways. Firstly, parents should see themselves as
a role model therefore, they should not drink alcohol
in the presence of their child. They should be alert of
the individuals whom their children socialize with and
speak to their children on the effects of alcohol.
 Parents of teenage alcoholics should seek assistance for
their children such as counseling or by enrolling them in
organizations such as the AA, which was organized
especially for that purpose.

 Consumers should show their identification before

purchasing alcohol since, this will allow only persons who
are eighteen years and over to purchase alcohol. Strict laws
should be enforced if anyone under age is caught
consuming alcohol.

 Finally, the price of alcohol should be raised as this may aid

in curbing the frequent purchase of alcohol.
 Anne M. Fletcher. (2002). Sober for Good: New Solutions For Drinking Problems. Houghton Mifflin

 Stephen J. Gislason MD. (2006). The Book Of Alcohol. Environmental Research Inc.

 A.A. Members. (1976). Alcoholics Anonymous Third Edition. Alcoholics Anonymous World
Services, Inc.

 Lifestyle makes a difference with memory loss. (2008, December 1). Trinidad Express p.23

 Dealing with alcoholism. (2008, December 8). Trinidad Guardian p.B1

 Dan Brizel. (2007). Teens and Alcohol : In Bad

Dear Fellow Students,
In order to effectively complete my Caribbean
Studies Internal Assessment that is based on the consumption of
alcohol amongst teenagers, I am required to conduct a survey.
Therefore, I would kindly appreciate your assistance in
completing this questionnaire by writing your response on the
blank spaces provided or in other instances by placing a tick in
the given boxes.
This survey is confidential and therefore, your
name or any other personal information is not required. Thank
you for your cooperation.

1. Age:
13-15 16-19

2. Do you consume alcohol?

Yes  No 

3. If ‘Yes’ to question 2, how often do you consume alcohol?


4. If ‘Yes’ to question 2, what factors influenced you to consume alcohol?

Peer pressure
Family members
Media messages
5.Have you ever tried or considered quitting alcohol?
Yes  No 

6. What method/s have you used?


7. Are you aware of the ways in which alcohol affects a person

Yes  No 
8. If ‘Yes’ to question 7, in what way do you think alcohol affects the body?
Poisons the liver Blurred vision Muscle weakness
all of the above None

9. Do you think that alcohol affects a student’s academic performance?

Yes  No 

10. If ‘Yes’ to question 9, state how.

11. Do you
think that alcohol influences ones actions and behaviour?
Yes  No 

12. If ‘yes’ to question 11, state how.


13. What possible solutions would you suggest to reduce the consumption
of alcohol among teenagers?
 What age did you begin to consume alcohol?
 What were the factors that influenced you to consume
 How often did you consume alcohol?
 Did this affect your academic performance?
 Would you say that under the influence of alcohol
there was a change in your actions and behaviour?
 Were you affected physically by the intake of alcohol?
 What encouraged you to give up consuming alcohol?
 How has the Alcohol Anonymous assisted in you in
quitting the habit of drinking alcohol?
 Approximately, how long did it take until you quit the
consumption of alcohol?
 Are there any suggestions or advice you would like to
offer to teenagers who consume alcohol?

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