DR - fifi-KUL antiHIPERTENSI 2012

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Fathiyah Safithri

Laboratorium Farmakologi FK-UMM


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Tujuan Instruksional Khusus
Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan / diskusi diharapkan mahasiwa mampu
 Memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tekanan darah
 Memahami mekanisme regulasi tekanan darah.
 Memahami site of action dan mekanisme kerja obat-obat yang dapat
digunakan untuk pengobatan hipertensi.
 Menyebutkan 4 kelompok besar obat antihipertensi
 Menerangkan respon kompensasi dari masing-masing kelompok obat
 menyebutkan 3 mekanisme kerja obat vasodilator dalam
menurunkan tekanan darah.
 Menjelaskan perbedaan antara 2 tipe obat antagonis angiotensin.
 Menjelaskan keuntungan penggunaan obat antihipertensi kombinasi.

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JNC 7:
New Blood Pressure Classification

Blood Pressure Classification

(mm Hg)
<120 and <80
120-139 or 80-89
Stage 1 hypertension
140-159 or 90-99
Stage 2 hypertension
160 or 100
Partners in
*Treatment determined byHealthcare
highestBP category (SBP or DBP). 3
Education,LLC 2009
Adapted from ChobanianAV et al. JAMA. 2003;289:2560-2572; NHBPEPCC. 2003. NIH Publication No. 03-5233.

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 Essential hypertension:
 > 90% of cases
 hereditary component

 Secondary hypertension:
 < 10% of cases
 common causes: chronic kidney disease,
renovascular disease
 other causes: Rx drugs, street drugs, natural
products, food, industrial chemicals

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Causes of 2˚ Hypertension

 Diseases  Food
 chronic kidney disease substances:
 Cushing's syndrome sodium
 coarctation of the aorta
 obstructive sleep apnea
 parathyroid disease
 pheochromocytoma
 primary aldosteronism
 renovascular disease
 thyroid disease 5

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Causes of 2˚ Hypertension

 Prescription drugs:
 prednisone, fludrocortisone, triamcinolone
 amphetamines/anorexiants: phendimetrazine,
phentermine, sibutramine
 antivascular endothelin growth factor agents
 estrogens: usually oral contraceptives
 calcineurin inhibitors: cyclosporine, tacrolimus
 decongestants: phenylpropanolamine & analogs
 erythropoiesis stimulating agents: erythropoietin,

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Causes of 2˚ Hypertension

 Prescription drugs:
 NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors
 venlafaxine
 bupropion
 bromocriptine
 buspirone
 carbamazepine
 clozapine
 ketamine
 metoclopramide 7

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Causes of 2˚ Hypertension

 Street drugs, other natural products:

 cocaine  anabolic steroids
 cocaine withdrawal  narcotic withdrawal
 ephedra alkaloids  methylphenidate
(e.g., ma-huang)  phencyclidine
 “herbal ecstasy”  ketamine
 phenylpropanolamine  ergot-containing
analogs herbal products
 nicotine withdrawal  St. John's wort

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Mengapa Hipertensi harus diatasi ?

 Morbiditas dan mortalitas meningkat secara

progresif seiring dengan makin tingginya TD
(MacMahon et al, 1990)
 Mkn tinggi TD, mkn besar resiko terjadinya
kerusakan target organ:

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Apa tujuan terapi hipertensi ?

Menurunkan mortalitas TARGET Tx

 Mencegah kerusakan target
 Secara umumTD <
organ (jantung, otak, ginjal,
140/90 ( tanpa
 Memperbaiki kualitas hidup
(menghilangkan gejala)  TD <130/80 pada
hipertensi yang
Average Percent Reduction disertai diabetes
Stoke : 35% - 40% mellitus atau
MI : 20% - 25% penyakit ginjal
kronik (JNC VII)
CHF : 50%

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Determinants of Arterial Pressure
Mean Arterial
Pressure (MAP)
= X Arteriolar

Stroke Volume
CO : Cardiac Output
TPR : Total Peripheral Resistance
Contractility Filling Pressure

