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National Institute of Science & Technology

Concurrrent Engineering

Mahesh Mishra Roll no# 201510132
Seminar Id-3386
Under the guidance of
Mr. Prajapati Naik

Mahesh Mishra #201510132 [1]

National Institute of Science & Technology





Challenges associated with concurrent design

Why Concurrent engineering


National Institute of Science & Technology

Concurrent engineering is a new design managemen

system that has matured in recent years to become a well-
defined systems approach to optimizing design and
engineering cycles.

Concurrent engineering has been implemented in a

number of companies, organizations, and universities, most
notably in the aerospace industry. Organizations such as
the European space Agency use it to perform feasibility
studies for future missions.
National Institute of Science & Technology

• Concurrent engineering is a work

methodology emphasizing the parallelization of tasks,
which is sometimes called simultaneous engineering or
integrated product development using an integrated
product team approach.
• It refers to an approach used in product
development in which functions of design engineering,
manufacturing engineering, and other functions are
integrated to reduce the time required to bring a new
product to market.
National Institute of Science & Technology

National Institute of Science & Technology


Challenges associated with concurrent design
National Institute of Science & Technology

• Implementation of early design reviews.

• Dependency on efficient communication
between engineers and teams.
• Software compatibility.
• Opening up the design process.

National Institute of Science & Technology

• Cross-functional teams :
It include people from different area of
the workplace that are all involved in a particular
process, including manufacturing, hardware and
software design, marketing, and so forth.
• Concurrent product realization:
Doing several things at once, such as
designing various subsystems simultaneously, is
critical to reducing design time and is at the heart of
concurrent engineering.

National Institute of Science & Technology

• Integrated project management:

It ensures that someone is responsible for
the entire project, and that responsibility is not abdicated
once one aspect of the work is done.

Why concurrent enginering ?
National Institute of Science & Technology

1. Pace of market change has increased so companies

must keep pace with changing markets
2. Decisions made sooner rather than later.
3. Reduces/eliminates repetition of tasks.
4. Maximizes company profit.
5. Company operates more efficiently.
6. Reduces waste and reworking of design.

National Institute of Science & Technology

• Dawson, R., & Tao, S. (2002, January).

Concurrency: a system design approach to environmental
management and sustainability. Journal of Environmental
Sciences (IOS Press), 14(1), 63. Retrieved January 28, 2009,
from Academic Search Complete database.
• Foster, S. Thomas. Managing Quality: An Integrative
Approach. Upper Saddle River New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
• Izuchukwu, John. “Architecture and Process :The Role of
Integrated Systems in Concurrent Engineering.” Industrial
Management Mar/Apr 1992: p. 19-23.

National Institute of Science & Technology

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