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The Self in Western and Eastern Thought

Eastern Thoughts Western Thought

1. Eastern philosophy is prevalent 1. Western philosophy is mainly
in Asian countries. used in the Western parts of the
world, such as in the European

2. Eastern philosophy is based 2. Western philosophy is referred

mainly in Asia, more to as the school of thought from
specifically the Chinese Greek philosophy that
philosophy. influenced the greater part
of Western civilization.
Eastern Thoughts Western Thought

3. Eastern philosophy is from 3. Western philosophy takes its

Confucianism, Mahayana roots from Rome and
Buddhism, and Taoism. Christianity, specifically Judeo-

4. Eastern society accepts the 4. Western society strives to

truth as given and find and prove "the truth“.
is more interested in finding the

5. Eastern thought put more stock 5. Western thought put more stock
in social responsibly. in individual rights.
Eastern Thoughts Western Thought

6. The main principle of the 6. The main principle of Western

Eastern philosophy is unity. philosophy is based on self-
dedication to be of service to

7. Eastern philosophy also thrives 7. Western philosophy focuses on

on virtues. This would be ethics. As individuals, one must
explained with the selfless do what is supposed to be done
approach to life. Satisfaction without causing ill to others.
with what one has is the key. Success is based on how much
one walks his path without
hurting others.
Eastern Thoughts Western Thought

8. Life is a journey towards eternal 8. Life is a service (to the God,

realities that are beyond the money, business, etc.).
realities that surround us.

9. Your future is determined by 9. Your future is unknown, it was

your deeds today. predetermined by God and is
not much influenced by your

10. East’s concept of eternal and 10. Western philosophy is logical,

recurring. scientific, and rational
Eastern Thoughts Western Thought

11. Eastern philosophy is also more 11. Western philosophy is more of

about the spiritual. a hands-on style.

12. Self-liberation through getting 12. The true “Me” in every human
rid of the false "Me" and being is a part of the Divine that
discovering the true "Me" need to become apparent. True
“Me” is given and doesn’t have
to be cognizable.
Eastern Thoughts Western Thought

13. A human being is an integral 13. A human being has an

part of the universe and the individualistic nature and is an
society. People are independent part of the
fundamentally connected. Duty universe and the society.
towards all others is a very
important matter.

14. Collectivism is stronger. 14. Individualism is stronger.

Eastern Thoughts Western Thought

15. Collectivism-drawn much more 15. Individualism- trying to find the

into groups or society or meaning of life here and now
people’s actions and thoughts with self at the center as it is
as one in order to find meaning already given and part of the
in life as they try to get rid of divine.
the false “me” concept and find
meaning in discovering the true
“me” in relation to everything
around them, or as part of a
bigger scheme.
1 whole yellow paper

Personally, which do you think has the most

influence in your sense of self – Eastern or
Western thought?
Explain Why?

You may answer in English or Pilipino. No

Taglish. No erasures
Maximum of 15 members
Choose your own members
1. Each group will need to make a video presenting the difference
between western and eastern influence in terms of:
Group 1: Religious Rituals
Group 2: Family Relationship
Group 3: Education
Group 4: Entertainment

2. The whole duration of the video be minimum of 3 minutes and

maximum of 10 minutes.
3. The video will be presented on Thursday/Friday (Jan. 18/19). Bring
your own laptop for the presentation.
4. Copy of the video should be posted in youtube on or before
January 17, 2019.
5. Use the title: UPHSL (UTS) Western and Eastern Thought (with
your group theme)_(Section Code)
Example: UPHSL (UTS) Western and Eastern Thought Religious
Watch each video of the Western and Eastern Thoughts. How will you apply
the following concepts in the video:

Western Thought:
 It introduced the ECOLOGICAL SELF which sees the self as a process that
is undergoing development;
 Human biological and environmental characteristics like race, gender,
social status, education and culture are factors that influence self
 The here is seen as dynamic, different and unique in each individual and is
constantly exposed to an ever changing world. SEE PAGE 63-64 OF YOUR

Eastern Thought (Confucian Thought)

 This thought is centered on Ren which is known as human goodness.
 Ren emphasizes feelings (heart) as the most important instead of the head.
 Ren could only be realized in: Li (Propriety)which is seen in rituals, customs
and ceremony; Xiao ((Filiality) reverence and respect for family; Yi
(rightness) right way of behaving “Do not do to others what you do not want
them to do to you”. SEE PAGE 65-66 OF YOUR BOOK
Video #1
Title: ______________________________________________
Describe how the video was able to apply the Western Thought ideas (pp63-
64): ____________________________________________________________________

Describe how the video was able to apply the Confucian Thought ideas (pp65-
66): ______________________________________________________________________

Video #2
Title: ______________________________________________
Describe how the video was able to apply the Western Thought ideas (pp63-
64): ____________________________________________________________________

Describe how the video was able to apply the Confucian Thought ideas (pp65-
66): ______________________________________________________________________

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