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Learning the
Types of
Speech Context
It was already noted in Unit 1 that many think of
“communication” as public speaking or as a situation
which one Speaker addresses many Listeners. Others
think of it as involving only two people talking to
each other., but communication can involve more
than two people or an audience. It can be a group
discussion on cancer awareness, an organizational
program to save the environment, a radio or TV show
focussed on corruption in government, or it could
even be a showcase of tribal dances from all over the
Philippines. Indeed, communication may be classified
into different types based on the number of
participants in the Process.
Intrapersonal Communication

The first type of Speech Context is INTRAPERSONAL

COMMUNICATION, meaning communicating with
oneself. What does this mean? Intrapersonal
Communication may be seen in situations involving talking
to or writing to oneself, even thinking to oneself.
To clarify further, talking to oneself may mean repeating a
song heard while looking in the mirror, memorizing out loud
a dialogue in a play, or berating oneself in a mutter on the
way to school for forgetting one’s homework. A teenager
may write in a diary or on a private vlog which nobody else
is supposed to read. One also writes on Post-it notes to
remind oneself of things to be done. And, of course, there is
daydreaming =, meditating or mental planning.
Clearly, in Intrapersonal
Communication, the
Speaker and the Listener are
one and the same; YOU. You
send the message to
yourself and yourself receive
the message.

COMMUNICATION, there are several Types of
Speech Context which we are more familiar with,
which involves more than one person. Of course,
it is not just the number of participants that
determine each particular type of communication.
They can be differentiated by its purpose.
Remember? Communication is always intentional.
A. Dyadic Communication

Dyadic Communication involves only two participants forming the

DYAD.One speaker and one Listener come together to exchange
thoughts, ideas, opinions, and informations. The roles of speaker
and the Listener are not fixed, they are interchangeable.
Conversation is informal dyadic communication. Conversation is
the most common, the most frequent, and the most popular of all
dyadic communication. Talking with others is one way people
amuse themselves. Dialogues usually happen during guidance
counseling, consulting with a priest, or hearted- to-heart talks with
a trusted person. One bares heart and soul to go deeper into their
motivations, attitudes, and beliefs, interviews are almost always
highly formal compared to conversations, but not as in depth
dialogue is.