Blood Volume Venous Tone

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Mechanisms Controlling CO and TPR
1. Neural /SSO
Sympatis 2. Hormonal
Parasympatis Renal
Ang II

3. Local Factors

Artery Vein

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Bagaimana Regulasi Tekanan Darah ?
 Neural Regulation /Short-term regulation
 diperantarai reflek baroreseptor-SSO &
kemoreseptor (O2 & CO2)
 mempengaruhi pembuluh darah (diameter) dan
jantung (HR dan kontraktilitas)

 Humoral Regulation / Long-term regulation

 mempengaruhi ginjal (Angiotensin II) & Adrenal
(Katekolamin dan Aldosteron)

 Local Regulation

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AutonomicNeural Regulation

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Short-Term Mechanisms : Refleks Baroreceptor

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Long- -TermMechanisms / Humoral Regulation

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 Substansi kimia
 Mis : NO,
potassium and
hydrogen ions,
ANP, adenosine,
lactic acid,
histamines, kinins,

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Bagaimana Terapi Hipertensi ?

 Terapi Non farmakologis : Life style modification

 stop merokok
 diet : kurangi makanan berlemak & asupan garam,
tambah suplemen ion K, Ca, Mg
 menurunkan BB
 aktivitas fisik / OR
 relaksasi (kurangi stress)

 Terapi Farmakologis : Obat antihipertensi

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Apa Perlunya Diet Rendah Garam ?

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Life style Modifications

Modification Recommendation Systolic Diastolic Chgs

Weight Reduction BMI 18.5-24.9 5-20mm/10 kg wt loss
Adopt DASH eating Diet rich in fruits 8-14 mm Hg
vegetables and low
fat with reduced
saturated and total fat
Dietary Sodium 2.4g Na 2-8 mm Hg
Physical Inactivity Brisk exercise 30” day 4-9 mm Hg
most days of week
Moderation of
Alcohol intake 2 drinks day max 2-4 mm Hg
24 oz beer; 10 oz wine
2 oz 100 proof whiskey
JAMA. 2003:289:2560-2577.
Partners in Healthcare 22
Education,LLC 2009

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Life style Modifications
Modificatio Systolic
Recommendation Reduction(mm
n a
Weightloss Maintainnormalbodyweight(bodymassindex 5–20per10-kg
2 weightloss
DASH-type Consumeadietrichinfruits,vegetables,andlow- 8–14
dietary fatdairyproductswithareducedcontentof
patterns saturatedandtotalfat
Reducedsalt Reducedailydietarysodiumintakeasmuchas 2–8
intake possible,ideallyto65mmol/day(1.5g/daysodium,
Physical Regularaerobicphysicalactivity(atleast30 4–9
activity min/day,mostdaysoftheweek)
DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.
aModerationof Limitconsumptionto2drinks/dayinmenand1
Effects of implementing 2–4for
these modifications are time and dose dependent and could be greater
some patients. drink/dayinwomenandlighter-weightpersons
DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, WellsBG, Posey LM: Pharmacotherapy:APathophysiologicApproach, 7th Edition:

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Additional Recommendations

 Diets high in potassium, calcium and magnesium are

associated with a lower blood pressure
 JNC VII recommends an adequate dietary intake of these
but does not recommend supplementing from an outside
source to lower blood pressure
 Omega-3 fatty acids may lower blood pressure
 Caffeine may increase it but tolerance often develops
 Most studies do not support a relationship between
hypertension and caffeine
 Smoking: discontinuation is important
 Exercise: 30 minutes daily recommended
Partners in Healthcare 24
Education,LLC 2009

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Sites of action of the
major classes of
antihypertensive drugs

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Penggolongan antiHT
berdasarkan tempat kerjanya
 Sistem Saraf Simpatis di :
 Sentral (CNS) : clonidin, methyldopa

 Ganglion : heksamethonium, trimethapan

 Ujung saraf : reserpin, guanethidin

 Reseptor adrenergik : Prazosin(α1 blocker), Propanolol

(β blocker), atenolol (β1 blocker)

