Standard Operating Procedure Industrial Department (Laundry)

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Agenda Style
01 Introduction

Background, Aim

02 Scope

Description, Scope

03 Service Policy and Organization

Motto, Vision, Mission, Corporate Value, Organizational Structure

04 Activity Agenda

Work Procedure, Flowchart

• Background
In the current era of globalization, Laundry Services are very much in
demand by all circles, the tendency of practical lifestyles and submitting laundry
matters to laundry services. Apart from changes in lifestyle also because of the
time consuming health demands and energy, employees, students, and even
housewives who feel they don't have time to wash clothes, and their energy has
been used for their busy activities, so they prefer to leave it to laundry business.

• Aim
With the standard manual system or (SOP) is expected to improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of service performance given by Laundry. With the standardize
d work instructions all service activities will be carried out consistently by anyone
who is currently duty to do service.
1. Order Receipt
2. Labeling
3. Washing
4. Ironing & Packaging
5. Delivery of Orders to Customers
6. Customer Complaints (Protests)
7. Raw Materials
8. New Employee Recruitment
9. Daily Activity
Service Policy and Organization
• Philosophy
Providing quality professional laundry services
• Vision
Laundry that provides the best service for customers and is
professionally managed
• Mission
1. The best service
2. The results of the washing process are clean, neat, complete
and fragrant
3. Timeliness in completing laundry
4. Sincere, friendly and customer oriented
5. Environmentally friendly production
Corporate value
UNAI Laundry provides an Customer Experience
opportunity for customers to
enjoy laundry services that
are modern, clean, neat,
complete and fragrant. With
modern equipment, we
guarantee cleanliness in was
hing, speed in the process
and the best results.
UNAI Laundry creates
customer satisfaction based
on the quality of laundry and Good and solid laundry
service quality. business management.
Customer Satisfaction
Job Description
• Supervisor are in charge of overseeing all work activities carried out by
• The administration / cashier is in charge of receiving clothes that want to be
washed and ironed, weighed and made receipt notes. If the consumer pays in
full in advance, then the note is given a stamp "LUNAS". But if the consumer has
not paid, then payment can be made at the time of laundry collection.
• The finance department is in charge of determining the procedures for
determining and calculating raw material purchases, as well as making a
balance sheet and income statement.
• The operational department is in charge of washing and ironing clothes. After the
clothes have been washed and ironed, then packaged neatly according to the
serial number and number of clothes.
SOP Order Receipt
Description of Procedure:
1. Orders from customers are immediately weighed and a receipt for orders
(laundry kilo) is made
2. Orders from customers are directly calculated per piece and made receipt of
orders (unit laundry)
3. If the dirty clothes brought by consumers use plastic bags, they are immediately
tied so that the clothes are not separated
4. Each shirt is marked with a tool called a "tag gun" that has been filled with
"pin tags" and hard cloth
5. Use a permanent marker to mark the piece of hard cloth (label) according to the
note number. The number of labels must match the number of clothes per note
6. Shoot the "tag gun" twice (2X) each shirt to avoid breaking the "pin tag" when
SOP Labeling
Description of Procedure:
1. Prepare clothes to be marked.
2. Make sure the marker tool has been prepared, such as a tag gun, pin tag and
pin label
3. Insert the pin tag into the gun tag, make sure the pin tag is in the right position,
then provide a pin label that is already in the needle tag gun. Look for the right
marking position and fire the gun tag until the pin tag breaks through the clothes
4. The position of the pin tag must be protected to avoid the heat of the dryer and
be attracted to other clothes
5. Position the pin tag on the inside of the garment for safer protection
6. After the clothes are selected for ironing, don't forget to remove the pin tags and
pin labels from the clothes
SOP Washing
Description of Procedure:
Collection Stage
1. Order laundry must not be exchanged with each other
2. One washing machine only works on one customer

Sorting Phase
Washing clothes / white cloth must be separated from colored clothes to avoid wear
iness of the clothes, the guide:
1. Based on the type of dirt. Clothing with a high level of dirt (very dirty) must be
separated, because it requires a special process to get optimal results. While the
types of clothing with light and medium impurities, are only processed briefly.
SOP Washing
2. Based on the type of fabric (fiber & color). Sorting based on the type of fabric is
important, because there are several types of sensitive fabrics, generally wool and
silk. Washing with detergent and low temperature will help this type of fabric to last.
3. Based on the process (according to the tool used). For efficiency, sorting based
on drying needs to be done.

