One-Way Between Groups (Alysis F Riance) : Anova An o Va

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One-way Between Groups

(Analysis of Variance)
Prepared by: Abdulmajid Mohammed
Discussion Outline
 Introduction to ANOVA

 Dependent and Independent Variables

 Steps and Procedures of On-Way ANOVA

 Interpretation of ANOVA
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

 In many research situations, we are interested in comparing

the mean scores of more than two groups or levels.

 When you wish to compare the means of MORE THAN two

groups or levels of an independent variable, a ONE WAY

 One-way analysis of variance involves one independent

variable (referred to as a factor), with more than TWO
different levels.

 For example, in comparing the effectiveness of three

different teaching styles on students' maths scores, you
would have one factor (teaching style) with three levels (e.g.
whole class, small group activities, self-paced computer

 The dependent variable is a continuous variable (in this

case, scores on a maths test).
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

 Analysis of variance is so called because it compares the

variance (variability in scores) between the different groups
(believed to be due to the independent variable) with the
variability within each of the groups (believed to be due to

 An F ratio is calculated, which represents the variance

between the groups, divided by the variance within the

 A large F ratio indicates that there is more variability

between the groups (caused by the independent variable)
than there is within each group (referred to as the error
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

 A significant F test indicates that we can reject the null

hypothesis, which states that the population means are

 It does not, however, tell us which of the groups differ. For

this we need to conduct post-hoc tests.

 One-way between-groups ANOVA is used when you have one

independent (grouping) variable with three or more levels
(groups) and one dependent continuous variable.

 The 'one-way' part of the title indicates there is only one

independent variable, and 'between-groups' means that you
have different subjects or cases in each of the groups.
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA
ANOVA in context of Thesis
In the Context of a thesis

1. Chapter 1 : Introduction

2. Chapter 2: Literature Review

3. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology

4. Chapter4: Finding

5. Chapter 5: Discussion
Chapter 1:Chapter
IntroductionOne: Introduction

 Problem Statement
Contradictory Evidence / Lack of Information
 Objective of the Study

to explore difference among students in Faculty of Science,

Education Faculty and Faculty of Art in terms of
Achievement. Or
to explore difference among high, middle, and low groups
achievement (3 faculties ) in terms of self-efficacy
 Research Question

Is there a statistically significant difference in the extent of

achievement among undergraduate students based
different Faculties?
Is there any differences among high, middle, and low groups
achievement in terms of self-efficacy ?
 Research Hypothesis

(alternative hypothesis/ null hypothesis)

One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

Example of research question:

Is there a difference in optimism scores for young, middle-
aged and old subjects?

What you need: Two variables:

One categorical independent variable with three or more
distinct categories. This can also be a continuous variable
that has been recoded to give three equal groups (e.g. age
group: subjects divided into three age categories, 29 and
younger, between 30 and 44,45 or above).
One continuous dependent variable (e.g. scores on optimism).

What it does:
One-way ANOVA will tell you whether there are significant
differences in the mean scores on the dependent variable
across the three groups. Post-hoc tests can then be used to
find out where these differences lie.
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

Null hypothesis,
Ho: There are NO significant differences between
the means.

Alternative hypothesis,
Ha: At least there is ONE significant difference
between the means.

If p value(sig.) < 0.05, REJECT Ho
If p value(sig.) > 0.05, DO NOT REJECT Ho
Chapter Two:
Literature Review
review the literature
Chapter Two: Literature Review
review the literature RQ/Hrelated to RQ/H
Chapter Three:
Research Design and
Chapter Four:
Writing up results from ANOVA
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

Based on the descriptive analysis, there were differences

observed between the means. The table shows that Chinese
had achieved the highest mean score (mean = 63.17, SD =
12.184) followed by Malay (mean = 61.87, SD = 10.320) and
Indian (mean = 55.20, SD = 13.026).
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

Levene's test for homogeneity of variances tests whether

the variance in scores is the same for each of the three
groups. If the sig. (p-value) is greater than .05 , you have not
violated the assumption of homogeneity of variance.

In this example, the sig. value of 0.104 is greater than .05.

We have not violated the homogeneity of variance
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

From this table, the main thing you are interested in is the
column marked Sig. If the Sig. value is less than or equal to
.05 , there is a significant difference somewhere among the
mean scores on the dependent variable for the three groups.
This does not tell you which group is different from which
other group.

The statistical significance of the differences between each

pair of groups is provided in the table labeled Multiple
Comparisons, which gives the results of the post-hoc tests.
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

You should look at this table only if you found a significant

difference in your overall ANOVA. The post-hoc tests in this
table will tell you exactly where the differences among the
groups occur.
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

Look down the column labeled Mean Difference. Look for any
asterisks (*) next to the values listed. If you find an asterisk,
this means that the two groups being compared are
significantly different from one another at the p < .05 level.
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

In the results presented above, statistically significant

mean differences were observed to have occurred between
Malay and Indian (p = 0.021) and between Chinese and Indian
(p = 0.007). Even though there was a difference between
Malay and Chinese, the difference was not statistically
significant (p = 0.766).
One-Way Between Groups ANOVA

Presenting the results

A one-way between-groups analysis of variance was conducted
to explore the impact of INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA on students’
Science scores. Subjects were divided into three groups
according to their ethnicity (Group 1: Malay; Group 2: Chinese;
Group 3: Indian). There was a statistically significant difference
at the p < .05 level in Science scores ‘before’ and ‘after’ for the
three groups: F (2, 197) = 5.341, p = .006. Despite reaching
statistical significance, the actual difference in mean scores
between the groups was quite small. The effect size, calculated
using eta squared, was .0514. Post-hoc comparisons using the
Scheffe test indicated that the differences in the mean scores
between Malay (M= 61.87, SD= 10.32) and Indian (M=55.20,
SD=13.03) and between Chinese (M=63.17, SD=12.18) and Indian
(M=55.20, SD=13.03) are statistically significant. However, the
difference between Malay (M= 61.87, SD= 10.32) and Chinese
(M=63.17, SD=12.18) is observed to be not statistically
Chapter Five
explanation and rationalization
compare with previous studies
Another Example
 Research Design
 Type of Variables

 Data Analysis

The data collected in the current study was statistically

analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social
Science 17). Tables present each hypothesis, along
with its appropriate statistic, independent and
dependent variables.
Table : Summary of Data Analysis Related to Research
No Hypothesis Statistics IV DV
H02 There is no statistically ANOVA 1-Faculty of Science achievement
significant difference in the
2- Education Faculty
extent of the achievement
among undergraduate 3-Faculty of Art
students based on their

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