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Presented by

Mr. Praveen Hosamani

Mr. Omkar Dingankar
What is energy?
• Energy is the key input to drive and improve the
life cycle.
Types of energy?
Difference between CES & NCES
• Introduction
• Importance of non-conventional energy
• Alternatives of non-conventional energy
• Difference between conventional and non-
conventional sources
• Salient features of non-conventional energy
• Conclusion
• References
Energy generated by using solar, wind, tides
geothermal heat and biomass including farm and
animal waste is known as non-conventional energy.
All these sources are renewable and inexhaustible
and do not cause environmental pollution. More
over they do not require any expenditure.
Importance of NCES
The demand of energy is increasing due to rapid
industrialization & population growth, the
conventional sources of energy will not be
sufficient to meet the growing demand.
Conventional sources also cause pollution; there
by their use degrade the environment.
Conventional sources are non-renewable & bound
to finish one day.
Fossil fuels are also used as raw materials in the
chemical industry & need to be conserved for
future generations.
Alternatives of non-conventional
energy sources
 Solar energy
 Wind energy
 Tidal energy
 Geothermal energy
 Biomass energy
Solar energy:
• What is solar energy?
• Working principle

• Advantages
 Clean source.
 Availability.
• Disadvantages
 Dilute source.
 Area.
• Applications
 Space heating,
 Water heating and electricity,
 Solar cooking.
Wind energy:
•What is wind energy?
• Working principle

• Advantages
 Availability
• Disadvantages
 Grid electrical power source,
 Heating,
 Sea transport.
Tidal energy:
• What is tide? What are
the types?
• What is tidal energy?
• Working principle

• Limitations
Tidal range about 5m or more
Large size turbines
Harmful to marine life
• Applications
 Electricity
Geothermal energy:
•What is geothermal
• Working principle

• Advantages
 Reliable & availability
 Independent of weather
 Area
• Disadvantages
 Low grade energy
 Noise pollution and distance
 corrosive
• Applications
 Bathing space
 Water heating
Biomass energy:
•What is biomass?
•What is biomass energy?
• Sources of biomass
• Working principle

• Advantages
Energy storage
Low pollutant emissions
• Disadvantages
Land intensive
Low energy density
More Cost and labour
• Applications
Salient features of NCES
• Available in free of cost.
• No pollution, environmental friendly.
• Inexhaustible.
• Low gestation period.

• Cost of harnessing energy is high, available in dilute forms
of energy.
• Uncertainty of availability.
• Difficulty in transporting energy.
• Thus we would like to conclude by saying that even though
the CES are more convenient to use and gives more efficient
output, but harmful to the environment in long run. Beside
they are deplenishing at an alarming rate.
• Where as in other hand, the NCES even though are costlier to
harness, difficult to transport, prove environment friendly
resulting in better and safer future.
• Non-conventional energy sources, G. D. RAI
• Non-conventional energy resources, B. H. Khan
• Centre for Wind Energy Technology

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