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What is traffic engineering?

 Traffic Engineering is that branch of civil

engineering which deals with the application of
scientific principles, tools, techniques and findings
for safe rapid convenient economic movement of
people and goods.
 The basic object of traffic engineering is to achieve
efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with least no
of accidents.
Study of traffic engineering
 The study of traffic engineering may be divided into
following sections-
1. Traffic Characteristics
2. Traffic Studies and Analysis
3. Traffic operation-control and regulation
4. Planning and analysis
5. Geometric Design
6. Administration and Management
What is Traffic Study???.....

 Traffic studies may be grouped into three

main categories:

1. Inventories
2. Administrative studies
3. Dynamic studies.
Types & purpose of traffic surveys

Volume study
Speed study
Origin and destination – O & D study
Traffic capacity study
Accident study
Parking study
Traffic volume study
 Traffic volume is defined as the number of
vehicles crossing a section of road per unit time at
any selected period.
 Traffic volume studies are conducted to collect
data on the number of vehicles and/or pedestrians
that pass a point on a highway facility during a
specified time period.
 This time period varies from as little as 15 min to
as much as a year, depending on the anticipated
use of the data.
To determine of vehicle composition in traffic
To determine the service flow rate in PCU/PCE
To estimate of ADT based on expansion factor.
To determine the directional distribution(DD).

To draw flow fluctuation curves

Effectiveness of a traffic control

To check existing, operating service

condition of a roadway section

Planning traffic operation and control of

existing facility

To design intersection, signal timings,


Structural design of pavements, geometric

design and road way capacity
Volume Study
Traffic volume studies are usually conducted when
certain volume characteristics are needed, some of
which follow:

 Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)

 Average Daily Traffic (ADT)
 Peak Hour Volume (PHV)
 Vehicle Classification (VC)
 Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT)
Contact system
Automatic based
Method Contactless
system based
Traffic volume
Direct Method
indirect Method
Manual Counting Method: Direct method
Data is counted by using hand tally and manual
 Advantages: By this method traffic volume as well as
vehicle classification and turning proportions can be
obtained. Data can be used immediately after collection.
 Disadvantages: This method is not practicable for long
duration count and when flow is high. Error is common
especially when volume is high. Count cannot be cross
checked. Count cannot be done in bad weather.
Mechanical Counting Boards

Mechanical count boards

consist of counters mounted
on a board that record each
direction of travel. Common
counts include pedestrian,
bicycle, vehicle
classification, and traffic
volume counts.
Electronic Counting Boards

Electronic counting boards

are battery-operated,
lighter, more compact, and
easier to handle. They have
an internal clock that
automatically separates the
data by time interval.
Instruments used in Direct method

Hand Counter Instrument to

Measure Distance
Manual Counting Method: Indirect Method
In this method, data is collected using video camera. Video is
captured for long time and data is collected later by rewinding.
 Advantages: Besides traffic volume, several traffic
parameters can be obtained from recorded film. Data can be
cross checked and quality can be ensured. This method is
applicable when volume is high. It is suitable for non-lane
based traffic operation.
 Disadvantages: A suitable elevated place is required for
filming operation. Data cannot be used immediately after
Manual Counting Method: Indirect Method

Video cameras are

mounted to
record the traffic
condition on a
Automatic counting method:
In this method, vehicles are counted automatically
without any human involvement.

 Contactsystem based (pneumatic, mechanical,

magnetic or piezoelectric method)
 Contactless system based (electrical/optical,
ultrasound/infrared radar, micro wave, CCTV/video
image processing method etc.)
 Advantages:
This method is suitable for long duration or
continuous count. Count is not affected by bad
weather condition.
 Disadvantages:
It requires strict lane discipline. Non motorized
vehicles are hard to detect
Equipment used for Automatic counting
method: Contact system

Pneumatic Road Motion sensors

Tube Counter
Equipment used for Automatic counting
method: Contactless system

Vehicle numbers are recorder using ultrasound, light

beam or other infrared technology.
Traffic volume data can be presented in any of the