Small Group Communication requires from 3 to 15 people to study

an issue, discuss a problem, and come up with a solution or a plan.
This is not just gathering of people with no goal in mind but to pass
the time. The group has an agenda, a leader, and an outcome to
accomplish. Because everyone can be both Speaker and Listener in
this setting, rules must be followed to facilitate order. Order allows
for a full discussion, which leads to a compromise and the hoped
for result: a solution or a plan. Small groups may be divided into
two according to purpose: Study groups and Task- oriented Groups.
Study groups are meant to look into a problem but not necessarily
come up with a solution. It is the Task-oriented groups that study an
issue such as the perennial traffic problem of Metro Manila or the
pollution of Laguna de Bay to come up with a plan to resolve that
issue. Examples of Small groups are panel discussions, symposia,
roundtables, etc.
C. Public Communication
Public Communication is different from Dyadic or Small group
Communication, in that one Speaker addresses many Listeners,
collectively known as the Audience. There is no interchanging of the
Speaker and Listener roles. Many Public Communication events are
formal. The speech is well prepared, the Speaker is dressed appropriately,
and the Listeners are set to listen to the Message , moreover, there is
usually a stage, a lectern, and a microphone coupled with a sound system
and, sometimes, spotlights, Usually, the programs are formally structured,
with a Master of Ceremonies or MC (emcee), a Welcome Address, an
introduction of the Keynote Speaker, the speech by the Keynote Speaker
or Paper Presenter, and Closing Remarks . The informal version of Public
Communication does not necessarily have a microphone, or sometimes,
just a megaphone. With no sound system at all, the form of Public
Communication happens when gathering is impromptly such as family
reunions and is most often seen during protest, rallies, especially while
participants are moving through the streets.
Mass Communication is any of the above human verbal
interactions carried out with the aid of mass media
technology. Mass media used to mean only radio and
television, which reached more people with the use of their
technical systems. With the advent of the Internet and the
worldwide web, Mass Communication now includes Social
media, which allow for the use of technology, by everyone,
not just journalists, broadcasters, and technical crew Social
media cover videos that go viral on the Internet as well as
webcasts/podcasts which reach millions, more than radio or
TV ever could. In fact, radio and TV have joined Social Media
by putting up their own websites to communicate to a larger
Organizational Communication refers to the interaction
of members along the links of an organizational
structure. There are two variations of Organizational
Communication. Formal Organizational
Commnunication uses the proper channels graphically
illustrated by an organizational chart. Memos,
announcements, and reports are passed along to the
members of the organization following the chain of
command. An example is a memo on salary increase
which is issued by the company president, sent along to
the vice president, then is passed on to the managers,
and finally, handed on to the supervisors before reaching
the employees.
The Informal Version bypassses the links, skips
forward or backwards, or even goes sideways just
to achieve same goal: for example, to pass on a
memo, announcement, or a report. The memo on
salary increase will probably reach the employees
faster than the formal announcement because the
secretary who typed the memo told another
secretary who told the supervisor who shared it
with co-workers. This is not to say that one is
more important than the other, or that one is bad,
the other not. Both types of Organizational
Communication are necessary for the organization
to survive
Intercultural Communication is the exchange of concepts,
traditions, values, and practices between and among people of
different nationalities and ways of life. It goes beyond
showcasing folk dances, local songs, and native delicacies. To
make t he exchange more meaningful, there should be a
deeper understanding and awareness of what makes various
nationalities different and unique, but also similar and
familiar. For example, a roundtable discussion to exchange
views about how we relate with our families can show the
differences and similarities in Korean and Philippine cultures.
A lecture on the Chiniese way of doing business might
enlighten Filipino businessmen. Chatting with a friend from
Abu Dhabi might bring out the difficulties of a Catholic
Filipino migrant worker in a Muslim country.
All communication, whatever the Speech Context, has to
have a Purpose. Each context that one may be engaged in
is according to what best suits the Purpose and how best
to accomplish it, but the Contexts are not mutually
exclusive. Before Public Communication can take place,
the Speaker subjects himself/herself to Intrapersonal
Communication by thinking, writing, and talking to
oneself. Small group Communication happens because of
something that came up in a Dyadic Communication, and
so on. Given the Context and Purpose, Communication
strategies are also based on different types of Speech

Scenarios are going to be

acted in front of the class. Try to
guess what is the type of Speech
Context in each scenario.
Lesson 12:
Learning the
Types of
Speech Styles
Each Speech Context, having a different set of participants
coming together for a specific Purpose, calls for a specific
Communicative strategy. These strategies are also dependent on
the Type of Speech Style that is used in a particular Speech

Like Speech Context, there are several Types of Speech Style for
communicating., The exercises in the previous lessons described
the reasons for communicating and the way in which that
communication was carried out. When talking to another person,
words are carefully chosen and so is the manner those words are

Each Speech Style is as distinct as the Types of Speech Context

and can be paired according to usage. The styles according to
Martin Joos (1959) are the following:
Intimate is a non-public Speech Style that uses private
vocabulary and includes nonverbal messages. It is a style
in which meaning is shared even without “correct
linguistic forms”. This occurs among people who have
known each other for a long time and have shared many
experiences. Because they know each other well, they
can sometimes complete each other’s sentences and
know what the other personis thinking even before they
open their mouths. Even without the correct linguistic
form, people using the Intimate style understand each
Casual is a Speech Style used among friends
and acquaintances that do not require
background information. The use of slang is
common and interruptions occur often.
Casual Style is used when there are no social
barriers to consider.

Consultative is the opposite of the Intimate

style because this style is used precisely
among people who do not share common
experiences or meaning. This does not
preclude disclosure of background information
later in order to become the basis of shared
meaning. Consultative style requires two-way
participation and interruption can occur during
the communication.
D. Formal
• Formal is used only for imparting
information. The Speech is well organized
and correct in grammar and diction.
Technical vocabulary and exact definitions
are important in Formal Style, such as in
presentations. Straightforward and direct,
with no circumlocution, this style does not
allow interruptions.
E. Frozen
• Frozen is a formal style whose quality is
static,ritualistic, and may even be archaic.
Frozen style is exemplified by prayers that
have been recited in the same way for
years, the Pledge of Alliance of Panatang
Makabayan, and the Oath of Office of any
officer, wether of the Student Council or of

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