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Nama kelompok:
1. Anis dwika indriyani
2. Erma nor hidayah
3. Nanda Nur latifa
immune system is a biological protection
system that is inside the human body to
avoid disease
Function :
1. as a defense system from
infectious or non-communicable
diseases caused by bacteria or
2. network repair
3. homeostatic balance
the division of the immune
system is two :
1. non-specific defense :
- physical defense
example :mucous membrane and skin
- mechanical defense
Example: silia
-chemical defense
Example: skin sweat
-biological defense
Example :harmless bacteria on the skin
2.specific defense
- limfosit
- antibody
This system work when
Microorganisms and foreign substances
that attack the body are referred to as
antigens, aka germs. When antigens are
detected, a series of immune responses
will occur to protect the body from
being infected.

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