 Ginjal : Diuretik

 Otot polos vaskuler : CCB, Vasodilator

 RAAS : ACE inhibitor, ARB, Direct Renin Inhibitor

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Mekanisme kerja
Ada 3 kelas diuretik utk HT

 Thiazide
Hidrochlorothiazide (HCT),
 Loop diuretics
Furosemide, Torsemide,
 Diuretik Hemat K+
Amiloride, Triamterene,

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 Mekanisme kerja :  ES :
- ekskresi Na & H2O  - dizziness,
 Efek pd CVS : - electrolit imbalance
- akut : COP  - hypokalemia,
- kronik : TPR ,COP N - hyperlipidemia,
 KI : - hyperglycemi(Thiazid)
- gout
compromised kidney
function, Tx cardiac glycosides
(K+ effects),

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Diuretics (cont)
Therapeutic Considerations
Thiazides (most common diuretics for HTN)
Generally start with lower potency diuretics
Generally used to treat mild to moderate HTN
Use with lower dietary Na+ intake,
and K+ supplement or high K+ food
K+ Sparing (combination with other agent)

Loop diuretics (severe HTN, or with CHF)

Osmotic (HTN emergencies)

Maximum antihypertensive effect reached

before maximum diuresis- 2nd agent indicated

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BlokAdrenergikdi CNS
 Site of action : CNS medullary ,
cardiovasc centers  ES : dry mouth, sedasi,
 Mekanisme kerja :
 KI : mental depression
- agonis R/ α-2 di CNS : NOT 1st line drug,
Clonidine, Guanabenz, Prolong used  retensi Na
Guanfacine & air sering digunakan
bersama diuretic
Aktivasi R/-2 di medulla 
 stop mendadak 
NE release dr SSP rebound SymNS  TD 
peripheral sympathetic  Methlydopa : DOC in
activity  vasc tone  pregnancy
vasodilation  TPR .
- membentuk neurotransmiter
palsu : Methyldopa
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Mekanisme Kerja
Clonidin dan Methyldopa

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Blok Adrenergik
di Ganglion Otonom

 Contoh : Hexamethonium
 Mekanisme kerja :
memblok reseptor nikotinik di ganglion

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Blok Adrenergik di Ujung Saraf

 Contoh : Reserpin,  inhibit uptake of NE into

Guanethidin storage vesicle (also DA,
 Mekanisme kerja : 5-HT)  leads to
- menghambat transport depletion of transmitter
stores (peripheral & CNS
NE ke vesikel sinap :
 ES: sedation, mental
- mengosongkan dan
depression, Parkinsonism,
memblok pelepasan NE
gastric acid secretion
dari tempat
penyimpanannya : ulcer

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Katzung 9th ed

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Blok Adrenergik di
Reseptor Adrenergik

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Blok Adrenergik di Reseptor - α1

 Contoh : Prazosin, Oxazosin, Terazosin

 Site of action : otot polos vaskuler perifer

 Mekanisme kerja :
memblok reseptor α-1 → relaksasi otot polos
vaskulerdilatasi vaskulerresistensi vaskuler ↓.
 Efek pd COP <<</(-)

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 ES : nausea, postural  reflex tachycardia (-);
hipotensi s.d synkope  Awali dg dosis kecil
 KI : hipersensitif  Pilihan utk : pt dg DM,
asma dg / tanpa
hiperkolesterol, mild-
moderate HT
 Sering dikombinsi dg
diuretic,  antagonist

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Blok Adrenergik di Reseptor-β

 β–blocker non selektif : Propanolol

β1–blocker selektif : Atenolol, Metoprolol
 Mekanisme kerja :
 Blok reseptor β1 di jantung →HR dan kontraktilitas jantung ↓ →
CO ↓ → TD ↓
 Blok reseptor β1 di ginjal → release renin ↓
 Blok reseptor β2 presinap → release NE ↓
 Blok reseptor β di CNS →aliran simpatis ↓ →tonus vaskuler ↓
 Efek samping :
insomnia, unpleasant dreams (bisa nembus BBB), erectile
dysfunction, akral dingin (hambat vasodilatasi β2), TG ↑ dan HDL ↓
(hambat metabolisme lemak di hepar),arritmia, hipoglikemia
 Kontraindikasi :
asthma,bradycardia berat, AV block, severe unstable LV failure,

