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Food Allergies

Melissa Bess
Nutrition and Health Education Specialist

Discussion Topics
 What is a food allergy?
 Who gets a food allergy?
 Most common food allergies
 Symptoms
 How is it diagnosed?
 How can you avoid food allergies?
 Tips to prevent allergies
 What to do if there is a reaction.
Discussion Topics

 Children and allergies

 New research
 How a child might describe reaction
 Food intolerance
 Cross-reactions
 Hidden allergens
What is a food allergy?

 Immune system function

 Super-sensitive
 Allergens
 Usually the protein part
 Allergens react to antibodies
 Release chemicals causing
Who gets a food allergy?

 About 3 to 8 percent of children

have reaction
 Only 1 to 2 percent have true food
 Children usually grow out of
sensitivity by age 4 (not peanuts,
tree nuts, shellfish)
 About 1 to 2 percent of adults
Most common food allergies

 Children
 Milk, egg, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree
 Most will outgrow eggs, milk, wheat,
and soy
 Adults
 Peanuts, tree nuts (almonds, walnuts),
fish, shellfish (shrimp, lobster, crab),
mollusks (oysters, clams, scallops)
Most common food allergies
 Peanuts and/or tree nuts = three
million Americans (1.1% of
 About 150 people in US die each
year, 30,000 ER visits
 About 4% believed to have food
allergy, 2.3% to seafood
 More than 160 foods associated
with allergic reactions
Symptoms of food allergies

 Reaction within minutes to two

 How soon and how severe depend
on sensitivity to food, how much
was consumed, other foods
consume, and preparation
 May have minor symptoms at first
 Digestive system  Body systems
 Swelling, itching (skin, lungs, etc)
 Tightness  Hives, skin swelling
 Hoarseness  Anaphylaxis – BP
 Nausea falls, wheezing,
 Cramping breathing
problems, nausea,
 Pain rapid pulse,
 Vomiting flushing, faintness,
 Diarrhea passing out
 Can lead to death

 Severe reactions more common in

peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish,
and eggs
 Also more common in those with
 Death usually seen in peanuts or
tree nuts
How are food allergies diagnosed?

 Physician
 Medical history, physical exam
 Skin test
 Lab tests
 Oral food challenge
 Elimination diet
 Double-blind food challenge
How can you avoid food allergies?

 Identify those at risk

 Consult a doctor
 Consider breast feeding
 Maternal diet avoiding eggs, cow
milk, peanuts, fish
Tips to prevent allergies

 Do not consume allergic foods

 Read the ingredient list
 New in 2006 – must clearly state food
allergen (milk, eggs, fish, crustacean
shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, or
 If traveling, bring special foods
 When eating out, ask about foods
Tips to prevent allergies

 Know which children have allergies

and what those are
 Know how to recognize symptoms
 Have a plan in cause of allergic
 Wash hands with soap, surfaces
with cleaners for peanut allergies
What to do if a child has a reaction

 Take medication
 Seek medical help
 Keep injectable epinephrine
 Wear Medic-Alert bracelet
Children and allergies
 For babies, discuss formula options
with doctor
 Don’t introduce solid foods too early
– wait about 6 months
 Wait on foods with common
 Cow milk – age 1
 Eggs – age 2
 Peanuts, nuts or fish – age 3 or after
 American Academy of Pediatricians
Children and allergies

 Cow’s milk common – cause hives,

asthma, colic, sleeplessness, blood
in stool, poor growth
 Immature immune systems
 May change to soy or elemental
 Drugs to severe cases
 Breast milk helps
New research

 Peanut allergies increasing

 Peanut exposure, in peanut butter,
reduces severe reaction
 Peanut vaccine
 Link in food allergies and asthma
 Roasting peanuts may increase
allergic properties
 FDA proposing a gluten-free label
How child describes reaction
 Put hands to mouth, pull or scratch
tongues, voices may change
 “Food is too spicy”
 “My tongue is hot, something is
poking it”
 “My mouth is tingly, itches, or feels
 “My tongue feels full, my throat
feels thick”
Food Intolerance
 More common than allergies
 Food poisoning
 Histamine toxicity (cheese, wine, fish)
 Lactose intolerance
 Food additives (MSG)
 Gluten intolerance (small intestine)
 Corn products
 True allergy – avoid food (immune
 Intolerance – small amount is ok
(digestive system)
Cross Reactions (food and non-food)

 Ragweed- Watermelon, cantaloupe,

honeydew, bananas
 Birch pollen-carrots, apples,
hazelnuts, potatoes
 Banana – latex
 * If allergic to one shellfish or
legumes, likely allergic to all!
Hidden allergens
 Eggs – baked goods, noodles
 Milk – pies, cheese
 Soy – baked goods, candy, tv dinners
 Wheat – flours, soup mixes, snacks
 Peanut – candy, baked goods, ice cream
 Fish – seafood flavors
 New food labels should help
Eating out with allergies

 Chinese, Indonesian, Mexican, etc

dishes usually made with peanuts
 Cross-contamination of allergens
 Not as easy to read ingredient list

 Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis

Network (FAAN)
 American Academy of Allergy,
Asthma, and Immunology
 Food and Drug Administration
 USDA – National Agriculture Library

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