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General - Psychiatry
Greek etymology
- Psyche = Soul
- Iatrea- = treatment
The definition of psychiatry;
-science of healing the human soul
- Medical discipline that deals with :
- study of mental illness
- medical care of the mentally ill
- mental illness - mental disorder
- Disruption personality
- Changing self-awareness
- Disruption relations with the surrounding
Human personality is a unit (functions):
- The personality has two determinants contrary.
- Temperament, genetically determined hereditary
- The character, the result of education, culture, family and the wider
The human being is a psychosomatic unity,
adapted to an environment - natural and
- Sociocultural with interacting
Relationship human being is
- Direct environment (which is actually a neurological function) and
- Indirect, top, human, symbolic, is the psyche
Relationship human being develops through
- Ontogenetic transitional period, as
childhood and adolescence,
- Reaching adulthood - seen as a harmonious complex,
- After which performance decreases in involution.
The psyche - is actually a function of individual personified
definition the psychic
It is a biological and social concept - comprising all -
- An individual's conscious life,
- Processes, activities and psychological characteristics
- At an adaptive dynamic balance
- Who performed psychological state of stasis, an expression of indestructible unit, called
The psyche is a function
- Teleological which aims to orient the body in a favorable environment
- Biological remove unfavorable conditions dangerous.

Human psyche - is - higher form of existence of biological and social

- Higher form of life relationship
- Has a clear purpose: adaptive integration of the human environment.

Normal mental life, and its pathological deviations are in close contact with the environment. Man
and mental activity arises as a product of determinism imposed
the rigors of environmental conditions, more or less noticeable.
- Represents - a fundamental concept
- An autonomous level of development. the human being in relation to environment
- Ability to organize own existence
Normal existence consists of a sequence of experiences

- An experience can be described in terms of behavior -one

and a substrate thereof with two levels - Cognitive
- emotional
The analysis of these parameters existence of human being - at a time - represents consciousness
- The - over existence - represents personality

Behavior - represent : - object psychology / psychopathology / psychiatry

- Assembly adaptive responses, objective - observable
that a body provided with a nervous system response to stimuli
execute them objects - observable ambient
- It is not random but is guided by emotional content
(needs) - expressed the will and
- Made or inhibited knowledge (intelligence)
leading eventually to satisfaction or
- Are investigating various ways
Method - is a program by which regulates
intellectual and practical actions
in achieving their goals
- Example of methods: experiment, observation, conversation,
psychological investigation, psychometry,
Psychiatry definition,
- Guiraud: “Object psychiatry consists of a psychological investigation."
- Parhon consider psychiatry as the study object of morbid mental phenomena related brain activity,
focusing on the relationship with other disciplines.
Other authors considered anthropological psychiatry as a medical discipline.
- After the Professor Romila - Psychiatry is the medical discipline that deals with - the knowledge and
- Treating mental illness

Psychiatry can not be solely or exclusively philosophical or psychological care.

Knowledge of mental illness has three phases: the symptom

the syndrome and
disorder called in psychiatry and mental disorders

Known to be causes, etiopathogenesis, determinism mental illness.

In some unspecified diseases determinism practiced empirical treatment, since there is completely a
science, but art practice, ie empiricism.
Psychiatry has to face many unknowns, is multidisciplinary.
American psychiatrist Sullivan defines psychiatry as a science of human relationships.
Other authors, all Americans define it as the science of interpersonal behavior deviated, but
plan exists and affective knowledge, not only the behavior.
Psychiatry studying psychological phenomena as causes, signs or therapeutic agents
Freedman, Kaplan and Sadock that define psychiatry as science
- studying human behavior
- has the object - accidents and deviations in behavior and
- methods to bring back the desired social rules

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