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 Calcium Channel Blocker

 Vasodilator Oral : hidralazin, minoksidil
 Vasodilator parenteral

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Calcium Channel Blocker

 Contoh : Nifedipine, Verapamil, Diltiazem

 Mekanisme kerja : memblok kanal Ca type-L → hambat
influk Ca ke intrasel →kadar Ca intrasel ↓ → *
kontraktilitas sel otot polos vaskular ↓→ vasodilatasi
→ resistensi perifer ↓
*pd otot jantung →kontraktilitas, HR ↓

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Vasodilator:release NO

nitroprussid (i.v)
hidralazin (p.o),
 melepaskan NO → stimulasi
 EDRF / Nitric oxide (NO) /
guanilil siklase → cGMP di otot
polos relaxation of vascular
 dilate arterioles but not veins smooth
 TPR, BPreflex tachycardia  dilates arterial ( TPR) and
 ES : venous vessels
-reflectory symp activation  venous return , reflex tachy
-headache, nausea, sweating,  Indikasi : hypertensive
flushing emergency, acute CHF
-palpitations, HR angina  ES : metab acidosis,
-lupus reaction (mainly in slow arrhythmias, severe hypotensio
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Vasodilator:open K- -channel

minoksidil (p.o), diazoksid (i.v)

membuka kanal K+→  dilates arteriolar vessels
hiperpolarisasi , stabilisasi  TPR reflex HRCO
membran saat resting  inhibits insulin release (via
potensial relaksasi otot opening K beta cell
polos vask membrane)
dilates arterioles, not veins  similar structure as
ES : reflex sympathetic thiazidediuretics but no
stimulation, fluid retention diuretic effect
(value in combination
therapy), hypertrichosis

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Sistem Renin-AldosteronAngiotensin



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Katzung 9ed

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ACE Inhibitor

 Contoh : Captopril , Enalapril , Quinapril ,

 Mekanisme kerja :
hambat Angiotensin Converting Enzyme shg :
 hambat pembentukan AII → AII merupakan salah
satu vasokonstriktor kuat.
 kadar bradikinin ↑ →menstimulasi release NO dan
prostasiklin → vasodilatasi.
 Keuntungan : respon kompensasi (-)
mencegah remodelling jantung dan vaskuler

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Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB)

 Contoh : Irbesartan, Losartan , Valsartan

 Mekanisme kerja : menduduki R/ AII (AT1).
AT1 tdpt di otot polos vaskuler, korteks adrenal, ginjal, dan otak.
Obat ini tidak mempunyai efek pada metabolisme bradykinin.
Menghambat AII lebih kuat dp ACE inhibitors karena ada enzim
lain yang juga bisa menghasilkan AII.
ES ACE-Inhibitor&ARB

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InhibitstheEntireReninSystem1-4 Aliskiren

Class PRA Ang I Ang II



Direct Renin Inhibitor (DRI)

Increased peptide levels have not been shown to overcome the blood pressure–lowering effect of these agents.
ACEI, angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitor;Ang, angiotensin;ARB, angiotensinreceptor blocker;
PRA, plasma renin activity.

1.Johnston CI. Blood Press Suppl. 2000;1:9(suppl 1):9-13.

2.Widdop RE et al. Hypertension. 2002;40:516-520.
3.Fabiani ME et al. Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists. 2001:263-278.
4.Lin C et al. Am Heart J. 1996;131:1024-1034.

