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 Article X, provides:
 Sec. 15. There shall be created autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and in the Cordilleras
consisting of provinces, cities, municipalities, and geographical areas sharing common and
distinctive historical and cultural heritage, economic and social structures, and other relevant
characteristics within the framework of this Constitution and the national sovereignty as well
as territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines.
 SEC. 16. The President shall exercise general supervision over autonomous regions to ensure
that laws are faithfully executed.
 Sec. 17. All powers, functions, and responsibilities not granted Constitution or by law to the
autonomous regions shall be vested in the National Government.
 Sec. 18. The Congress shall enact an organic act for each autonomous region with the
assistance and participation of the regional consultative commission composed of
representatives appointed by the President from a list of nominees from multi-sectoral bodies.
The organic act shall define the basic structure of government for the region consisting of the
executive department and legislative assembly, both of which shall be elective and
representative of the constituent political units. The organic acts shall likewise provide for
special courts with personal, family and property law jurisdiction consistent with the provisions
of this Constitution and national laws.

 Representative form of Government; Sovereign power resides in the people

and is exercised by them and/or the officers elected as representatives.
 Government of the people, by the people, for the people – AL 2nd IA
 “… and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence
and DEMOCRACY under the rule of law….” (Preamble)
 Article II, Section 1. – The Philippines is a democratic and republican State.
Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates
from them.

 Section 3. Purposes:
 Administer the affairs of government in the region.
 Accelerate the economic and social growth and development of the units of
the region.
 Prepare for the Establishment of the Autonomous Region in the Cordilleras.
 Section 20, Art X, 1987 Consti
 Within its territorial jurisdiction and subject to the provisions of this
Constitution and national laws, the organic act of Autonomous Regions shall
provide for legislative powers over:
1. Administrative Organization;
2. Creation of sources of revenues;
3. Ancestral domain and natural resources;
4. Personal, family and property relations;
5. Regional urban and planning development;
6. Economic, social and tourism development;
7. Educational policies;
8. Preservation and development of the cultural heritage; and
9. Such other matters as may be authorized by law for the promotion of the
general welfare of the people of the region.
Federated Region of the Cordilleras –
Bayanihan Draft Constitution
 Section 30. The Structure of the Cordillera Regional Government shall be as
1. The executive power shall be vested in the Regional Governor who shall be elected
at large by direct vote of the registered voters in the Cordilleras.
2. The legislative powers shall be vested in the Regional Assembly, without prejudice
to the people of the Cordilleras directly exercising legislative power pursuant to
the provisions of initiative and referendum. The Deputy Regional Governor shall be
elected at large by direct vote of the registered voters in the Cordilleras and shall
be the Presiding Officer of the Regional Assembly
3. Each province and city shall elect by direct vote of the registered voters in the
constituents unit their representatives to the RA. Every chartered city in the
Federated Regions is entitled to one (1) representative. Every province shall be
entitled to two (2) representatives. In case there are two (2) legislative districts in
the province, each district shall be entitled to one (1) representative (NB.
Determination of LDs shall be vested in the RA as per ARC LGC)
HB 5343
Pending SC Decision on the BOL
 Adoption of a Parliamentary Type of Regional Government
 The Regional Governor may be elected from the Legislative Assembly
Members. Cabinet members can be appointed by the RG from the RLA.

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