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Date: 1st of April 2017

Duration : 6 hours
Lecturer : Caron Gangoo
Ground Rules
 No lateness
 Regular attendance
 Be self learners
 Help your friends
 Participate, Positive Attitude and Be
 Mobile on silent mode
LO1- Explain the role of marketing and
how it interrelates with other functional
units of an organisation

Definitions and the marketing concept:

 Definitions of marketing and the nature of
 The development of the marketing concept,
including current and future trends.
 How the external environment influences and
LO1- Explain the role of marketing and
how it interrelates with other functional
units of an organisation

The role of marketing:

 The structure and operations of marketing
 Overview of marketing processes that include
analysis, strategic planning and the
marketing mix.
The Marketing Process

Marketing Department Organisation

Marketing Department Organisation
The company must design a marketing department that can
carry out marketing analysis,planning, implementation,
and control. Formats for organising the department include:
1). The functional organisation where different marketing
activities are headed by a functional specialist (such as a sales
manager, advertising manager, etc.).
2). The geographic organisation where sales and marketing
people are assigned to specific countries, regions, or districts.
3). A product management organisation where a product
manager develops a complete strategy for a product or brand.
Today, many firms are shifting to customer equity
management where customer profitability is important.
4). A market or customer management organisation
where a specific market plan is developed for each specific
market or customer. 7
Market Analysis
A market analysis will be made up of a range of factors
relevant to the particular situation under review, but would
normally include :
●Actual and potential market size: Estimating the total
sales in the market allows the organisation to evaluate the
realism of particular market share objectives. Identifying
the key sub-markets of this market and potential areas of
growth, is crucial to developing a marketing strategy, as
is establishing if any areas are in decline.
Market Analysis
Trends: Analysing general trends in the market identifies the
changes that have actually taken place. This can help to uncov
the reasons for these changes and expose the critical drivers
underlying a market.
Customers: The analysis needs to identify who the customer
and what criteria they use to judge a product offering. Informat

on where, when and how customers purchase the produ

or service, allows an organisation to begin to understand the
needs of the customer & changing trends in consumer

Market Analysis
Customer segments : Identifying current market segments
and establishing the benefits each group requires allows an
organisation to detect if it has the capability to serve
particular consumer’s needs.
Distribution channels: Identifying the changes of
importance between channels of distribution, based on
growth, cost or effectiveness, permits a company to evaluate
its current arrangements. Establishing the key decision
makers in a channel of distribution also helps to inform
strategic decisions.
S.W.O.T Analysis
Strengths : capabilities, re-sources,
and positive situational factors that
may help the company serve its
customers and achieve its
Weaknesses: internal limita-tions
and negative situational factors
that may interfere with the
company’s performance
Opportunities: favorable factors or
trends in the external
environment that the company
may be able to exploit to its
Threats : unfavorable external
factors or trends that may
present challenges to

The Marketing Planning Model

The Marketing Planning Key

The Marketing Mix-the 4“P” ’s

Marketing Actions on the “4 P’s”

Marketing in a B2C & B2B context (
pg 26- essentials of marketing )

LO1- Explain the role of marketing and
how it interrelates with other functional
units of an organisation

The interrelationships of functional units:

 Marketing as a business function.
 The different roles of business units and the
interrelationships between these functional
units and marketing.
The Impact of the External
Environment on the Marketing activity

Marketing as an Integrative
Business Function

External factors to the organisation
affecting Marketing
Existing and potential customers:
 organisations MUST locate customers, find out
WHAT they want, communicate AND FOLLOW UP
delivery of promises to ensure CUSTOMERS

 RIVAL organisations targeting same set of
consumers.ANTICIPATION more than close-
monitoring of market offerings is essential
External factors to the organisation
affecting Marketing
 Optimising DISTRIBUTION process by building
appropriate relationship with intermediaires in order
to get goods to the end customer can be neutralised
by competitors worsening terms of trade and
availibility of the best distribution channel

 Choice of suppliers, negotiation of terms and
relationship building are important tasks to maintain
the supply chain and satisfy customer needs 23
LO2- Compare ways in which
organisations use elements of the
marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall
business objectives
The 7Ps marketing mix:
 Product: Differences between products and
services, importance of brands,product
development and product lifestyle
 Price: Pricing context, pricing strategies and
LO2- Compare ways in which
organisations use elements of the
marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall
business objectives
The 7Ps marketing mix (continued):
 Place: Channel management, supply chain
management and logistics.
 Promotion: Integrated communication mix
and promotional tools.
LO2- Compare ways in which
organisations use elements of the
marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall
The objectives
7Ps marketing mix (continued):
 People : The different roles of ‘people’ in marketing,
including customer interfacing and support personnel. The
different skills, attitudes and behaviour of people delivering
the product or service to customers.
 Physical evidence : The tangible aspects of service
delivery − visual, aural and olfactory elements
 Process : Systems and processes involved in delivering a
consistent service.Different types of processes used to
LO2- Compare ways in which
organisations use elements of the
marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall
business objectives
Achieving overall business objectives:
 The shift from the 4Ps to the 7Ps and the significance
of the extended marketing mix.
 An overview of the marketing planning process
(Analysis, Planning,Implementation and Control) and
marketing strategy.

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