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Personality and Values


What is Personality?

The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts
and interacts with others.

Personality Traits
Enduring characteristics Personality
that describe an Determinants
individual’s behavior. • Heredity
• Environment
• Situation

• Heredity
 It refers to those factors that were determined at conception.
Twins separated for 39 years were found to drive the same model
• Environment
Culture in which we are raised; ,our early conditioning,; the norms
among our family, friends and other influences that we experience.
These environmental factors play a measure role in shaping our
• Situation
Situation influences the effects of heredity & environment on
Some situations ex- Church , An employment interview ,constrain
many behaviors , while picnic in a public park constrain very few
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

A personality test that taps four characteristics and
classifies people into 1 of 16 personality types.

Personality Types
• Extroverted vs. Introverted (E or I)
• Sensing vs. Intuitive (S or N)
• Thinking vs. Feeling (T or F)
• Judging vs. Perceiving (P or J)
Personality Types
• Extroverted vs. Introverted
Extroverted individuals are outgoing , sociable and
assertive . Introverts are quiet and shy
• Sensing vs. Intuitive
Sensing types are practical and prefer routine and order.
Intuitive rely on unconscious process
• Thinking vs. Feeling
• Thinking types use reason and logic to handle problems .
Feeling types rely on their personal values and emotions
• Judging vs. Perceiving
Judging types want control , and prefer their world to be
ordered and structured . Perceiving types are flexible and
INTJs are visionaries they are characterized as skeptical ,
critical , independent and stubborn.

ESTJs are organizers they are realistic , logical , analytical and
ENTPs are conceptualizer, Innovative , Individualistic , versatile
The Big Five Model of Personality Dimensions

Sociable, gregarious, and assertive. They predicted
performance in managerial and sales positions.

Good-natured, cooperative, and trusting. High amount of
agreement, especially among individuals from developed
Responsible, dependable, persistent, and organized. China uses
the category of conscientiousness more often and use the
category of agreeableness less often than do Americans.

Emotional Stability
Calm, self-confident, secure (positive) versus nervous, depressed,
and insecure (negative).

Openness to Experience
Imaginativeness, artistic, sensitivity, and intellectualism.
Major Personality Attributes Influencing OB
 Locus of control
 Machiavellianism
 Self-esteem
 Self-monitoring
 Risk taking
 Type A personality
 Type B Personality
 Narcissism
Locus of Control

Locus of Control
The degree to which people believe they
are masters of their own fate.

Individuals who believe that they
control what happens to them.

Individuals who believe that
what happens to them is
controlled by outside forces
such as luck or chance.

Machiavellianism (Mach)
Degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains
emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify
Ex-John is a bank manager in France . He says “ I am
prepared to do whatever I have to do to get ahead
Self-Esteem and Self-Monitoring

Self-Esteem (SE)
Individuals’ degree of liking or disliking themselves. High SEs
believe that they possess the ability they need to succeed at

A personality trait that measures an individuals ability
to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational
factors. High Self Monitors are capable of presenting
striking contradictions between their public persona
and their private self. Low self monitors can’t
distinguish themselves in that way Ex Neha in trouble
at work.
 High Risk-taking Managers
– Make quicker decisions
– Use less information to make decisions
– Operate in smaller and more entrepreneurial
 Low Risk-taking Managers
– Are slower to make decisions
– Require more information before making decisions
– Exist in larger organizations with stable environments
 Risk Propensity
– Aligning managers’ risk-taking propensity to job
requirements should be beneficial to organizations.
Personality Types
 Type A’s-A person with a type A personality is
aggressively involved in a chronic , incessant ,
struggle to achieve more and more in less and
less time and if required to do so against the
opposing efforts of other things or other persons
1. are always moving, walking, and eating rapidly;
2. feel impatient with the rate at which most events take
3. strive to think or do two or more things at once
4. cannot cope with leisure time;
5. are obsessed with numbers, measuring their success
in terms of how many or how much of everything they
 Type A’s are fast workers, as they emphasize
quantity over quality.
 In managerial positions, Type A’s demonstrate
their competitiveness by working long hours and
making poor decisions because they make them
too fast.
 Type A’s are also rarely creative, because of their
concern with quantity and speed.
 Type A’ do better in job interviews because they
are more likely to be judged as having desirable
traits such as high drive, competence,
aggressiveness, and success motivation.
Personality Types

Type B’s-
1. never suffer from a sense of time urgency with its
accompanying impatience;
2. feel no need to display or discuss either their achievements
or accomplishments;
3. play for fun and relaxation, rather than to exhibit their
superiority at any cost;
4. can relax without guilt.
Personality Types

Proactive Personality
Identifies opportunities, shows initiative, takes
action, and perseveres until meaningful change
Creates positive change in the environment,
regardless or even in spite of constraints or
Proactives are more likely to challenge the status
quo or voice their displeasure when situation aren’t
to their liking
The tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose
sense of self-importance, require excessive
admiration, and have a sense of entitlement.
Basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or
end-state of existence is personally or socially
preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct
or end-state of existence.
Importance of Values

 Provides understanding of the attitudes,

motivation, and behaviors of individuals and
 Influence our perception of the world around us.
 Represent interpretations of “right” and “wrong.”
 Imply that some behaviors or outcomes are
preferred over others.
Types of Values –- Rokeach Value Survey

Terminal Values
Desirable end-states of existence; the goals that a
person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime.

Instrumental Values
Preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving one’s
terminal values.
Dominant Work Values in Today’s Workforce
Cohort Entered Approximat Dominant Work Values
The e current
Workforc age
Socialists 1950s to 55+ Hardworking,conservative,conforming,lo
the late yalty to the organization, emphasis on a
1980 comfortable and secure life.
Boomers 1965 to Mid -40s to Success achievement,ambition,dislike of
1985 mid-60s authority, loyalty to career

Xers 1985-2000 Late 20s to Work-Life balance, dislike of

early 40s rules,confident,want financial success,
self-reliant but team oriented, loyalty to
both self and relationships
Millennial 2000 to Under 30s Comfortable with
s present technology,entrepreneurial,want to get
rich quickly, high sense of entitlement
Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Values Across

Power Distance
The extent to which a society accepts that power
in institutions and organizations is distributed

Ex: China and West Africa scored high on

power distance ; the United States and the
Netherlands scored low.
Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)

The degree to which people in a country prefer to act as
individuals rather than as member of groups.
A tight social framework in which people expect others in
groups of which they are a part to look after them and
protect them.
Ex: Most Asian countries were more collectivist than
individualistic; the United States ranked highest among
all countries on individualism.
Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)

The extent to which societal values are
characterized by assertiveness,
materialism and competition.
The extent to which societal values
emphasize relationships and concern for
Ex: Germany and Hong Kong rated high
on achievement; Russia and the
Netherlands rated low.
Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)

Uncertainty Avoidance
The extent to which a society feels threatened
by uncertain and ambiguous situations and tries
to avoid them.
Ex: France and Russia were high ; Hong
Kong and the United States were low.

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