How To Use Wayside Shop

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How to Use Wayside Shop

The Menu Screen of Wayside

Shop App will list the items
All Orders, Current Orders,
Delivery Request, Help and
Log In/Out options.
Once we click to any of the
items we will arrive at the
respective page.
Current Orders Page lists
the new orders in
chronological order from the
most recent order
Current orders may be in
New, Accepted or Ready
states indicated with
different colors
Each order has an unique
Delivery time is displayed
only after order is accepted
For reference purpose
All Orders page will list
orders irrespective of
whether order is
accepted or rejected.
Delivered orders are also
recorded here which is
not available in the
Current Orders page
Details of all orders can
be retrieved from here.
Delivery Requests page will
show all cases where
delivery is pending. Once
accepted, order will get
reflected here till delivery
is completed
Delivery persons/locations
will concentrate on this list
In case of more delivery
locations more than one
list will be presented.
When new orders will be selected
from the current order list we will
arrive at this page.
Here we will know the details of
the order and decide whether to
accept or reject the order.
To remove any confusion we can
call the customer from the details
given here.
If we reject the order will get
dropped from current order and
remain only in all orders with
intimation to the customer through
push message/sms
When the order is
accepted it will create this
screen to indicate that the
product needs to be made
ready for delivery.
Once the product is ready
the ready for delivery
button will be clicked and
the person responsible for
delivery will be alerted.
The customer will also be
The delivery person will now
wait for the customer to reach
in front of the store/delivery
point and signal his arrival with
Wayside Flashing.
Decoding the flash sequence
identity of the customer will be
ascertained and the appropriate
product will be handed over to
the customer.
Customer will provide the
remaining four digits of the
code which the delivery person
will enter in the Shop app to
confirm transaction.

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