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The following assumptions shall be made in the earthquake resistant design

of structures:

a) Earthquake causes impulsive ground motions, which are complex and

irregular in character, changing in period and amplitude each lasting for a
small duration. Therefore, resonance of the type as visualized under steady-
state sinusoidal excitations, will not occur as it would need time to build up
such amplitudes.

NOTE— However, there are exceptions where resonance-like conditions

have been seen to occur between long distance waves and tall structures
founded on deep soft soils.

b) Earthquake is not likely to occur simultaneously with wind or maximum

flood or maximum sea waves

c) The value of elastic modulus of materials, wherever required, may be

taken as for static analysis unless a more definite value is available for use
in such condition ( see IS 456, IS 1343 and IS 800 )
Primary Load Cases ( As per IS 875)
The following primary loads shall be accounted for in the seismic designs
of RC Structures:

1. Dead Loads (DL)

2. Live/Imposed Loads(LL/IL)
3. Earthquake Load in X- Direction(EL-x)
4. Earthquake load in Y-direction (EL-y)

Load Combinations as per IS-456 or IS-1893

The following load combinations shall be accounted for in the seismic
designs of RC Structures:
1. 1.5(DL+LL)
2. 1.2 (DL+LL±EL-x)
3. 1.2 (DL+LL±EL-y)
4. 1.5 (DL±EL-x)
5. 1.5 (DL±EL-y)
6. 0.9DL±1.5EL-x
7. 0.9DL±1.5EL-y
For Wind loads , replace Seismic loads in respective directions
For an RC building with orthogonal system, the load combinations can be
elaborated to the following 13 load cases.
1. 1.5(DL+LL)
2. 1.2 (DL+LL+EL-x)
3. 1.2 (DL+LL-EL-x)
4. 1.2 (DL+LL+EL-y)
5. 1.2 (DL+LL-EL-y)
6. 1.5 (DL+EL-x)
7. 1.5 (DL-EL-x)
8.1.5 (DL+EL-y)
9. 1.5(DL-EL-y)
11. 0.9DL-1.5EL-x
12 0.9DL+1.5EL-y
13 0.9DL-1.5EL-y
Design Horizontal Earthquake Load

1- When the lateral load resisting elements are oriented along

orthogonal horizontal direction, the structure shall be designed for the
effects due to till design earthquake load in one horizontal direction at

2 -When the lateral load resisting elements are not oriented along the
orthogonal horizontal directions, the stucture shall be designed for the
effects due to foil design earthquake load in one horizontal direction
plus 30 percent of the design earthquake load in the other direction.

( ±Elx ±0.3 ELy )

( ±Ely ±0.3 ELx)
Combination for Two or Three Component Motion
1.When responses from the three earthquake components are to be
considered, the responses due to each component may be combined using
the assumption that when the maximum response from one component
occurs, the responses from the other two component are 30 percent of
their maximum. All possible combinations of the three components ( ELx,
ELy and ELz ) including variations in sign ( plus or minus ) shall be considered,
Thus, the response due earthquake force (EL ) is the maximum of the
following three cases:
1) ±ELx ± 0.3ELy ±0.3ELz
2) ±ELx ± 0.3ELy ±0.3ELz
3) ±ELx ± 0.3ELy ±0.3ELz
where x and y are two orthogonal directions and z is
vertical direction.

2. As an alternative to the above procedure, the response (EL ) due to the

combined effect of the three components can be obtained on the basis of
‘square root of the sum of the square ( SRSS )‘ that is
EL = √ (ELx)2+ (ELy)z+(ELz)2

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