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Submitted By: Submitted to:

Ankit Kumar Sharma Mr. Vikram Khandelwal

Section: C Ms. Megha Gupta
CS Department
 What is Python…?
 History
 What we can do with python
 Scope of Python
 Keypoints of python
 Tkinter
 Database connectivity
 Python is a general purpose programming language
that is often applied in scripting language.
 So Python is programming language as well as
scripting language.
 Python is also called as interpreted language.
 Invented in the Netherlanads, early 90s by Guido Van
 Guido Van Rossum is fan os “monty python’s flying
circus “ this is a famous TV show in Netherlanads
Named after monty python
 Open source from the beginning
 In February 1991, van Rossum published the code
(labeled version 0.9.0) to alt.sources.
 In 1994, Python 1.0 was released with new features
like: lambda, map, filter, and reduce.
 Current version is python- 3.7
 System programming
 GUI programming
 Internet Scripting
 Component integration
 Database programming
 Gamming ,Image ,Robat and more
 Science
 System Administration

-web logic
-web sphere
 Web Application devlopment

Testing scripts
 No concept of { }
 ; is not required after statement
 Command for run the program
 No array in pure python
 Class and Methods are optional
 Python is case sensitive language
 No datatype declaretion is required in python
1. Integer
2. Strings
3. Floating point
4. List [ ]
5. Tuple ( )
6. Dictionary { }
7. Sets { }
 offers multiple options for developing GUI

 Frist import tkinter

m=tkinter.Tk() where m is the name of the main window object

1. Button
2. Scale
3. CheckButton
4. Entry
5. Scrollbar:
6. Label
7. Listbox
8. MenuButton
9. Menu
10. RadioButton
 Database management

 Networking based

 Etc

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