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What is a Stereotype?
 An idea or image about an entire group of
people. Although the stereotype may be true
for a few members of the group, it is assumed to
be true for all members.
 Stereotype example: “Teenagers are lazy”
 Whilethere are teenagers that don’t do
much (just as there are of people of all ages)
many teenagers are very active, motivated,
hard working and productive.
Gender Stereotypes

 The reason that we are so

familiar with these stereotypes
is because… we are always
being taught what a “real
man” or a “real woman” is.
 While some of the qualities
may be true for some people –
some women are very
nurturing & some men are
strong – the reason it’s a
stereotype is because we
expect all men and women to
act that way.
Where do we get
messages about gender
Where do we get messages about
gender stereotypes?

Movies TV Shows

Where do we get messages about
gender stereotypes?


Where do we get messages about
gender stereotypes?
 These messages come from many
different places and we get them all the

 Some messages are so pervasive they

have become “Cultural Values” which
means… they have been woven into the
U.S. culture as expectations that are
solely based on your gender.
 Anyone who lives in the U.S. is
influenced by the dominant cultural
values that exist to some extent.
Cultural Values

 Cultural values have the ability to LIMIT PEOPLE (not

allow them to be who they truly are), INFLUENCE
drugs, risky sexual behaviors, low self-esteem,
depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicide, etc.) to help
 There is nothing wrong with these cultural values.
 For example…being polite or strong are wonderful
 But, when people are expected to ALWAYS be this
way these values can be very limiting and harmful.
Cultural Values
Values Associated Values Associated
with Men with Women
 Strong – Not needing anyone’s  Emotional – have empathy;
help; standing by the decisions showing or expressing feelings
they make; confident and (sadness, excitement,
nervousness, fear, and happiness);
independent; physically strong sharing emotions with others
 Tough – able to withstand  Polite/Proper/Pure – good
emotional and physical manners (saying please and thank
discomfort; not crying if you’re you); deferring to authority; not
hurt; not “girly” speaking out of turn; not hurting
others feelings; good morals
 In Control – makes decisions for
 Taking Care of Others – putting
self and others; can do what the needs of others first; nurturing
they want; responsible for the others; noticing and responding to
safety of others the needs of others; not hurting
others emotionally or physically
Healthy Relationships

 Knowing how you want to be treated in

a relationship is a key component of
having a healthy relationship.
 People who don’t know what they want
are at higher risk of having an unhappy
and unhealthy relationship.
How I want to be treated by my
 Choose YOUR “top 5” most important ways you want to be treated in
a relationship. If you think of a quality that is not listed, please list it.
 Then choose your most important (out of the top 5), write it in your
notes, and explain at the bottom of the page why that attribute is so

Be honest with me
Treat me fairly
Encourage me
Love me

Let me be me
 Empathy is another key component of having
healthy relationships
 Empathy- the ability to understand and share
the feelings of another.
 Why is empathy important in relationships?

