Gifted Children: Name: Priya Jasrotia Roll No. 19 Subject: Inclusive Education Course No. 401

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Gifted Children

Name : Priya Jasrotia

Roll no. 19
Subject : Inclusive Education
Course no. 401

Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of

Gifted Children
•Naturally brilliant ,
•A bright child with a high degree of general
mental ability ,
•Who show high intelligence or un- usual
talent and
•Extraordinary ability in specific sphere of
activity or knowledge.

Gifted child Talented child

Have extra Have exceptional skill

ordinary and ability in specific
intellectual ability area such as art,
and creativity science and language
• Lewis Terman(1925), “Gifted are who score in top 2%
on the standardized test of intelligence.”

• Witty (1958), “Gifted and Talented are those whose

performance is consistently remarkable in any
potentially valuable area.”

• Federal legislation(U.S.A), “Gifted & Talented children

are those who give evidence of high performance
capability in area such as intellectual ,creative, specific
academic and leadership ability or in the performing or
visual arts and who by reason by thereof require
service or activities not ordinarily provided by school.”
Characteristics of gifted

Positive Negative

Personality Intellectual

Personality characteristics
• Possesses good physical health

• Better planning capacity

• High achiever in class

• May be popular

• Sincere and dutiful

• Have friend of higher age and class

• May participate actively in discussion

Social characteristics
• They are socially well

• Popular in their group

• Have good quality of


• They are democratic and

less autocratic

• Possess high moral quality

Intellectual characteristics
• Gifted children have, better
ability to organise, analyse,
memorise, synthesize and reason
out thing

• Their vocabulary is rich

• Good common sense and good

general knowledge

• Have good imagination and their

ideas are original

• Their self expression is quick and

Negative characteristics
 Egoistic and jealous behaviour
 May not like the school
curriculum which is for normal
 Becomes lazy if they find the
school curriculum unchallenging
to them and does not take
interest in school academic
 Are generally careless and poor
in spelling and handwriting.
 Sometimes show emotional
instability also
 May become out spoken and
show sensitive temperature.
Identification of gifted children

Behavioural Teacher’s Scholastic

IQ testing Aptitude test
cues rating records
Behavioural cues IQ testing

1. Reading start at an early 1. Individual intelligence

age test
2. Awareness of uncommon 2. Teacher observation
3. Group achievement
3. High ability for symbolic
4. Mature expressive 4. Group intelligence
ability test
5. Good problem solving 5. Score on creativity
ability test
6. Longer attention span
7. Thinking is faster
Teacher’s rating

Learning Motivational Creativity Leadership

characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
1. Include
1. Self starting 1. Self
vocabulary for 1. Greater
age and grade confidence
2.Persistence curiosity 2.Readiness for
in task of many shouldering
completion things
reading of
3.Striving for
2. Greater responsibility
3.Prefers originality 3.Easy
advanced level adaptation to
books. new situation
4.Recall of
4.Bored with problem
routine task solving 4.Change in
time table
Aptitude test Scholastic records

 Used to screen student  They help to identify

who are extraordinarily gifted children
capable in an area
Educational provision for the gifted children

non Learning Teachers

Enrichment Content Student
graded environment cognitive
programme modification acceleration
classroom modification stratigies
Non graded classroom Enrichment programme

•Students are given

Entire course of study in additional work with
a level of education is regular class room.
divided into a series of •Guest lectures
•Presenting material in a
stages. Each child is motivating manner.
free to complete the •Pacing of information.
requirements of each •Individual planning and
stage and go on to next independent studies.
at his own pace. •Highlighting the most
important points.
Learning environment Content modification
• Gallagher (1985) described 4 ways
modification in which the gifted students
curriculum can be individualized.

In content acceleration a student is

1. Provide gifted students with an moved through the traditional curriculum
opportunity to interact with at a faster rate which allow students to
one another and to learn and master increasingly complex sets of ideas.
be stimulated by their In content enrichment gives
intellectual peers. students the opportunity for a
2. To reduce the spread of greater appreciation of the topic
abilities & performance within under study by expanding the
the group on instructionally material for study.
relevant dimensions to make it In content sophistication challenges
easier for the teacher to gifted student to use higher level of
provide instructionally relevant thinking to understand ideas that
average student of the same age
would find difficult.
3. To place gifted student with an
instructor who has expertise in Content novelty is the introduction of material
working with gifted student or that would normally appear in the general
curriculum because of time constraint or the
in a relevant content field abstract nature of the content
Teachers cognitive strategies Student acceleration

The approach to
Student acceleration is the
enhancing problem
passing students through
finding and problem
educational system as
solving skills should be
quickly as possible.
taught in the regular
Acceleration strategies
classroom, resource room
enable the gifted to
or special class- is to
selected an educational
provide the students with
programme that is
the strategies by which a
challenging and interesting.
problem can be attacked
more efficiently.

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