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Nature of Non-Communicable Disease
• Non-communicable diseases are not caused by pathogen
or disease causing organisms such as bacteria or viruses,
but rather, by how people live, by the conditions with
which they are born or by the hazards around them.

• It also includes diseases caused by a breakdown of the

body tissues (degenerative diseases), poor diet,
environmental and occupational hazards, stress and
• Is a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the
immune system.

• The substances that trigger allergy are called allergen.

• Examples include pollens, dust mite, molds, danders and

certain foods.

• People prone to allergies are said to be allergic.

Hay Fever(allergic rhinitis)
• Is the most common of allergic diseases and is
characterized by seasonal nasal symptoms that are due
to pollens.

The most common symptoms:

• Runny nose
• Stuffy nose
• Sneezing
• Nasal Itching (rubbing)
• Itchy ears and throat
• Post nasal drip (throat clearing)
Allergic Conjunctivitis
• Is inflammation of the tissue layers
(membranes) that cover the surface of the
eyeball and the under surface of the eyelid.

• Redness under the lids and the eye

• Watery, itchy eyes
• Swelling of the membranes
Allergic Eczema
• Is an allergic rash that is usually caused by
skin contact with an allergen and features
the following sign:

• Itching, redness, and or dryness of the skin

• Rash on the face, especially among
• Rash around eyes, in the elbow creases,
and behind the knees, especially in adults.
Hives (urticaria)
• Are skin reactions that appear as itchy swellings and can
occur on any part of the body.

• Hives can be caused by an allergic reaction, such as to a

food or medication, but they also may occur in non-
allergic people.

Symptom of hives are:

• Raised red welts or swollen mark
• Intense itching
Allergic Shock or (anaphylactic shock)
• Is a life-threatening reaction that can affect a number of
organs at the same time.

• It typically occurs when the allergen is eaten (for

example, foods) or injected (for example, a bee sting).

• Allergic shock is caused by dilated and leaky blood

vessels, which result in a drop in blood pressure.
Seatwork #1: Allergy
1. What is the most severe form of allergy?
2-6. What are the 5 forms of allergy?
7. The allergy can be cured or not?
8. What is the common form of allergy?
9. Which of the body systems causes allergic reactions?
10. What do you call the substance that trigger allergy?
1. Allergic Shock (anaphylctic shock)
2. Hay Fever(allergic rhinitis)
3. Allergic Conjunctivitis
4. Hives (urticaria)
5. Allergic Eczema
6. Allergic Shock (anaphylctic shock)
7. Not
8. Hay Fever(allergic rhinitis)
9. Immune system
10. Allergen

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