Discuss the following
questions with your neighbor.
1. How did the students behavior change once he
was wearing the glasses?
2. Are you empathetic enough with the people you
interact with? Explain.
Healthy Relationships Unhealthy Relationships
 Treat their partner with respect  Treat their partner disrespectfully
and fairness and unfairly
 Support and encourage each
other  Frequently argue or fight
 Treat each other as equals  Have no shared interests
 Are honest  Do things ONLY with each other –
 Earn their partners trust they have no separate friends or
 Have shared interests interests
 Also have separate interests and  Cheat on their partner
 Don’t care about their partners
 Try hard to have honest and clear feelings
 Enjoy being with one another  Don’t enjoy spending time
 Never hurt their partner physically
or sexually
Healthy or Unhealthy?
Marcus and Lillian
 Marcus and Lillian have been going out for 6 months. Marcus
believes to be in love with Lillian, and thinks Lillian is super pretty
and super smart. Marcus often feels nervous about losing Lilian.
Marcus doesn’t think Lillian would ever cheat, but Marcus sees
Lilian talking and being friendly with other’s constantly. Marcus
feels jealous and is not sure what to do. Marcus told Lillian to quit
being so friendly to other people and to focus more on their
relationship. Lillian got upset, and they had a huge fight. As they
were arguing, Marcus became angry and grabbed Lillian
forcefully by the arms. Marcus then threw Lillian’s cell phone
across the room, smashing it to pieces. After the fight, Marcus
promised it would never happen again. Marcus said it was an
accident, and apologized for hurting and scaring Lilian.
Marcus and Lillian- add
these answers to your pre-
 What characteristics (+/-) do you see
in their relationship?
 Is
this relationship healthy or
 Why?
Marcus and Lillian
Pros:  While Marcus may love
 Marcus believes to love Lillian Lillian, Marcus’ actions are
unacceptable and
Cons: make for an unhealthy
 Marcus tries to limit and control relationship.
Lillian  IF Marcus can learn to
 Marcus is often jealous control his anger and
jealousy, perhaps they
 Marcus uses force and throws can have a healthy
and breaks things when angry relationship.
 However, Lillian does not
deserve to be treated in
this way and it may be
unsafe to stay in the
relationship at this point.
Healthy or Unhealthy?
 Chris and Taylor have been dating for 6 months. Chris just
made the varsity soccer team after putting in many weeks of
hard work and practice throughout the summer. Chris excitedly
calls Taylor to share the news. Taylor has no interest in soccer,
but still talks and listens throughout the entire conversation,
showing Chris happiness and excitement. Taylor knows how
much the team means to Chris, and wants to show support.
Chris invites Taylor to the first soccer game, but Taylor is busy
and can’t come because of a leadership meeting that is
happening at the same time. Chris is disappointed and wishes
that Taylor would just skip the meeting and come to the game
anyway, but Chris knows that leadership is very important to
Taylor. Chris asks Taylor to come to the game after the
meeting is over, and Taylor agrees to make every effort to get
to the game as soon as possible.
Chris and Taylor- add these
answers to your pre-game
 What characteristics (+/-) do
you see in their relationship?
 Is
this relationship healthy or
 Why?
Chris and Taylor

 Chris and Taylor have  Chris and Taylor have
different interests (can be different interests, but still
positive) support each other in
Pros: things that are important
 Neither feels forced to give to them.
up individual interests to be  Neither of them feels the
with the other person
need to give up their
 Both support and individual interests or
encourage each other
feels forced to join the
 Both are being honest interest of the other
 Both are treated as equals person.
 Both are willing to  They are honest with
compromise when needed
each other and able to
compromise so they are
both happy.
Warning signs of an
abusive relationship (List 3)

 One person throws or  One person puts the

breaks things during an other person down, calls
argument them names, or
humiliates them
 One person tries to control
what the other person does,  One person lies or
who they see, or what they changes their story, or
wear they deny or minimize
the other person’s
 One person is overly jealous
experience. This
 One person hurts the other behavior often makes
person physically or sexually the other person feel like
they are “going crazy”
Power and Control Wheel
How to help a Friend
 If someone has been hurt by their partner they may tell a
friend before they tell anyone else...
 Here’s what you can do to help…
How to help a Friend

 LISTEN…you may feel like you know what to say, that’s

okay, what is most important is that you listen and let
your friend know that you are happy to help
 BELIEVE YOUR FRIEND people rarely make up stories of
abuse, your friend is most likely telling the truth
 SHOW THAT YOU CARE this may be the first time that your
friend has ever told anyone about their experience,
support them in what ever way is comfortable for both of
you. Show them with body language and facial
expressions that you really care
How to help a Friend
what the situation, the person who
committed the assault is the one
responsible. It is not the victims
although lots of tough decisions
need to be made (like who to tell,
when to tell, what to do) let your
friend be in control (as much as
reasonable) with what to do.
Decide on a trusted adult to
involve together. You must
involve a trusted adult.
You’ve Got a Friend
 Physical abuse can happen to guys or girls, but girls are the
victims most often. Because teens who are abused are often
feel confused — they may love their abuser and not want the
relationship to end, despite the danger — friends play an
important role in giving them the support they need to break
free. If a friend confides in you that she’s being hurt, it won’t
help to judge her, talk badly about her partner, or tell her what
to do. What will help is to let her know that…
 It was brave of her to tell you the truth
 It’s not her fault and she doesn’t deserve to be abused
 Her partner has a serious problem and needs help
 She has options and they include getting help from a trusted adult
 You can help her do that

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