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JNC 7:
Algorithm for Treatmentof Hypertension

Prehypertension (SBP 120-139 mm Hg or DBP 80-89 mm Hg)


Not at Goal BP (<140/90 mm Hg, or <130/80 mm Hg for patients with

diabetes or chronic kidney disease)


Without Compelling Indications With Compelling Indications

Stage 1 Hypertension Stage 2 Hypertension Drug(s)for compelling indications

(SBP 140-159 or DBP 90-99 mm Hg) (SBP 160 or DBP 100 mm Hg)
Other antihypertensive drugs
Thiazide-typediuretics for most; 2-drugcombinations for most
(diuretic,ACEI, ARB, BB, CCB)
may consider ACEI, ARB, BB, (usually thiazide-type diuretics and
as needed.
CCB,or combination. ACEI, or ARB, or BB, or CCB).

If not at goal BP, optimize dosages or add additional drugs until

goal BP is achieved. Consider consultation with hypertension specialist.

in Healthcare2003. NIH Publication No. 03-5233. 60
Education,LLC 2009

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 Compelling indications:
Ischemic Heart Disease
Recent ST Segment Elevation-MI or non-
ST Segment Elevation-MI
Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction
Cerebrovascular Disease
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Non Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease
Renovascular Disease

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Initial Drug Therapy
SBP* DBP* Without With
BP (mm (mm Lifestyle Compelling Compelling
Classification Hg) Hg) Modification Indications Indications
Normal <120 and <80 Encourage
Drug(s) for
Prehypertensi No antihypertensive compelling
120–139 or 80–89 Yes
on drug indicated. indications.
Thiazide-type diuretic
for most. May Drug(s) for
Stage 1 compelling
140–159 or 90–99 Yes considerACEI,ARB,
hypertension indications.
or combination.
combination Other
Stage 2 for most (usually antihypertensive
160 or 100 Yes thiazide-type diuretic drugs (diuretic,
and ACEI or ARB or ACEI,ARB, BB,
BB or CCB). CCB) as needed.

JNC 7. May 2003. NIH publication 03-5233.

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Recommended Drugs
Compelling Aldo
Heart failure • • • • •
Post-MI • • •
High coronary disease
risk • • • •
Diabetes • • • • •
Chronic kidney disease • •
Recurrent stroke
prevention • •
*Compellingindications for antihypertensivedrugs are based on benefitsfrom outcomestudiesor existingclinicalguidelines; the compelling indication ismanaged parallel with the BP.
64 converting Healthcare
ACEI= angiotensin Partners enzyme inhibitor;
ARB= angiotensin receptor blocker; Aldo ANT = aldosterone antagonist;BB= beta-blocker; CCB = calciumchannel blocker.
Adaptedfrom NHBPEPCC.2003.
2009 03-5233.

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Perkembangan Terapi Antihypertensi

Effective but As effective and As effective and even

poorly tolerated better tolerated better tolerated
1940’s 1950 1957 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s 1990’s 2007

Direct ACE ARBs

vasodilators inhibitors
Peripheral Thiazides -blockers
sympatholytics diuretics

Ganglion Central 2
agonists Calcium
Calcium DHPs
non DHPs

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Penggunaan Dual Combinations

Kolom 1 Kolom 2
• Thiazide diuretic • Beta adrenergic blocker
• Long-acting calcium channel • ACE Inhibitor
blocker *

Tujuan : meningkatkan efek hipotensif

kombinasikan obat pada kolom 1 dengan obat pd kolom 2

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Terapi Antihipertensi Kombinasi

1950’ 1960’ 1970’ 1980’ s-
s s s s

(reserpine/hydralazine/ ACE inhibitor/thiazide

Butiserpine (reserpine/butalbital) ACE inhibitor/CCB

Hyphex ARB/thiazide
(hexamethonium/hydralazine) Thiazide/K+-sparing Low-dose
Hypotensin A, B, & C diuretic blocker/thiazide
(pentolinium/hydralazine/resperi blocker/thiazide
ne) Clonidine/thiazide
Renir (reserpine/ephedrine)
Verapene (rauwolfia/veratrum)

