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Presentation of TQM


Bushra Qamar
Leaders Vs Managers
It is often difficult to understand the
difference between Leaders & Managers.

• Do Managers lead?
• Do Leaders manage?

– What is the difference between Management &

– It is the question that has been asked more than once and also
answered in different ways.
Managers Vs Leaders ……..Are
they really different????

Difference is here
There is a profound difference between Management &
Leadership----------------and both are important.
The biggest difference between Managers & Leaders
the way they motivate people who work or follow them

and this sets the tone for most other aspects of what
they do
A Road, A Way, The Path
of a ship at sea - a sense of

"A pack of sheep led by a lion will defeat a group of lions led
by a sheep"
Course & Steering

The Word Leadership comes from……….
 The old English word ‘ LAD’……for a
 A ‘LODE’ is a vein……….that Leads or
Guide to Ore
 A ‘LODE-STAR’……….is the name for the
star that guide Sailors, the Polar Star
Course & Steering

The word Management comes from …….

 Latin word ‘MANUS’………. the Hand,

from which we also get “ MAINTENANCE” &
Course & Steering

Leadership = guides by setting a Ship Course

Management = keeps a hand on Tiller

TO Manage means:
 To bring about The
 To accomplish
 To have charge of a responsibility for a conduct
TO Lead means:
 Influencing
 guiding in a Crucial
 Direction
 Course
 Action
 Opinion
Managers & leaders are Two sides to the
same Coin.

Leadership & management are Two Notions

that are often used interchangeably.
Main Difference

Managing & leading are two different ways of

Organizing People.

*The Leader is Followed

*The Manager Rules

Main Difference

*The Leader has Followers

people naturally follow through their own choice, whereas leaders uses
o Passions & Stir Emotions

*The Manager has Subordinates

position of authority through time and uses
o Formal ,Rational methods
Work Focus

Managers are paid to get things done often within tight constraints of
 Time
 Money
Managers naturally pass on their work focus to their subordinates.

But Following is always a voluntary activity.

Leaders do activities of
 Counseling
 Coaching
 Teaching
 Listening
 Teamwork
 Relationships
The 7 S’s
Hard S’s are proper concern of
1. Strategy MANAGERS bcoz they deal
2. Structure Hard S’s with THINGS &
3. System
4. Shared Values Soft S’s are proper concern of
5. Staff LEADERS bcoz they deal with
6. Skills
7. Style
Essence of Leadership
The leader asks What and Why????

1. A shared understanding of the environment-

‘we know what we face’
2. A shared vision of where we are going-
‘ we know what we have to do’
3. A shared set of organizational values-
‘ we are in this together’
4. A shared feeling of power-
‘ we can do this’
Essence of Management

The manager asks How and


o Manager have Administrative skills

o Orderliness of mind & methods
Management is Leadership is an
Science Art

Managers are of Leaders are of

 Mind
 Accurate  Spirit
 Calculated  Compounded
 Routine of
 Statistical Personality
 Methodical  Vision
 Commitment
Difference in Perspectives
*Think Incrementally
*Think Radically

Do things Right

Do the right thing
Do things by the BOOK & follow

follow their INTUITION, which may in
turn be of more benefit to the company.
 leaders seek out the Truth and make decisions
Based on Fact
Not based on Prejudice

They have a preference for Innovation

Win Loyalty
Groups are often more loyal to a Leader than a
This loyalty is created by the leader taking responsibility in the
areas such as:
 taking the blame when things go wrong
 celebrating group achievements, even minor ones
 giving credit where it is due

Finally win Hearts & Mind

Leaders are Observant & Sensitive people.
They know their team and develop mutual Confidence within it.
al Style
o Leaders give up formal authoritarian
control bcoz telling people what to
do, doesn't inspire them to follow
o Leaders with a strong Charisma find
it easier to attract people to their
They typically promise transformational benefits
• Managers have a position of
authority ….vested in them by
the company
• management is transactional ……
tell subordinates “what to do”
• Their subordinates work for
them and largely do as they are
Seek Risk
 are Risk Averse
they seek to avoid conflict where possible.
they generally like to run a Happy Ship
are Risk Seekers
when pursuing their vision, they consider its
natural to encounter their problems & hurdles
that must be overcome along the way
Empowering Employees

• Empowerment: Giving employees the

authority and responsibility to make

• Enabling: Giving workers the education

tools needed to make decisions.
Comparison Table
Leader Manager
Essence Change Stability
Focus Leading people Managing work
Have Followers Subordinates
Horizon Long-term Short-term
Seeks Vision Objectives
Approach Sets direction  Plans detail
Decision Facilitates Makes
Power Personal charisma Formal authority
Appeal to Heart Head
Energy Passion Control
Dynamic Proactive Reactive
Persuasion Sell Tell
Style Transformational Transactional
Exchange Excitement for work Money for work
Comparison Table
Exchange Excitement for work Money for work
Likes Striving Action
Wants Achievement Results
Risk Takes Minimizes
Rules Breaks Makes
Conflict Uses Avoids
Direction New roads Existing roads
Truth Seeks Establishes
Concern What is right Being right

Credit Gives Takes

Blame Takes Blames

Our Opinion

A Comment
“ I don’t like to be manage.
But if you lead me ,I will
follow u anywhere”

People shouldn’t like to be

managed --------it implies we
treat them like a thing
Final Conclusion

Leader / Manager = Leadager

Leading first then Managing
The Ideal Condition is to lead & manage at the same

 Managers are necessary ,Leaders are essential.

 Leadership is one of those Assets that a manager must possess.

 To be a good manager ,s/he must have many leadership traits.

 Managers who cant lead ,realize that “ they

cant buy hearts when
people have to follow them down a difficult path”.
Bottom Line

Organizations need Good Management & Great Leaders. They need efficient
functions & energizing relationships

The BOSSES who cant manage kill

the organization just as fast as one
who cant lead

“But the person who can do both they are on the

path of success”
Great Political Leaders

Father of the
Abraham Lincoln Adolf Hitler Winston Churchill

Mustafa kamal Zulfiqar Ali Nelson Mandela George Washington

Pasha Ataturk
Top 10 Business Leaders
1. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft

2. Sam Walton, former CEO of Wal-Mart

3. Jack Welch, former CEO of General


4. Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire


5. Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler

Top 10 Business Leaders
6. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple

7. Herb Kelleher, chairman of Southwest Airlines

8. Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computer

9. Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve

10. Carl Icahn, 1980s corporate raider

Top 10 women Leaders
1. Queen Elizabeth II - Queen of Britain
2. Indira Gandhi - India
3. Margaret Thatcher - Britain
4. Golda Meir -Israel
5. Angela Merkel - Germany

6.Ellen Johnson Sirleaf -Liberia

7. Corazon Aquino -Philippines
8.Benazir Bhutto -Pakistan
9. Sirivamo Bandaranaike -Sri
10. Yulia Tymoshenko - Ukraine
Most Admired Managers of
 Ed Breen at Tyco (TYC )

 Anne Mulcahy at Xerox

(XRX )
who turned around troubled
ships by combining no-
nonsense leadership with
strict financial controls
The Perfect Leader & Manager of
the World

 Followed rules &  Followers found
policies given by MUHAMMAD SAW
ALLAH righteous, trustworthy,
pious, compassionate,
Muslims remembered and recounted what he said and did. Both
during his lifetime and throughout the following centuries

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