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Raymond Drat discovered the first Australopithecus at Taung, Africa
in 1924. It was he who gave it the generic name, meaning
“southern ape”.
Homo habilis
• the earliest known species
in the human lineage
• named in 1964 by Richard
Leakey, term “habilis”
refers to “being handy”
• Involved hunting, possessing intelligence, thus, a
larger brain would have been beneficial
• A larger brain would have allowed for better tool-
making skills, language, and cooperation with
other members of the species
• Males travel large distance seeking food to
nourish their family
• Female would stay at the home-based and rear
• The first human family unit formed, together with
the couple-bond and a strong association
between mothers and infants
• The most notable specimen is nearly complete
skeleton of a young boy found near Lake
Turkana, known as “Nariokotome boy”.
• Used tools of the Acheulean tools such as hand-
axe, hammer stones and cleavers
• Thought to be the first migratory Homo species
• Individuals possessed a broad nose and face, large
cranial volume
• Hunted large game animals, supported by cut marks
found on wild deer, elephants, rhino and horses
• Have dated from 23,000-29,000 years
• Characterized by robust bodies, projected
noses, prominent browridges, large round
fingertips and large knee-caps
• Possedstone tools called “Mousterian tool”
• Evidences of ceremonial burials where
graves contains bison and auroch bones,
flowers and tools alongside the bodies
• May defined as “the full range of learned
human behavior patterns”
• Behavior patterns include things such as art,
literature, music, customs and religion
• One of the most-interesting aspects of culture
is Religion, which is a system of beliefs that
individuals use to give their lives meaning
• Include afterlife, supernatural beings,
reincarnation and ceremonial burials as well
other ceremonies

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