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This symptoms based recommend system(Docsrec) allows user to find best doctor for their
symptoms in his area.
Docsrec features like accesing web application easily, to find doctor by GPS location(i.e. in his
Area) and also find by their name.
User can check doctor’s profile where details about them and also check review of that particular doctor by
User can easily take appointment from doctor and they will get unique id by which they can give
review on doctor’s page.
Only that patient can give review who previously consult with doctor.
In the field of medical and health informatics, key opinion leaders (KOLs) are the doctors who
can influence public opinion and lead the medical community through their research
papers and clinic practices.
The aim of this study was to develop a recommender system for identifying KOLs for any specific disease.

Symptoms based doctor recommend system work on web server which needs database to
access information of doctor and user.

This recommend system have common access portal i.e. no login page .So that user can easily

On recommend system user have different option by which they can find doctor:
By their name
By his location(they have also option to select location manually).
By symptoms by which patient suffer(patient can select more than more than one symptoms
After choosen doctor user view the details on doctor profile and will also see the review
of that doctor by patient.

If user wants to consult or take appointment from that particular doctor then open
appointment page which is on doctor’s profile.

After filling appointment form they will get an unique appointment id and by which they
consult or meet with that particular doctor and will also give the review of doctor for
future reference for another patients.

In review page, name and symptoms will directly access from database when patient fill the
box of id no. patient have only two work first one is to describe about doctor and the another
One is to give star rating .

For security purpose ,only those patient can give review who consult previously with that
particular doctor.
Decision/Diagnosis support systems

● They have been developed for decades

● Many early DDSS based on Bayesian reasoning (60s-70s)

○ Bayesian networks (80s-90s)
○ Neural networks (lately)

● Most of them have been developed “manually” with doctors looking at research
and manually encoding that into knowledge bases.

● Medicine/healthcare is one of the areas in society that can benefit most technology in
general and algorithmic approaches in particular.
● Medicine has many similarities to recommender systems
○ Importance of data (both big and small) ○ Content and collaborative approaches
○ Importance of UI/UX (e.g. user understanding, feedback, and explanations)
○ Evaluation has to be sensitive to overall optimization problem
● Huge opportunity, great mission: looking forward to many advances that will save millions of lives in the
next few years
● “Computer-assisted diagnostic decision support: history, challenges, and possible paths forward” Miller.
● “Health Recommender Systems: Concepts, Requirements, Technical Basics.
● “Comparison of Physician and Computer Diagnostic Accuracy” Semigran”.
● “Learning a Health Knowledge Graph from Electronic Medical Records.

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