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The immune system

• Around the animal body there always the diseases caused by virus bacteria infectious microorganisms.when the foreign cells and abnormal cell enter to living body so the system which work
against the diseases.the study of the functioning and disorder of the immune system is known as immunology.the ability of the system is that they have some super powers like they have
proteins which help to reduce the overcome disease like cancer,allergy,hypersensitivity.immune system is divided into two functional parts.

• The innate system

• They are natural immunity,they make the war to their enemy fight each other like they are fighting in the consist of physical things skin mucous,chemicals and gastric juice
lysozyme.remember there are 3 lines of defence of immunity,1 st,2nd,3rd lines of and mucous is the 1st line of defence. The mucus which is present in digestive tract respiratory
tract,urino tract,they help to prevent the microorgnisms and through secreation they throw them out.,but some infectious organisms enter or cross the mucus membrane and try to harm.i2nd
line of defense come on the path after 1st line of defense.they have three attacks inflammation response,phagocytosis,antimicrobial protein.phagocytosis are white blood cells which ingest the
diseases.the short lived W.B.C is called also works like phagocytes.another phagocytic cell called macrophage which are very bigger long lived but theyu are very cruel killers and
villains for foreign cells,they not only eat they have another dangerous ways ,responses and parts that is why they are called antigen presenting cellsanother king of WBC fight and destroy the
abnormal cells virally infected cells,they bind to the target cells,release proteins and pores through which they hurt and choose to death.these kind of WBC called cytotoxicity.the antimicrobial
protein important are lysozyme complement protein and interferon. Lysozyme if a enzyme which is present in tears and saliva musuc secreations,hey break the bacteria.complement protein
works on both sides.,innate and adative.complement protein is chemical attack for bacteria they secrete chemicals interferon do not kill directly kill viral or cancerous cells they boost the
immune system rensponse and reduce the growth of cancerous cells. Inflammation is injured part part entry of microgrganisms,it is characterize heat red swelling,the phacytosis and
chemocytosis are attracted at the injured part and destroy the microorganisms. But some microorganisms cross the inflammatory response then they attack the large part and trigger fever. fever.
• It is usually caused by certain
• W.B.Cs. that release substance called
• pyrogen. It sets the temperature of the
• body higher than the normal. Very high
• fever is dangerous but moderate fever contributes to the defense of the body. It
• inhibits the growth of some micro-orga
• nism, facilitates phagocytosis, increases
• the production of interferon, and may sp
• eed up repair of the damaged tissue

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