1) Average annual Daily traffic :

ADT: Average daily traffic is the volume of traffic
counted on the roadway(two way) over a given
time period (greater than one day but less than one
year) divided by the number of days in that time
AADT: Average annual daily traffic is obtained by
adding daily traffic counts over one year divided
by 365 days.
2)Variations Charts:
These help in deciding the facilities and regulations
needed during peak traffic regulations.
3)Traffic flow maps-These help to find the traffic volume
distribution at a glance.
Volume flow diagram-These data are needed for
intersection design.
4)Thirtieth highest hourly volume:
It is found from the plot between hourly volume and the
no of hours in an year that the traffic volume is exceeded.
Speed study
 Speed studies are necessary because the actual
speed of vehicles over a particular may vary
depending on various factors such as geometric
features, traffic conditions, time, place,
environment and driver.
 Speed studies un be studied under following
 Spotspeed: This is the instantaneous speed of
vehicle at a specified section or location.
 Average speed: Average speed is the average of
the spot speeds of all the vehicles passing a given
point on the roadways
 Running speed: It is the average speed
maintained by a vehicles over a particular stretch
of road , while the vehicle is in motion
 Travelspeed(overall speed): it is the effective
speed with which a vehicle traverse a particular
route between two stations.
Travel speed =
Measurement of spot speed

By measuring time Radar speed Photographic

Required to travel meter method
known distance

Long base method Short base

1)Direct timing procedure
3)Pressure contact tubes
 Parking is one of the major problems that is
created by the increasing road traffic. It is an
impact of transport development.
 The availability of less space in urban areas has
increased the demand for parking space
especially in areas like Central business district.
This affects the mode choice also.
 This has a great economical impact.
Effect of parking

 Congestion
 Accidents
 Obstruction to fire fighting
 Effect on environment
General Terms of Parking Facilities

1. Parking Accumulation :-The total number of

vehicles parked in an area at a specified moment.
2. Parking volume:-The number of vehicles parked in
a particular area over a given period of time. It is
usually measured in vehicles per day.
3. Parking load:-The area under the parking
accumulation curve during a specified period.
4 Parking duration:-The length of time spent in a
parking space.
5 Parking index:-Percentage of parking bays
actually occupied by parked vehicles as compared
to the theoretical number available.
6 Parking turn over:-Rate of the usage of the
available parking space. Thus if there were 10
parking spaces used by 100 vehicles in a period of
say 12 hours then the parking turnover would be
Parking system

 On street parking
On street parking means the vehicles are parked on
the sides of the street itself. This will be usually
controlled by government agencies itself.
 Off-street parking
Parking bay like at the mall
On – street or Kerb Parking
1. Parallel Parking

2. 30 degree parking

3. 45 degree parking

4. 60 degree Parking

5. 90 degree Parking
Parallel Parking
30 degree parking
45 degree parking
60 degree Parking
90 degree Parking
Off-street Parking
Off-street Parking

1.Surface car parks

2.Multistoried car parks

3.Roof parks

4.Mechanical parks

5.Underground car parks

Surface car parks
Multistoried car parks
Roof parks
Mechanical parks
Underground car parks
Peripheral Parking Schemes

1. Park and walk

Under this scheme the motorists are
included to park at the outskirts of the town and
walk down to the town.
2. Park and ride
This scheme provide for peripheral parking
facilities and public transport side to the
destinations in the town.
Parking studies
 Inventory of existing parking space supply and measure current
levels of space usage (accumulation and space turn over).
 Identify salient parking characteristics (duration, purpose, trip
destination and walking distances to destination).
 Qualify demands and needs.
 Estimate facility capital and operating costs, usage and
Types of Parking Surveys

 Parking Space in inventory

 Parking Usage Survey by Patrol

 Questionnaire Type Parking Usage Survey

 Cordon Count
Comprehensive Parking Studies
 Location where parked

 Trip purpose and frequency

 Primary trip destination

 Length of time parked

 Parking fees paid and

 Distance walked from primary space to primary destination

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