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Penyebab Kurangnya Respon terhadap
Terapi Hipertensi
 Pseudoresisten : salah diagnosa, pseudohipertensi
pada lansia, salah pemeriksaan
 Penderita tidak patuh dalam menjalani terapi (biaya,
instruksi tdk jelas, ESO, pemakaian tdk praktis)
 Volume overload (asupan garam berlebih, kerusakan
ginjal yg berat, retensi cairan akibat penurunan TD,
terapi diuretik tidak adekuat.
 Kondisi tertentu : perokok, obesitas, resistensi
insulin, peminum alkohol, serangan cemas/panik
 Obat : dosis terlalu rendah, kombinasi tdk cocok
 Interaksi obat : simpatomimetik, nasal decongestan,
apetite suppressan, kokain, kafein, kontrasepsi oral,
steroid adrenal,antidepressan, NSAID

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Mekanisme Gagal Terapi Hipertensi
akibat Respon Kompensasi

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Krisis Hipertensi

• Hipertensi Gawat (Emmergency)

• Hipertensi Darurat (Urgency)

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Hipertensi Emergensi

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Penatalaksanaan HT Emergensi

 TD harus turun dalam hitungan menit, ok

ada ancaman kerusakan target organ
 Obat parenteral (i.v):
- sodium nitroprussid
- nitrogliserin
- diltiazem HCl
- hidralazin

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Drug Dose Onset Duratio AdverseEffects SpecialIndications
(min) n
Sodium 0.25– Immedia 1–2 Nausea,vomiting,muscl Mosthypertensive
nitroprussid 10mcg/kg/min te e emergencies;caution
e intravenousinfusio twitching,sweating, withhighintracranial
n thiocyanateandcyanide pressure,azotemia,ori
(requiresspecial intoxication n
deliverysystem) chronickidneydisease
Nicardipine 5–15mg/h 5–10 15– Tachycardia,headache, Mosthypertensive
hydrochlorid intravenous 30;may flushing,localphlebitis emergenciesexcept
e exceed24 acuteheartfailure;
0 cautionwithcoronary
Clevidipine 1- 2-4 5-15 Headache,syncope, Mosthypertensive
butyrate 2mg/hintravenous dyspnea,nausea,vomitin emergenciesexcept
infusion;maydoubl g severeaorticstenosis;
e cautionwithheart
doseevery90sec failure
DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, WellsBG, Posey LM: Pharmacotherapy:APathophysiologicApproach, 7th Edition:

Fenoldopam 0.1– <5 30 Tachycardia,headache,

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mesylate 0.3mcg/kg/min nausea,flushing
Drug Dose Onset Durati AdverseEffects Special
(min) on Indications
Nitroglycerin 5–100mcg/min 2–5 5–10 Headache,vomiting, Coronary
intravenousinfusion methemoglobinemia, ischemia
Hydralazine 12–20mgintravenous 10–20 60–240 Tachycardia,flushing, Eclampsia
hydrochloride 10– 20–30 240– headachevomiting,
50mgintramuscular 360 aggravationofangina
Labetalol 5–10 180– Vomiting,scalptingling, Mosthypertensi
hydrochloride 360 bronchoconstriction,dizzine ve
ss, emergencies
nausea,heartblock, exceptacute
orthostatichypotension heartfailure
Esmolol 250–500mcg/kg/min 1–2 10–20 Hypotension,nausea, Aorticdissection;
hydrochloride intravenousbolus,then asthma,first-degreeheart perioperative
50–100mcg/kg/min block,heartfailure
minorincreaseinfusion 74
DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, WellsBG, Posey LM: Pharmacotherapy:APathophysiologicApproach, 7th Edition:

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Hipertensi Urgensi

 Penanganan
- dalam hitungan jam
- Obat HT diberikan secara per oral, sublingual

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Class Parameters
Diuretics bloodpressure
β-Blockers bloodpressure
Aldosteroneantagonists bloodpressure
ACEinhibitors BUN/serumcreatinine
AngiotensinIIreceptorblockers serumpotassium
Calciumchannelblockers bloodpressure

DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, WellsBG, Posey LM: Pharmacotherapy:APathophysiologicApproach, 7th Edition:

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