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Classroom Rules

• Arrange your chairs properly.

• Raise your right hand if you have a question.
• Raiseyour right hand and cover your mouth with
your left hand if you want to answer a question.
• Always behave
• Cooperation is the key
Declarative Sentence
A declarative sentence states
a fact or opinion and ends with
a period (.).
Interrogative Sentence
An interrogative sentence asks
a question and ends with a
question mark (?).
Imperative Sentence
An imperative sentence
expresses a request or gives a
command or direction. It also
and ends with a period or
exclamation mark (!).
Exclamatory Sentence
An exclamatory sentence
conveys emotion and ends
with an exclamation mark(!).
Directions: Read each sentence carefully and identify their function. Write DC if it is
declarative, INC if it is interrogative, IMC if it is imperative and EC if it is Exclamatory.
1.Samar Island is known for its beautiful caves and water falls.
2.Did the organization approve her proposal?
3.Isn’t her voice magnificent!
4.It’s a baby boy!
5.Call the doctor, please.
6.Watch out for that car!
7.What did she do yesterday?
8.Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System.
9.Is there anything else that I can get you?
10Keep off the grass.

Write a short narrative about your most

unforgettable experience. Use at least 4
declarative, 4 imperative, 4 exclamatory and 4
interrogative sentences. Write your answer in a 1
whole sheet of intermediate paper. Deadline is
next week.

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