Cloth Washing Stage

1. Immersion. If the dirt on the clothing is classified as heavy, soaking can be done
several times. Because this immersion serves to remove / shed dirt before
sapling. Soaking takes 5-10 minutes
2. Washing. This stage is the washing stage carried out for 20-30 minutes. Then
proceed with rinsing.
SOP Washing
3 Flushing. This stage is still done in the washing machine after going through the
washing stage.

Drying Phase.
1. Drying. Drying is done after the washing stage. Then dried in the sun. If
consumers choose express services, drying can use a special drying machine.
SOP Drying
Description of Procedure:
1. Stage of drying clothes is done by using a dryer. After drying, the clothes can be
ironed immediately, then packaged
2. However, there are several types of clothing that cannot be dried with a drying
machine, they still have to be dried in the sun. The different types of clothing ma
ke the drying process different
SOP Ironing & Packaging
Description of Procedure:
1. The box contains clean laundry, then put it in the ironing section
2. The iron clerk must complete one (1) iron task until finished before switching to
another box to avoid the exchange of clothes between consumers
3. A good way to iron is to pay attention to the type of fabric to be ironed. In order
not to make mistakes.
4. Clothing that has been ironed and then checked, whether the number of comple
te clothing in accordance with the number of clothes in the consumer laundry
5. Packaging must not be forced. This means that packaging must pay attention to
the neatness of clothes that have been ironed.
6. The package is taped so neatly
7. After packing, the clothes are placed on a storage rack for easy retrieval.
SOP Delivery of Orders to Customers
Description of Procedure:
1. Consumers who will take their laundry are asked to submit a special customer
2. After that the officer takes the laundry that has been finished working in the
storage area according to the note that was shown earlier
3. If the consumer has not paid, the officer must remind the consumer to immediat
ely settle the payment
4. If the customer has made a payment, the note can be stamped with the stamp
5. Laundry can be delivered to consumers
6. Consumers are asked to check the laundry they have received
7. Laundry that has been taken by the consumer, the officer stamped the
“checklist" on the note.
SOP Customer Complaints (Protests)
Description of Procedure:
1. Complaints are received by the administration / cashier / supervisor (if any) and
are accounted for by all relevant parts
2. Complaints less clean / less fragrant immediately followed up and worked on th
e part that was complained seriously without any reason, and immediately work
3. Complaints regarding wear-and-wash or broken clothing are ensured as a result
of the process of washing or working. If true, it must be accounted for so that co
nsumers are not disappointed
4. Complaint of lost clothes, it must be ensured that the loss is due to the work pro
cess that is exchanged with other consumers. If true, it must be accounted for s
o that consumers are not disappointed with apologies.
SOP Raw Materials
Description of Procedure:
Determination & Calculation
1. Raw materials must be calculated for load per kg laundry can determined use of materials
standard and estimated cost.
2. The raw material purchased must be packed per plastic dose for per kg of laundry, so
facilitate the size of raw materials in carrying out the process laundry work
3. Raw materials are lost or reduced for no apparent reason, be the responsibility employee
on duty

Raw Material Expenditures

1. Stock of raw materials must be recorded in card / book stock order controlled raw material
2. Must make a purchase raw material if the remaining stock at a maximum of 30%,
minimum 20%
SOP New Employee Recruitment
Description of Procedure:
1. Open job vacancy
2. Receiving & selecting applications
3. Conduct interview tests with a certain time
4. Decide on employee acceptance
SOP Daily Activity
Description of Procedure:
1. The employee entered work at 08.00 WIB
2. Employees must be absent at the latest before working hours
3. Employees work at 08.00 - 17.00 WIB
4. Break time at 12.00 - 13.00 WIB
5. Working days starting Monday-Friday and Sunday
6. Employees go home at 17.00 WIB
7. Employees not at work should immediately provide information

Thank you
“Masters, give unto your servants
that which is just and equal;
knowing that ye also have a Master
in heaven.” Colossians 4:1

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