Oxygen Cycle in Environmental

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Oxygen Cycle

Required for Life

 All living things use oxygen or depend on
organisms that use oxygen in some way.
All Animals and Other Consumers
Use Oxygen
 We use oxygen to break down simple
sugar and release energy.

 This can be done through respiration or


 Animals mainly use respiration.

 The process that breaks apart simple food
molecules to release energy.

 It occurs inside cells.

 What YOU do with the oxygen you take in.

Simple Sugar — Glucose
The molecule most living things use for
energy — including us!

 We break down food into smaller molecules

during digestion. One of the small molecules is

 Glucose leaves your intestines, goes into your

blood and is taken to every cell in your body.
Respiration in Cells
 In your cells, oxygen is used to split
glucose apart — releasing energy, water
and carbon dioxide.
 Plants take in carbon dioxide and water
and use them to make food. Their food is
simple sugar — glucose.
Photosynthesis (continued)
 Plants pull the carbon off CO2 and use the
carbon in glucose. (They do not need the oxygen for this. They
get that from water, H2O.)

 Plants release the oxygen (O2) back into the


 Other organisms use the free oxygen for

How are photosynthesis and
cellular respiration similar?

 Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and

produces oxygen.

 Cellular respiration uses oxygen and produces

carbon dioxide.
Basic idea

Rabbit gives off CO2,

which is taken in by the plant.

Rabbit eats food,

Plant uses CO2
breaks it down
to make food.
and releases

Plant gives off O2,

which is taken in by the rabbit.
 This happens on land and in the water.

 Algae and aquatic plants produce food

underwater through photosynthesis.

 They use CO2 dissolved in the water.

 Other aquatic organisms use the dissolved

oxygen these plants release into the water.

Kind of a C-on/C-off Cycle
 Plants take the carbon off the CO2, freeing the
oxygen so it can be used for respiration.

 During respiration, organisms attach a carbon to

the O2 and release CO2 so it can be used for

 One big cycle — all living things depend on each

other for it to work!
Human Impact
 We keep destroying natural areas, especially
forested areas with many plants and replacing
them with buildings, parking lots, lawns, etc.

 Fewer plants mean less oxygen and more

carbon dioxide.

 This disturbs the balance of the natural cycle.

More Human Impact
 Every time something burns (combustion),
more carbon dioxide is released into the

 We add more and more CO2 and destroy

more and more of the plants that clean
the air for us.
What We Need to Do
 Stop destroying and promote regrowth of
natural areas — especially forests.

 Burn less (fossil fuels, forest fires, etc.)

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