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 Is the inflammation of one or more bursae (small sacs) of synovial fluid in the
 Painful condition that affect the small, fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that cushion
the bones, tendons and muscles near your joints.

 Part of the body does bursitis affect

o Elbow
o Shoulder
o Hip
o Knee
o Achilles tendons

 Bursitis is commonly caused by repetitive and excessive pressure. Elbow

and knees are the most commonly affected.
 Inflammation of the bursae might also be caused by other inflammation
condition such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Although infrequent,
scoliosis might cause bursitis of the shoulder; however bursitis is more
commonly caused by overuse of the shoulder joint and related muscle.
 Traumatic injury is another cause of bursitis. The inflammation irritates
because the bursa no longer fits in the original small area between the
bone and the functionary muscle or tendon. When the bone increases
pressure upon the bursa, bursitis results. Sometimes the cause is unknown. It
can also be associated with various other chronic systemic diseases.

 The most common examples of this condition:

o Prepatellar bursitis, "housemaid's knee"

o Infrapatellar bursitis, "clergyman's knee"
o Trochanteric bursitis, giving pain over lateral aspect of hip
o Olecranon bursitis, "student's elbow", characterised by pain and swelling in the elbow
o Subacromial bursitis, giving shoulder pain, is the most common form of bursitis.
o Achilles bursitis
o Retrocalcaneal bursitis
o Ischial bursitis, "weaver's bottom"
o Iliopsoas bursitis
o Anserine bursitis
Signs and symptoms

 Bursitis symptom vary from:

 local joint pain and stiffness
 stinging pain that surrounds the joint around the inflamed bursa.
 In this condition, the pain usually is worse during and after activity, and
then the bursa and the surrounding joint become stiff the next morning.
How Is Bursitis Treated?

 Bursitis can be treated in a number of ways, including:

o Avoiding activities that aggravate the problem
o Resting the injured area
o Icing the area the day of the injury
o Taking anti-inflammatory medicines as prescription by the doctor

Physical therapy is another treatment option that is often used. This includes range-
of-motion exercises and splinting (thumb, forearm, or bands).

Surgery, although rarely needed, may be an option when bursitis does not respond
to the other treatment options.
Who Usually Gets Bursitis?

 Bursitis is more common in adults, especially in those over 40 years

of age.

How Can I Prevent Bursitis?

 If you are planning to start exercising, you will be less likely to get bursitis if
you gradually build up force and repetitions. Stop what you are doing if
unusual pain occurs.

 Consult your doctor if you have:

o Fever (over 102 Fahrenheit) -- infection is a possibility
o Swelling, redness, and warmth
o General illness or multiple sites of pain
o Inability to move the affected area

These could be signs of another problem that needs more immediate


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